This field is used for notes of a cataloguer meant to be read by other cataloguers only and not by the general (public) user of the thesaurus. It may futher contain any sort of marker (flag) to indicate that the current record belongs to a certain group of records.
Indicator 1: none
Indicator 2: none
$6 Record Marker (O;NR)
Any kind of marker. This field is typically added during an automated update process.
$a Information note (O;NR)
Any kind of note, intended for cataloguers only.
This field should contain either a subfield $6 or a subfield $a. Although it is possible to combine both subfields within one field, these bits of information will be split into separate fields during ingest.
Before using a record marker on a set of records, make sure this code is not already used by others for other purposes.
{"meta": { "remark": ["Cataloguers Note ($a)"], "flag": ["Record Marker ($6)"] }}