====== 120 Coded Data Field: Gender (O;NR) ======
==== Field Definition and Scope ====
This field indicates the gender of a person in coded form.
==== Application of Content Designators ====
=== Indicators ===
both indicator positions are undefined and therefore left blank.
=== Subfields ===
** $a Gender Code **
A one-character code that indicates the gender of the person described. The following codes may be used:
|x|not applicable|
==== Input Conventions ====
Instead of using code ''x'' it is recommended to skip this field altogether.
==== Mapping ====
For the creation of an RDF description, the following mapping is applied:
|$a|rdaGr2:gender|only for code values ''a'', ''b'' and ''u''|
* rdaGr2 represents the namespace "http://rdvocab.info/ElementsGr2"
* The RDA ontologies are registerd with the open metadata registry ([[http://metadataregistry.org/schema/show/id/15.html]])
* The vocabulary used is the RDA Gender list ([[http://metadataregistry.org/concept/list/vocabulary_id/101.html]])
** Mapping Example **
==== Examples ====
- 120 ##$ab
==== Internal Representation ====
{"data": {"gender": "Coded gender information ($a)"}}
==== Change History ====
* //18.07.2017//: Subfield $6 will no longer be supported, once the CT has been migrated into its new environment.