CERL Quick Audit Tool (QAT)

The Quick Audit Tool (QAT) (5th edition - 2023) aims to raise awareness of a speedy way for any library/archive to see how their collection security policies and procedures compare against a baseline set by CERL institutions, both big and small, represented in the Security Working Group. Furthermore it provides guidelines and useful tips.

Two formats are available: to be printed as a booklet or to be consulted on screen. These Excel sheets help you to record your responses to the questions.

For an introduction to the tool, see this presentation by Mme Jacqueline Lambert, KB Brussels and Chairman of the Security Working Group.

The Quick Audit Tool Discussion Cards and the QAT Library

The Security Network envisaged two supporting tools related to the Quick Audit Tool.

The first of these consists of QAT Discussion Cards. The Discussion Card were developed in parallel to the Quick Audit Tool and offer an ideal opportunity to engage various stakeholders in your institution with collection security issues. Each of the cards presents a realistic scenario that could happen in your library, and exploring this scenario with library staff in detail results in greater awareness of the issues at hand, a better understanding of the risks that present themselves and the collection security measures that were taken and need to be enforced.

The second supporting tool is the QAT Library (still under construction). The QAT Library will contain examples (forms, check-lists, procedures, etc.) and experiences related to security policies in place at CERL member institutions. The documents in the QAT Library will offer inspiration for other CERL members who are in the process of drafting or refining their own security policies.

Any documents related to your fight against theft and vandalism that you are willing to share with the CERL community can be sent to jacqueline.lambert@kbr.be.

CERL members may request access to both these tools, by writing to secretariat@cerl.org.