Aldo Manuzio e il libro del Rinascimento tra produzione e collezionismo: Summer School 2015

31 August-3 September 2015, Residence Il Convento (Via Passeggio Garibaldi 52, 53049 Torrita di Siena)

CRELEB (Centro di Ricerca Europeo Libro Editoria Biblioteca) of the Catholic University of Milan, in collaboration with the Società Bibliografica Toscana, the Torrita Cultura Foundation and the Torrita di Siena city, organizes a Summer School dedicated to Aldus Manutius in order to mark the 500th anniversary of the his death. The course aims to promote the knowledge of early printed book and the history of book collecting. Although it is intended mainly for librarians and scholars of early printed books, there are special offers for university students.

The online registration form is available at:

Click here for the Pdf programme

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