22 September-31 December 2015, National Library of Portugal, Sala de Referência (Campo Grande 83, 1749-081 Lisboa)
Organised by João Alves Dias
Marking the celebration for Aldus's death, the man who managed to transform typography into an art, the National Library of Portugal and the Universidade Nova of Lisbon through the Centro de Estudos Históricos (CEH) and the Centro de História d’Aquém e d’Além-Mar (CHAM) joined their forces to set up a display of Aldine editions and spread the knowledge of this great humanist printer through a dedicated seminar.
Free admission
Further information at http://www.bnportugal.pt/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1068:mostra--aldo-manuzio-ca-1450-1515-o-inventor-do-italico--22-set-31-dez&catid=165:2015&Itemid=1088&lang=en