Signa Vides - Researching and recording printers' devices (Michaela Scheibe and Anja Wolkenhauer eds.). Papers presented on 17-18 March 2015 at the CERL Workshop hosted by the National Library of Austria, Vienna.
London, Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2016.
ISBN 978-0-9569996-1-0. [Eight papers in English]

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Anja Wolkenhauer (University of Tübingen, Institute of Classical Philology): Printers' marks in scholarly research - overview and questions

Melinda Simon (University of Szeged, Department of Library and Human Information Science): Cataloguing printers’ marks in Hungary. Achievements and objectives

Justyna Kiliańczyk-Zięba (Jagiellonian University Library, Cracow): When is a device not a device? Problematic woodcuts from Krakow printing shops

Elizabeth Klecker (University of Vienna): Signa Vides? Devices of Viennese printers brought to light and to life

Marina Venier (National Central Library of Rome, Cataloguing Department of the Older Book): Italian printers’ devices databases: from EDIT16 to SBN and not least MAR.T.E.

Neus Verger Arce (University of Barcelona, Rare Books and Manuscript Library): The “Printers' Devices Database” of the University of Barcelona

Hans Brandhorst (Erasmus University Rotterdam, University Library/Arkyves): Cataloguing printers' devices in the age of digitization and collaboration

Michaela Scheibe, Christina Schmitz and David Zellhöfer (Berlin State Library): Towards a standardised description of printers’ devices: authority files and more