This field describes a sign, coat of arms, a mark or a printer device, used by printers or other persons or corporate bodies.
A printer device, which is assigned to a particular workshop or address of a printer and is not used in connection with other of his addresses should be filed in field 515$e.
Indicator 1: Specifies the type of sign:
Indicator 2: Specifies the type of input:
$8 Language code (O;R)
Mandatory to precede the $n subfield. A three letter language code from the Marc Code List for Languages.
$a Data element (M;NR)
Description of the sign used
$n Cataloguer's note (O;R)
Forming a pair with the preceding $8 subfield. Any cataloguer's comment on this category
$s Source subfield note (O;R)
Source consulted by cataloguer for this specific information.
$u Uniform Resource Locator (O;R)
Forming a pair with the following $y subfield. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. The target may show an image or description of the given sign.
$y Link description (O;R)
Mandatory to follow the $u subfield. A short term explaining the nature of the object linked in the preceding $u subfield.
$z Chronological subdivision (O;R)
Used in conjunction with $a
Preferrred form of entry: yyyy-yyyy or yyyy- or -yyyy
$9 Temporary Data (O;NR)
see the description of numerical subfields.
$0 Type of Sign (M;NR)
A four character code to indicate the type of the sign described in this field. Currently the following values are supported:
Code | Meaning | 1st indicator 1) |
unkn | unknown | 7 |
coam | coat of arms | 4 |
exli | exlibris | 3 |
prdv | printer's device | 2 |
hdwr | any other kind of handwritten sign | 1 |
prnt | any other kind of printed sign | 0 |
stmp | any other kind of stamp | 7 |
{"data": {"sign": [{ "tmp": "Temporary data ($9)", "description": "description of the sign ($a)", "typeOfSign": "Type of Sign ($0)", "source": ["source of information ($s)"], "start": year ($z), "end": year ($z), "note": [{ "lang": "Language code ($8)", "text": "Text of note ($n)" }], "link": [{ "url": "URL of the depiction of a sign ($u)", "text": "Link text ($y)" }], "prc": 1|0 }]}}