

CERL is involved in the CENDARI project. Collaborative EuropeaN Digital/Archival Infrastructure (CENDARI) is a four-year project which began in February 2012. Coordinated by Trinity College Dublin, it is funded under the FP7 programme of the European Commission.

CENDARI seeks to integrate digital archives and resources for research on medieval and modern European history. Through the development of a so-called ‘enquiry environment’ these selected resources – including those from hitherto isolated archives and data silos – will be made available to researchers of medieval Europe and the First World War period.

The fourteen partners in CENDARI, which include CERL, The European Library and Manuscriptorium, are from a range of countries and institutions across Europe. We will be working together to investigate both available archive and library resources and the needs of researchers. The Freie Universität Berlin (for the Great War) and Manuscriptorium (for medieval materials) have begun leading the investigation into libraries and archives with suitable content.

CERL will organise three summer schools and five one-day training events from 2013- 15, which will engage the researcher with the newly aggregated resources, and tools and services developed. Initial contact with medieval and First World War researchers will be made early on in the project, including via the annual International Medieval Conference in Leeds in 2013 (http://www.leeds.ac.uk/ims/imc/). The University of Birmingham will lead the work in the first part of the project which establishes users’ training needs. The researchers will then come together in the CENDARI summer schools and seminars to test the tools which will have been developed according to those needs.

Since CERL’s colleagues in The European Library are also working on this project, and as we are both based in the National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague, the CENDARI project is often discussed and tasks are undertaken collaboratively.


Summer School applications for 2014
Research Fellowship applications 2014