
CERL Papers VI

Many into one: Problems and opportunities in creating shared catalogues of older books (David Shaw, ed.).
Papers presented on 11 November 2005 at the CERL conference hosted by the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome.
London, Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2006.
ISBN 0-9541535-5-3. [Eight papers in English, with Italian summaries.]

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Osvaldo Avallone (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome): Introduction by the Director of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome

Marco Paoli (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico, Rome): ICCU and the national collective catalogues SBN Index and EDIT16: from data gathering to fruition

Mauro Guerrini (University of Florence): The language of the catalogue and the form of heading: vernacular, original, conventional

Neil Harris (University of Udine): Tribal lays and the history of the fingerprint

Brian Hillyard (National Library of Scotland): The early history of the fingerprint: a view from Edinburgh

Marina Venier (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome): A new resource for the hand printed book: MAR.T.E. – Marche Tipografiche Editoriali Devices of the 17th-century Italian printers, publishers, booksellers

Géza Bakonyi (University Library, Szeged): Old in the new: the XML Database of the Hungarian Shared Catalogue of Old Books

Florent Palluault (Bibliothèque nationale de France): The Catalogue collectif de France (CCFr): today and tomorrow

Edwin Schroeder (Beinecke Library at Yale): Helping researchers find what they don’t know they are looking for: access points in catalogue records at Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library