=== Get in touch with ISTC === We welcome user input to improve the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue. Please leave your question or comments about specific ISTC records below. For general enquiries please send an email to [[incunabula@bl.uk]] .
Action mail incunabula@bl.uk convert@gbv.de usemailtemplate resources:istc:mailtemplate subject "New contribution to ISTC submitted" Thanks "Thank you for getting in touch with the ISTC. We aim to reply within 5 working days." Fieldset "Personal information" Textbox "Name" email Email textbox "Library/institution (optional)" ! fieldset "ISTC ID" textbox "ISTC ID" /^i[a-z]\d{8}$/ "**Please use a valid ISTC ID" yesno "Do you want to add another ISTC ID?" fieldset "Additional ISTC IDs" "Do you want to add another ISTC ID?" textbox "ISTC ID " /^i[a-z]\d{8}$/ "**Please use a valid ISTC ID" ! textbox "ISTC ID " /^i[a-z]\d{8}$/ "**Please use a valid ISTC ID" ! fieldset "Your improvements for ISTC" textarea "Your question or comment (max. 100 words):" /(?:.|\n){30}(?:.|\n)*/ "**Please provide a comment or question" fieldset "" submit "Send"