In aedibus "Cini": l'arte tipografica a Venezia ai tempi di Aldo Manuzio

21 October-29 November 2015, Biblioteca del Longhena, Fondazione Cini (Isola di S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice)

To mark the ­ fifth centenary of the death of the “prince of printers”, Aldus Manutius, some 15th- and 16th-century works from the Fondazione Giorgio Cini Antique Books Collection are on display on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice. The exhibition itinerary illustrates the birth, development and success of the art of printing in Renaissance Venice. It features examples of italics character and typeset Greek editions, works of Poliziano and the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, illustrated with refi­ned and at times extravagant woodcuts. In addition to the strictly typographical aspects of the Aldine Press, the exhibition also explores the prolifi­c close network of relations that Aldus established with the leading players on a cultural scene that he himself had contributed to generating.

Opening Times: Monday-Frdiay 10am-17pm; Saturdays and Sundays only through guided tour by Fondazione Giorgio Cini.

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