{{ :cerl_greetings_cards:cerl_new_year_card_2024_v2.jpg?750 |}} Each year, CERL asks the next host of the Annual General Meeting to share an item from their collections on the CERL New Year Card. In the 2025, the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, will host the Annual General Meeting. For the CERL Card they have provided us with a beautiful, hand-coloured woodcut of the Zodiac. It comes from the Astronomicum Caesareum by Peter Apianus, printed in Ingoldstadt in Germany in 1540. The full bibliographical info is [[https://search.nls.uk/permalink/f/sbbkgr/44NLS_ALMA21463431580004341|here]]. Our new member of the Executive Committee, Robert Betteridge, wrote an article about it in the NLS's recent Library publication, which you can download [[https://media.nls.uk/resources/yru24-jztsg-ov2te-gefpt-1fb7v|here]].