Statistics of the CERL Thesaurus

From 17-10-2024


1516128total records
35899non-fictional names
260fictional names
129identification uncertain
315names used for more than one place
103962non-fictional names
466fictional names
48identification uncertain
27names used for more than one imprint name
1211307non-fictional names
9802fictional names
107608identification uncertain
12248names used for more than one person
33657non-fictional names
393fictional names
1identification uncertain
1names used for more than one corporate body
0source names
0identification of source uncertain
0source data is ambiguous and therefore needs distinctive elements

Types of records

Provenance information

Record typeTotal recordsRecords with linked provenance information
Personal names 1340965 26793
Corporate body names 34052 4203

Personal name records with linked provenance information

Corporate body name records with linked provenance information

Records with linked provenance information

Variant name forms

3041498total variant name forms
67076total variant name forms IMPRINT PLACES
66125- thereof non-fictional name forms
951- thereof fictional name forms
176076total variant name forms IMPRINT NAMES
174280- thereof non-fictional name forms
1796- thereof fictional name forms
2737171total variant name forms PERSONAL NAMES
2687132- thereof non-fictional name forms
50039- thereof fictional name forms
61175total variant name forms CORPORATE BODY NAMES
61173- thereof non-fictional name forms
2- thereof fictional name forms

Standard forms

1657409total standard forms
22214total standard forms IMPRINT PLACE NAMES
21804imprint place names (default)
203fictional imprint place names
121identification of entities uncertain
86imprint place names used for more than one entity
104071total standard forms IMPRINT NAMES
103527imprint names (default)
469fictional imprint names
48identification of entities uncertain
27imprint names used for more than one entity
1497072total standard forms PERSONAL NAMES
1363243personal names (default)
11471fictional personal names
110082identification of entities uncertain
12276personal names used for more than one entity
34052total standard forms CORPORATE BODY NAMES
33994corporate body names (default)
57fictional corporate body names
1identification of entities uncertain
0corporate body names used for more than one entity

Other information

1896462source references ('Found in')
936005imprint sources
1164804general notes
1398050biographical dates / dates of activity
1794828activity notes
1644864geographical notes
501024related personal names
38731related imprint names
138567related corporate names
1089656place of activity notes
48676printer's devices etc. notes
55146online resources (Hyperlinks)
2827319remote access to external systems
67851- thereof to STCN
37740- thereof to provenance information


500979merged records in total
168271records resulting from merger
141127- thereof records edited manually
287621cases, in which merging of records has been refused
766325remaining references to probably duplicate records
1981- thereof in records with standard forms marked as 'identification uncertain'

Merged records in relation to total record count

Origin of authority data

Country of originFile ownerCodetotalcnlcnicnpcnccaf
AustriaThe Bernstein ConsortiumAtBPA 2127 2127
BelgiumKatholieke Universiteit LeuvenODIS 65 65
BelgiumBibliotheek van de Universiteit AntwerpenSTCV 1502 1502
CanadaThe Women's Print History Project, CanadaWPHP 14965 4193 5560 5212
CroatiaNacionalna i Sveucilišna KnjižnicaNSK 943 178 765
Czech RepublicThe National Museum Library, Prague (Czech Republic)aba010 355 13 342
DenmarkDet Kongelige Bibliotek KøbenhavnDkKoKB 1505 1505
FranceBibliothèque nationale de FranceBNF 206451 15208 179040 12203
FranceBibliothèque Municipale de LyonFrLy 1148 946 202
FranceFondation CustodiaMarCus 4179 3566 613
GermanyBayerische Staatsbibliothek MünchenBSB,VD16 14542 1930 12612
GermanyDeutsche NationalbibliothekDE-588a 4045 4045
GermanyDeutsche NationalbibliothekDE-588b 1080 1080
GermanyDeutsche NationalbibliothekDE-588c 509 455 54
GermanyBibliotheksverbund BayernDE-604 61 61
GermanyStaatsbibliothek zu BerlinDE-611 4208 3746 462
GermanyHANS, SUB Göttingen (Germany)DE-7-HANS 8012 6032 1980
GermanyDeutsches Musikarchiv, BerlinDMA 10 10
GermanyDeutsche NationalbibliothekGND 857932 16415 26802 814715
GermanyGermania Sacra OnlineGScrO 39233 38189 1044
GermanyStaatsbibliothek zu BerlinGYBL 227 174 53
GermanyFranckesche Stiftungen Halle BibliothekGYHF 5 4 1
GermanyGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, HannoverGYHN 3 3
GermanyBayerische Staatsbibliothek MünchenGYMG 6866 2760 3682 424
GermanyUniversitätsbibliothek RostockGYRU 29 28 1
GermanyHerzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, WeimarGYWH 598 472 126
GermanyFreie Universität BerlinGyBFU 178 178
GermanyGemeinsamer BiblitoheksverbundGyGoGBV 195473 13894 178814 2765
GermanyStaats- und Universitätsbibliothek GöttingenGyGoN 313 216 97
GermanyStaats- und Universitätsbibliothek HamburgGyHaS 4 4
GermanyHerzog-August-Bibliothek WolfenbüttelGyWbHAB 2083 1825 258
GermanyMainzer early-modern academics’ librariesMABFN 58 58
GermanyDeutsche NationalbibliothekPND 113516 99 113417
GermanyStaatsbibliothek zu BerlinSBB-TW 4140 4140
GermanyInstitut Deutsche Presseforschung, Universität BremenUBrm 749 749
GermanyMemoriae renovatae decades (CAMENA),(Germany)witte_memoriae 214 214
HungaryNational Széchényi Library, BudapestHUBpOSK 543 543
ItalyIstituto Centrale per il Catalogo UnicoICCU 14776 2512 11153 1111
ItalyBiblioteca Nazionale di NapoliIT-NA0079 209 156 53
ItalyBiblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele II RomaIT-RM0267 198 60 138
ItalyBiblioteca Casanatense, RomaIT-RM0313 379 317 62
ItalyBiblioteca Nazionale Marciana VeneziaIT-VE0049 1398 1228 170
ItalyRICI databaseRICI 7131 6227 904
The NetherlandsKoninklijke BibliotheekNL-HaKB 54825 301 12131 42258 135
The NetherlandsUniversiteit UtrechtNL-UtRU 762 762
The NetherlandsKoninklijke BibliotheekNeNKHB 11777 11777
PolandBiblioteka Uniwersytecka w WarszawieBUW 3694 3298 396
PolandBiblioteka Narodowa, WarszawaPlWaBN 16410 621 15721 68
PolandNUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research librariesnukat 15700 3055 12245 400
PolandBiblioteka Ossolineumplolw 6825 1536 5134 155
PolandBiblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawieplwau 5020 1 539 4219 261
PolandWroclaw University Library (Poland)plwro 7010 1880 4997 133
RussiaNational Library of RussiaRuNLR 6648 1963 4530 155
SlovakiaSlovak National LibraryMaSNL 149 55 94
SpainBiblioteca de Catalunya, BarcelonaES-BaCBU 4466 4397 69
SpainUniversitat de BarcelonaES-BaUB 6274 4611 1489 174
SpainBiblioteca de la Universidad de SalamancaES-SlU 2233 2131 102
SpainBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaSpMaBN 648 648
SpainBiblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de MadridSpMaUC 1207 1029 178
SwitzerlandUniversitätsbibliothek BaselSzBaU 1306 1145 161
United KingdomBook Owners OnlineBOO 2902 2902
United KingdomConsortium of European Research LibrariesCERL 1973 1883 90
United KingdomBritish LibraryESTC 53337 49630 3707
United KingdomUniversity of Glasgow LibraryGlU-inc 1348 425 755 168
United KingdomNational Library of ScotlandNLS-SBTI 8197 8197
United KingdomNational Library of ScotlandNLS-SSP 197 197
United KingdomPoets Laureate in the Holy Roman EmpirePRFL 66 66
United KingdomUniversity of Aberdeen LibraryStAbUL 1343 1281 62
United KingdomBritish LibraryUk 1207 1207 161 8
United KingdomCanterbury Cathedral LibrariesUkCyCl 1201 1072 129
United KingdomMiddle Temple Library, LondonUkMiTe 169 161 8
United StatesLibrary of Congress (United States)DLC 83 83
United StatesThe Getty Thesaurus of Geographic NamesTGN 1 1

Not in this list are the Cathedral Libraries Catalogue (UK) and the Royal Library of Stockholm (S).

Origin of imprint place data

Origin of imprint name data

Origin of personal name data

Origin of corporate body name data

Origin of reference work data


Please note: These statistics on editing activities over the years are not constant because upon merger of two records, editing signatures from one of the records are lost. DCG aims to provide a more meaningful retrospective constant overview in due course.

Created records

2005 11 8 1 2
2006 2 2
2007 6 4 1 1
2008 2756 1 2750 4 1
2009 17 16 1
2010 22 4 6 10 2
2011 218 14 2 201 1
2012 288 5 2 233 48
2013 318 3 2 168 145
2014 636 12 2 314 308
2015 559 17 48 366 128
2016 22 14 4 4
2017 22 10 1 11
2018 8 6 2
2019 256 86 124 46
2020 143 104 32 7
2021 226 17 1 191 17
2022 149 27 92 30
2023 168 2 1 154 6
2024 23 2 16 5
total 6375 845 2841 1923 761

Edited records

2010 8436 776 36 7534 90
2011 9416 1151 81 8179 5
2012 2820 188 29 2580 23
2013 8662 53 61 8147 401
2014 3559 222 40 2548 749
2015 5548 225 46 4343 934
2016 4479 176 53 3474 776
2017 2601 75 43 2260 223
2018 3300 1191 18 1938 153
2019 5265 2306 189 2383 387
2020 13712 847 744 11774 347
2021 16024 45 291 15682 6
2022 2018 258 3 1740 17
2023 902 9 94 747 52
2024 653 4 11 634 4
total 150908 8954 2206 135551 4197

Edited records in relation to total record count

Editing records