====== Aldo al Lettore: Invito in Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana alla scoperta del mondo di Manuzio ====== **29 January-25 November 2015**, Sale Monumentali, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Piazzetta San Marco 13/a, Venice, 30124) Organized by Tiziana Plebani The Marciana Library is glad to offer a **series of seminars, events and workshops** celebrating the fifth centenary of Aldus's death. The programme will drive participants through the fascinating world of **early printed books and printing**, approaching Aldo and his fellow publishers, printers, businessmen and pedllers as well as Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Roman and Italic fonts. **Free admission** to seminars and events. **Booking** at didattica@marciana.venezia.sbn.it is required for workshops. The **full programme** is available in {{:collaboration:manutius_network_2015:programma_marciana.pdf|PDF}} and at http://marciana.venezia.sbn.it/eventi/aldo-al-lettore-invito-biblioteca-nazionale-marciana-alla-scoperta-del-mondo-di-manuzio [[:collaboration/manutius_network_2015/main|Back to home page]]