S., I. B141.
S., J. F272, L34, R371. (binding) C940.
S., M. A447.
S., N. (binding) S499.
S., P.S. (1735) B1487.
S., S. A537, B1001, H435, H657, H804, N103, T144.
S., T. (1770) B826.
S., W. V185.
Sacheverell, Henry B823.
Sadleir, Francis W305.
Sagittarius, Andreas, the elder (1617) Z26.
St A. d, Rene(?) P12.
St John's College, Oxford (1600) B1099.
St Maur, Benedictine Congregation of A253.
St Omer, Abbey of St. Bertin A509.
`St Thomas de Munti Infirmorum' B377.
Sammes, Richard F50.
Sanderson, Nan S386.
Sanderson, Robert (1569) B486.
Sandes, Richard W197.
Sandford, William (bookplate) G198.
Sands, Mrs (donor, 1879) J156, W452.
Sandys, Charles (bookplate) D324, H661.
Sapienza, Joannes Baptista Orlandi B459.
Saravia, Adrian, Canon of Canterbury (d.1596) S140.
Sarton, William, the younger H285.
Sastres, F. G337.
Saunders, Anne O134.
Saunders, Margarett S817.
Saunders, Mr(?) G170.
Savage, John (1699) B650.
Sawkins, Jos. (1753) P492.
Sawrer, Margery P636.
Sawyer, E. (1756) N160.
Saye(?), Maria S318.
Sayer, Elizabeth (1771) H879.
Sayiois, William L22.
Sbarra, Pultius S546.
Schaaf, Carolus (1686) H460.
Schilling, M. Tymperli V176.
Schinckely, H. E596.
Schlesinger, Helen M. C515.
Schneider, Johann Jacobus (1708) C399.
Schomberg, A.C. P293.
Schroder, B. C790.
Schrödter, Gustav C790.
Schuparti, I.G. (bookplate) S555.
Schwarzach, Franconia, Benedictine monastery (1753) G545.
Scipianus, Carolus Antonius O126.
Scott, Rev. Dr (1816) R344, V28.
Scott, A.J. (1827) B1018, J41.
Scott Robertson, Mrs (donor, 1911) A531, B1134, C915, E478, G314, G314, H881, L33, R115, S110, S797, S1026, W197, W433.
Scott Robertson, William Archibald (bookplate) A531, R115, S1026.
Scotus, Carolus R19.
Scranton, Thomas B438.
Scrimshaw, Richard (1686) C471.
Scudamore, Edward (donor) B531. (1833) S1135. (1840) B1087, W469. (1841) B1662, C479, C752, F250, (1844) B1448, E152. (1850) P472. P513.
Scullard, J. P461.
Searle, Ann L33.
Searle, M.A. (bookplate) C530.
Seaton, A. C499.
Selby, F.J. (1878) L216.
Selwyn, Cong. (1804) E515.
Selwyn, William (1823) E515.
Sennerhurst(?), Thomas G549.
Sens, Monastery of St. Peter (1713) C972.
Sens, `Seminarium Senonense' E577.
Severn, Jane (1772) C492.
Sevi, Matthias M649.
Sevin, Theodoricus E573.
Seyliard, Richard M226.
Seymour, Maria (bookplate) W431.
Seymour, W. V30.
Shadwel (?) S671.
Sharp, Anna Marion H667.
Sharp, Granville (d.1813) B899.
Sharpe(?), Katharine F66.
Sharpe, Alexander C1139.
Sharpe, Charles K. F418.
Shaw, John S508.
Shelding, John(?) M411.
Sheldwich, St James's Church, Kent C319.
Shelrocke, George C483.
Shelton, H. I12.
Shepheard, Charles C1139.
Shepheard, Jane C1139.
Shepheard, Robert C1139.
Shepherd, J. (1785) G314.
Shepherd, Samuel C71.
Sheppard, Louisa (donor, 1882) A240, A538.
Sherard, Robert, Hon. C274.
Shereli, Johann E596.
Shergol, John (1755) B823.
Sherington, Anne C83.
Sherwood, Elizabeth (1687) H710.
Shimble(?), Jo. P655.
Shipden, James L34.
Shipperley, Sir J. (1813) L23.
Shippery, William (armorial bookplate) C462.
Shirley, C.(?) (1868?) F341.
Shirley, T.H. B637, B711, B822, C467, S760.
Short, Thomas Vowler (1829) R416.
Shotton, Jos. G241.
Shuckford, Samuel, Canon of Canterbury (d.1754) S510.
Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph S539.
Simpson, Anne B747.
Simpson, George Stringer (1839) B611.
Simpson, Hilton (donor, 1930) B611.
Simpson, Leonard Francis (bookplate) T310.
Sinclair, Charles L566.
Sinnowitz, J.I. Skz M654.
Skeete, Thomas S589.
Skinner, Edward L698.
Skinner, Stephen V166.
Skipwith, Francis C261.
Skynner S653.
Skynner, Mary C192.
Skynner, Sarah (1785) B548.
Slater, Thomas Pitfield (d.1783) M472.
Slatter, P.G. L234.
Slingstre, J.J. S734.
Sloan Library B473, B478.
Smallwell, John A9.
Smalridge, Rev. Dr F44, H753.
Smarting, Marke A48.
Smedley, Jonathan W57.
Smeritt, Lizzie (1893) C324.
Smiles, M.(?) S130.
Smirke, Robert R484.
Smith(?) (bookplate) L596.
Smith, E. G104.
Smith, Edward D407, K52.
Smith, Fr. G113.
Smith, John R20, W309. (1661) B507. (1673) B1403.
Smith, Joseph (bookplate) B105.
Smith, Joseph Pope (1778) A108.
Smith, Mary B471. (1852) F99.
Smith, R[icar]dus S132.
Smith, Richard, Jesus College, Cambridge D393, F117, J126, O152.
Smith, Robert B507.
Smith, S. (1782) N217.
Smith, Samuel N47, S96.
Smith, Sir William Cusack S656.
Smith, Thomas A185, W461.
Smith family (165972) B471.
Smyles, John (1704) P348.
Smyth, D. (donor, 1942) C530.
Smyth, R. C244.
Smythe, Clement Taylor D166.
Smythe, John H639.
Smythe, Sebastian (1709) F259.
Snow, J. C466.
Snowe, Richard (1742) C785.
Snyrfer, Johannes S460.
Soame, S. C1055.
Soames, H. W260.
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge B610.
Soiget, J.(?) S130.
Solfor, John(?) B466.
Somerset, George Bernard S459.
Somerville, Mrs P.P. (donor, 1922) B1536.
Somner, Henry H611. (1614) B1096.
Somner, William (d.1669) A275, B271, B923, B1377, B1406, C21, C154, C173, C212, C386, C1144, D231, D375, D408, D435, D453, D459, D510, E8, E144, F176, F407, G12, G352, G535, H43, H57, J94, L18, L19, L289, L433, L483, L551, M113, M119, M327, M362, M452, M461, M507, N10, N172, O13, O67, O93, P348, P478, P733, P739, R453, S129, S187, S700, S788, S847, S1179, S1186, T27, T186, T442, V39, V84, V223, W142, W152, W197, W347, W373, W553. (1633) P57. (1634) C1186. (1641) C8, C109. (1643) B920, C204. (1644) B264, C1177, D83, E143, H848. (1645) B393. (1646) C302, J182, J183, S166, V229, W330. (1647) C863. (1648) C267. (1649) A255, K86, R216, S140, W380. (1651) H92. (1652) F232. (1653) G207. (1655) D480. (1657) C1142. (1658) C1225. (1662) F292. (1663) C215.
Somner, William (d.1749/50) B832.
Soranza, J.? (1734) P737.
Soranzan, Liaco (1740) B1526.
Southgate, Josh. (1750) R72.
Southwell, Richard (1737) C486.
Southwood, Edward W368.
Southworth, John (1635) B486.
Sp—-, Thomas B826.
Sparke, Thomas de P280.
Speake, Robert (1658) H260.
Spence, Joseph S795.
Sperling, Mary Y11.
Spinner, George (1841) J197.
Spizer, H.R. B255.
Sporincks, Henry S1131.
Springett, Robert, 1851 B443.
Springett, William Douglas (bookplate, 1926) B443, B639, P619, T314, U17.
Sprules, John M535.
Spry, B. (1764) B847.
Spry, J.H. (1796) B847.
St–, M.H. (1683) E19.
Stables, R W320.
Stafordus (?) C453.
Standen, Aubrey Owen, Canon of Canterbury (donor) C146, C184, C312, D166, M123, P197, Y8.
Standen, I. Edward (1920) Q3.
Stane, William (1712) F405.
Stanhope, George, Dean of Canterbury (d.1728) (1724) A521.
Stanlay, John C1142.
Stanle, Mary T213.
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Canon of Canterbury 1851-8 T200.
Stanley, E. (1798) A124.
Stanley, Edward (1801) C1019.
Stanley, John C94, G76, H80.
Stannard, Philip A26.
Staples, Edmond S46.
Stapylton, M. G501.
Starkey, William B821.
Staverley, Augustus van P175.
Stede, Robert B886.
Stedman, John C506.
Steere, J. C412.
Steevens, G. (stamp) B826.
Steevens, John (1637) B924.
Steevens, Thomas (1684) B1584.
Steinkopf, Ferdinand (bookseller) V176.
Stephens, A.J. H542.
Stephens, Samuel (1659) C1139.
Stephens, Thomas E58.
Sterline, Eliza (17th century) C269.
Sterry, N. (1656/7) S301.
Stevens, Robert T101.
Stevenson, James B483.
Stewart, Isibilla (1823) B1092.
Stewart, Robert Buchanan (bookplate) K136.
Stockett, Thomas T213.
Stokes, Clarke S365.
Stokes, George (bookplate) H352.
Stokes, J. M394.
Stole, Phil. (1699?) M437.
Stoly, Frances C503.
Stoneham, Gerald (donor, 1978) B505.
Stonyngtonne (?) B474.
Strachey, Joshua B1003.
Stratton, Joshua (donor, 1841) B607.
Stratton, Thomas J68.
Streatfeild, Thomas D424.
Street, William Henry (180?) B610.
Street family B610.
Stretch, T.C.B. (1836) B637, B711, B822, C467, S760.
Stringer, George B611.
Strode, Samuel (bookplate) H293.
Strong, Thomas B893.
Strong, Thomas L. (bookplate) W175.
Stubby, Dorothy L579.
Stubs, Philip S1079.
Stukeley, William (1748) F378.
Sturges, John (bookplate) C64.
Sturges, John Stow C899.
Sturry Parish Church, Kent F318.
Suajer, Amadeus (bookplate) C900.
Suesne, R.D. H475.
Sugg, Thomas P717.
Sulle, Jo. V23.
Sullings, Thomas H. (1948) S837.
Sullivan, John (1817) D203.
Sumpner, John (1666) B505.
Sumpner, Richard (1646) B505.
Surrige family B512.
Sussex, Augustus Frederick, Duke of (d.1843) (bookplate) B638, L520, S1176.
Sutherland, Alexander J. (1832) S750.
Swabey, Maurice (bookplate) M43, M44, S974.
Swaffeild, J. U35.
Swain, Thomas C464.
Swaine family B714, B519.
Swanston (?) (1869) A85.
Swete, H.B. (bookplate, 1890) C472, L491, P698, R371, W6, W40.
Swift, Thomas (1699) M675.
Swinaen, Inigo van (bookplate) B940.
Swinburne, John (1658) E166.
Sydney, Philip, Earl of Leicester (d.1705) (bookplate, 1704) B93.
Syer, John M334, P250, R187.
Symonds, Richard V192.
Symonds, Thomas M200.
Sympsun, Ralph (bookplate) S85.
Symson, N. L88.
Synnot, Richard Walter (1841) B459.