====== Provenance Working Group ====== ===== Remit ===== Group members are individually involved in projects relating to the production of, and access to, records with provenance information, and their integration. The Working Group members * advise on the interlinking of provenance information in a variety of CERL databases * further develop and enrich the Provenance Digital Archive * encourage those working with provenance information to use the Provenance Digital Archive * support a network of scholars and librarians working with of provenance information in order to share information on the latest developments in provenance research Further information on the Provenance Digital Archive and other online resources with provenance information is available [[https://www.cerl.org/resources/provenance/main|here]]. ==== Newsletter ==== The Provenance publishes an annual newsletter:\\ {{ :collaboration:work:provenance:cerl_no_01_february_2025.pdf |CERL Provenance Newsletter no. 1}} (February 2025) ==== Seminars ==== The Provenance Working Group organise regular online seminars:\\ Provenance in Book History III [[https://www.cerl.org/collaboration/work/provenance/programme20241010|recordings and slides]].\\ Provenance in Book History II [[https://www.cerl.org/collaboration/work/provenance/programme20220530|recordings and slides]].\\ Provenance in Book history I [[https://www.cerl.org/collaboration/work/provenance/programme20210930|recordings and slides]]. {{:collaboration:work:provenance:pwg_iii.png?600|}} ===== Members ===== * Chair: [[agnieszka.franczyk-cegla@ossolineum.pl|Agnieszka Franczyk-Cegła]], Ossolineum, Wrocław * CERL Honorary Fellow and CERL Provenance Digital Archive: [[mariekevdelft@outlook.com|Marieke van Delft]] (retired from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, mid-March 2021) * [[c.dondi@cerl.org|Cristina Dondi]], CERL Secretary * [[andriopoulou@laskaridisfoundation.org|Vera Andriopoulou]], Head of the Historical Library, Curator of Old and Rare material, Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Athens * [[jean-marc.chatelain@bnf.fr|Jean-Marc Chatelain]], Bibliothèque nationale de France * [[r.espley@vam.ac.uk|Richard Espley]], National Art Library, part of the Victoria and Albert Museum * [[francesca.galligan@bodleian.ox.ac.uk|Francesca Galligan]], Bodleian Library, Oxford * [[william.hale@chch.ox.ac.uk|Will Hale]], Christ Church, Oxford * [[anhansen@tcd.ie|Ann-Marie Hansen]], Library of Trinity College, Dublin * [[monique.hulvey@bm-lyon.fr|Monique Hulvey]], Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon * [[wojciech.kordyzon@uw.edu.pl|Dr Wojciech Kordyzon]], Warsaw University * [[jjlancaster@me.com|John Lancaster]], CERL Honorary Fellow and MEI Editor for a number of American Libraries * [[marian.lefferts@cerl.org|Marian Lefferts]], CERL Executive Manager * [[martyna.osuch@uw.edu.pl|Martyna Osuch]], Warsaw University Library * [[alessandra.panzanelli@gmail.com|Alessandra Panzanelli]], University of Turin, Piedmont * [[biblio.antico@ofmtoscana.org|Chiara Razzolini]], Regione Toscana, Florence * [[michaela.scheibe@sbb.spk-berlin.de|Michaela Scheibe]], Staatsbibliothek, Berlin * [[edward.simonds@churchofengland.org|Ted Simonds]], Lambeth Palace Library, London * [[richard_sipek@nm.cz|Richard Šípek]], Head of the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books of the National Museum in Prague * [[davidshaw61@googlemail.com|David Shaw]], former CERL Secretary * [[m.venier55@gmail.com|Marina Venier]], Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome (retired) * [[federica.viazzi@gmail.com|Federica Viazzi]], Azienda Ospedaliera Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo, Alessandria * [[sarah.wheale@bodleian.ox.ac.uk|Sarah Wheale]], Bodleian Library, Oxford * Non-CERL: [[fabiano.cataldo@ufba.br|Fabiano Cataldo de Azevedo]], Federal University of Bahia. Brazil == Members only == Members please click [[intern:work:provenance:main|here]] for details of meetings, documents, etc.