Collection Security Summer School 2024

The sixth edition of the the CERL Collection Security Summer School will take place on 11-13 September and is hosted by the University Library in Vilnius.

Not simply putting a book on a shelf

Sessions will take place at the Central Library which is situated near the Presidential Palace and the Scholarly Communication and Information Centre in Saulėtekis, as well as the National Library of Lithuania. During each visit we hope to visit the Preservation Department to explore the connection between their work and collection security.

The summer school focuses on two further themes. The first is balancing security with access (to old buildings, modern buildings that are open 24/7, and those were building work is in progress). The colleagues of the Academy of Sciences will share their experiences of working at a time of disruption due to building works.

The second theme is balancing customer care and security. We will create new Quick Audit Tool discussion cards based on lessons learned in connection with the thefts of 19th Russian literature and our visits to the Preservation Departments. On Friday there is an optional visit to Trakai castle.

Please write to if you wish to attend the Summer School. There will be a registration fee to cover the costs of tea/coffee/lunch and travel to the New University Library building.

Tuesday 19:00 (5 people) – Grey (Pilies str. 2). The table is booked under Nijolė‘s name.

Wednesday 20:00 (37 people) – Bernelių užeiga (Pilies str. 10). There will be some starters on the table which will be paid by Vilnius University Library. Everyone will be able to choose main courses and desserts from a shortened menu and will have to pay by themselves.

Thursday 19:30 (30 people) – One for All. Again, participants will be able to choose from a shortened menu and will have to pay for themselves.

Programme 2024 - Not Simply putting a book on a shelf

Date: Wednesday 11 September - Friday 13 September 2024
Venue: University Library Vilnius, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01122, Vilnius

Wednesday 11 September
14.00Welcome and Introductions Nijolė Klingaitė-Dasevičienė (Vilnius UL) and Marian Lefferts (CERL)
14.30CERL Security Working Group in2023/24 Jacqueline Lambert (KBR Brussels and Chairman of the Security Working Group)
14.50 Presentation 1: considerations around staff access (to a variety of buildings and depots) Vincent van Jaarsveld (Leiden University Library)
16.10Presentation 2: Thefts of Russian literature: Lessons learned Jean-Marc Chatelain (Bibliothèque nationale de France) and Nijolė Klingaitė-Dasevičienė (Vilnius UL)
17.10 Visit 1: historic campus of VUL Focus on security issues in 16th -17th century buildings, challenges posed by exhibitions and major events
19.00End of visit/Social Time
20.00Dinner – Bernelių užeiga (Pilies str. 10). There will be some starters on the table which will be paid by Vilnius University Library. Everyone will be able to choose main courses and desserts from a shortened menu and will have to pay by themselves
Thursday 12 September
9.00Assemble in the meeting room at the Old Library
9.10Presentation 3: Trust and due diligence in acquiring material from private dealers and collectorsBentre Granrud (National Library of Norway)
10.45Presentation 4: From a security archive to a free access heritage: the digitisation project of the National Centre for the Study of ManuscriptsAndrea Cappa (BNC Rome) / slides
13.00Quick Audit Tool Discussion Cards. Aim: work with this tool that helps to get the buy-in and to develop collaboration for security policies. Themes: Preservation Departments and Customer Care vs Security. Jacqueline Lambert, KBR Brussels
15.30Travel by bus (covered by registration fee)
16.10Visit 2: Scholarly Communication and Information Center (VUL New Building).Focus: security vs. openness to visitors in the building operating 24/7. TBC: Visit to the VUL Preservation department
17.45End of visit, travel back by bus
19.30Dinner – One for All (UŽUPIO G. 10). As before, participants will be able to choose from a shortened menu and will have to pay for themselves.
Friday 13 September
9.00 Assemble at the National Library, Gediminas ave. 51, LT-01109 Vilnius
9.10 Visit 3: National Library of Lithuania Exploring the security implications presented by the proximity to Parliament. TBC: A visit to the NL Preservation department.
11.00 Break (beautiful walk back to VUL – 20 min)
11.20 Presentation 5: Working at a time of disruption due to building works Rima Cicėnienė (Deputy Director for Research Affairs at the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)
12.30 Lunch
13.30 SWG perspectives & Conclusion Jacqueline Lambert and Marian Lefferts
14:15 End and optional visit to Trakai Castle (via normal tourist options)