A., J.E. B820.
A., M. F382.
A., T.O. K12.
Abbeville, library of the order of Minims D520.
Abbot, George, Abp, (d.1633) (armorial binding) B253, C185, C251, C765, C1228, E139, F195, F239, F241, G24, G239, G499, G566, H244, H826, I3, L40, L351, M299, M594, N140, O112, P52, P320, R366, S47, S105, S257, S1138, S1187, T29, T370, V225, W42, W247.
Abbot, John, Canon of Canterbury (d.1615) T373.
Abdy, T.N. (bookplate) E69, E70.
Abel, Jo. Henr. (1756) H467.
Abraham, John (1676) F319.
Acroyd, A. A34.
Acworth, G. Brindley (bookplate) B490.
Adair, James Makittrick, d.1802 A38.
Adam, Alexander A183.
Adam, Robert (1824) M45.
Adam, Thomas (17th century) B484.
Adams, Joshua J134.
Adams, T. M217.
Adavergius, Leonardus Vumger (?) B646.
Adderley, Elizabeth (1689) I39.
Addison, Richard S828.
Admans (?) B501.
Agutter, William A121.
Aigreuille, Robert Francis d' (1674) S543.
Ainge, Lydia A198.
Ainge, Margarett (1715) A198.
Ainsworth, Thomas (1802) R285.
Akerman, J.G. (1854) B396.
Alchorne, William A142.
Alcomb family P118.
Aldborough, Edward Augustus, Earl of (bookplate) J206.
Aldborough R242.
Aldenham Abbey A142.
Alderson, Ralph (donor, 1968) B544, B548, B597, C508.
Aldey, D. Edward M507.
Aldey, Edward, Canon of Canterbury (d.1673) C204.
Aldworth, John (bookplate) P103.
Alery, Edward (donor) G207.
Alford, Henry, Dean of Canterbury (d.1871) D61.
Allan, Joseph T457.
Allan, Thomas (bookplate) W341.
Allardyce, Alexander A171.
Allason, Abraham D560.
Allen (?) J205.
Allis, Fred. S. (Bibliotheca Robertsoniana) G505.
Allwood, Philip (1816) A221.
Alston, Mrs W.E. (donor) P544.
Alston, William Evelyn (bookplate) P544.
Amersfoord, H. M619.
Ames, Levi W191.
Amiens, Celestines P253.
Amphlett, I. P119.
Amyot, Thomas H130.
Andeley, Isabel R280.
Anderdon, J.L. (1844) K12.
Anderson (bookseller) B1540.
Anderson, J.S.M. F52.
Andrews, E. M215.
Andrews, Mary B480.
Andrews, William (1774) B423.
Angier, F.A. R36.
Annyson, F. S35.
Ansted, Elisabeth T79.
Ansted, J.B. (1874) T79.
Anstey, Chr. P211.
Anstruther, L. E466.
Answik, Mary(?) D548.
Antoni, Joannes (bookplate) B1129.
Antwerp (1760) R5.
Archbold, Francis G440.
Archer (?) (c.1721) B489.
Argoley, Andre de T203.
Armitage, J. C1137.
Arnold, A.A. (bookplate) R392.
Arnway, T. A390.
Aroseusis, C.D. R191.
Ash, John (bookplate) P473.
Ashburn, C. B821.
Ashburn, Franciscus (1581) B821.
Ashburne, Abraham B821.
Ashley, John R250.
Ashley, Thomas Cr. (1646) W532.
Ashridge (?) (crest) C483.
Ashton, C. B346.
Ashuton, J. H770.
Asmundo e Asmundo, Cajetanus F67, X1.
Assheton, T. W197.
Assheton, William A447.
Astley, F.B. T59.
Astley, J.N.F. (1829) K18.
Astley, Jessy Clara (1830) K18.
Atkins, Michael (1740) R298.
Atkins, Richard N159.
Aubery, Edward (1773) B654.
Aucher, Sir Antony (donor, 1681) T157.
Auckland, Lord (bookplate) W224.
Audley, J. T88.
Augsburg, `Bibliotheca Academia Georgiae' (stamp) L692.
Auilas, Nicolas de T203.
Austen, J. B590, D358, S21.
Austen, Thomas (bookplate) W572.
Austyn, Thomas M10.
Aybrincus, Johannes B937.
Ayers, Prudence S841.
Ayers, Susan S841.
Ayerst, William, Canon of Canterbury (d.1765) B587.
Ayre family B524.