Bibliography of Michael Smethurst

John Michael Smethurst, Bibliography & Essays with Postscript (Ann Matheson, ed).
Compiled by Michael John Crump.
Essays by Franz Georg Kaltwasser & John Winthrop Haeger.
Postscript by Henry Leonard Snyder.
CERL Occassional Publications I.
London, Consortium of European Research Libraries / Online Computer Library Centre., Inc., 2006. ISBN 0-9541535-4-5.

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Following a distinguished career in university librarianship and then from 1986 at the British Library, where he was Deputy Chief Executive when he retired, Dr Michael Smethurst was the founding Chairman of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (1994–2000) and a prime mover in the creation of the Consortium's Hand Press Book Database.

This volume is offered as a tribute from former colleagues in Europe and from the Consortium's partners at the Research Libraries Group (RLG) and the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) in the United States.