====== 123 Coded Data Field: Latitude and Longitude (O;NR) ======
==== Field Definition and Scope ====
This field contains the geographic co-ordinates of the place described in the given record. It may occur only in records for place names.
In accordance with Unimarc Authorities, the format provides for referencing a rectangular shape, which , however is (currently) not supported in the CERL Thesaurus. A place is referenced by a single point.
==== Application of Content Designators ====
=== Indicators ===
both indicator positions are undefinded and therfore left blank
=== Subfields ===
** $d Westernmost Longitude (NR)**\\
The longitude of the western boundary of the rectangle circumscribing the described place
** $e Easternmost Longitude (NR)**\\
The longitude of the eastern boundary of the rectangle circumscribing the described place
** $f Northernmost Latitude (NR)**\\
The latitude of the northern boundary of the rectangle circumscribing the described place
** $g Southernomst Latitude (NR)**\\
The latitude of the southern boundary of the rectangle circumscribing the described place
Each subfield is fixed at **8 characters** and contains the following data:
^Character Position^Definition^Content^
|0|A one-character code indicating the Hemisphere|w = west \\ e = east \\ n = north \\ s = south|
|1-3|Degree|3 numeric characters, right justified and zerofilled|
|4-5|Minute|2 numeric characters, right justified and zerofilled|
|6-7|Second|2 numeric characters, right justified and zerofilled|
==== Input Conventions ====
The co-ordinates for a place are given as a centre point. However, in compliance with the Unimarc Authorities format, a distinction between the westernmost and easternmost longitude and northernmost and southernmost latitude is made when a record is rendered in the CT Internal Format. For editing it is sufficient to fill in subfields $d (longitude) and $f (latitude). Once a record is saved, subfields $e and $g, repeating the values given in $d and $f are added automatically.
The order of subfields within this field doesn't matter. It might be most convenient to enter coordinates this way: \\ ''123 ##$fn0513202$de0095608''.
==== Mapping ====
To create an RDF description, the following mapping is applied
* wgs84_pos represents the namesapce "http://www.w3.org/2003/02/geo/wgs84_pos#"
* the numerical values of the co-ordinates are represented as decimal fractions
* the vocabulary used is Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary [[http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/]]
**Mapping Example**
==== Example ====
123 ##$de0095625$ee0095625$fn0513143$gn0513143
215 #1$aGöttingen$cDE$5GYMG
==== Internal Representation =====
{"data": {"location": {"point": {
"long": "Longitude ($d)",
"lat": "Latitude ($f)"