Collection Security Summer School 2022

In recent years we have witnessed many upheavals: economic change, climate change, extreme political tensions, terrorism, long-lasting pandemic. Each of these in their own way have resulted in crises and have had a profound impact on our colleagues, our collections, and our libraries/archives. More and more our institutions have come to the realisation that they need to be prepared to act in an emergency, both in terms of counter measures and organisational adaptation.

Whether it is a question of moving collections in an emergency, evacuating reading rooms, increasing global vigilance or simply enhancing staff awareness, we will have to be creative and organised. In this context, the theme for the CERL Collection Security Summer School will be 'Collections in Crisis', with an exploration of security of collections of any size in a time of crisis. How does it impact the organisation, staff, and your building(s), how can you plan ahead and what is the mitigating effect of daily best-practice.

Presentations at previous editions of the summer school are available here.

Programme 2022 - Collections in Crisis

Venue: ÖNB Bildarchiv und Grafiksammlung, Heldenplatz (entry through the Weltmuseum)

Wednesday 7 September - Friday 9 September 2022

Moving collections in an emergency or simply due to suggested/forced relocation

Crises in Reading Rooms

Libraries and Collections in times of climate crisis

How to deal with inside thefts if you are not prepared! Before, during and after….experiences from 11 years of searching for stolen books

Impact of events on security

Several site visits:


2 Workshops dedicated to the QAT Card game
Introduction by Jacqueline Lambert
Moderators: Wolfgang- Valentin Ikas- Bayerische Staatbibliothek, Nina Korbu- NLN, Greger Bergvall- KBS, Jacqueline Lambert-KBR)