H., B. (1836) C1137.
H., C. (1692) P96.
H., E. V78. (1650) L7.
H., F. (stamp) P22.
H., G. S390.
H., G.H. (c.1566) B163.
H., J. B58, N18.
H., R. (binding) T250.
H., S. C460.
H., T. F183, S119.
Hacche, Johann (bookplate, 1715) S1001.
Hadde, Edward (16th century) E145.
Hadden, Edward (1710) H413.
Hadly, Joseph W462.
Hadwell, Charles (bookplate) B955.
Haffenden, James (1727) N98.
Hageham, Ellen L214.
Hagenius, (1555) D261.
Hahn, J. J186.
Haicroftus, Johannes T475.
Haighton, John H15.
Hailstone, Edward (d.1890) (bookplate) C738, T86.
Haldane, George Augustus (1796) B582.
Hales, William H29.
Halford, Henry (1676) F319.
Halford, P. W31.
Hall (née Cooper), Bertha (donor, 1938) B596, C527.
Hall, Henry L698.
Hall, James (1756) S812.
Hall, William (bookplate) X11.
Hallam, Wilhelm Henricus (1730) B1536.
Halliwell, Mr (?, 1790) S203.
Hamelsonne, John R280.
Hamilton, Charles V170.
Hamilton, Dr (1826) B561.
Hamilton, Miss (1774) L328.
Hamilton, Newburgh S706.
Hamilton, Ron. (1773) L328.
Hamilton H70.
Hamilton Palace W451.
Hamme, Guilielmus van (bookplate, 1659) R157.
Hammond, Alexander (bookplate) F321, H156.
Hammond, C.S. H156.
Hammond, G. & M. (stamp) S830.
Hammond, Kathleen (bookplate) H156.
Hampden, John (1639) B532.
Hampson, George B1224.
Hamson, T. P672.
Hancock family (née Dell) B563.
Hannam, Jane M288.
Hannam, John M288.
Hansell, Peter (1823) C1316.
Hardres, John D161, R46. (1738, subscriber) S420.
Hardres, Thomas L181.
Hardres(?), William P9.
Hardwicke, Philip, Baron (bookplate) B622.
Hare, Hugh, Baron Coleraine H139, L605.
Hare, Julius Charles (armorial bookplate) A465, B990, B1266, C908, C1259, D517, E84, H157, H380, L42, N205, P438, S404, S518, S642, S822, S998, W392.
Hare, Robert (donor, 1882) G128.
Hare family C532.
Hargrave, Mrs (donor, 1933) B595.
Harlow, Mrs (donor, 1924) C513.
Harman, Richard (bookplate) B1413.
Harman, William B833.
Harrington, Aaron (1719) O25.
Harrington, Daniel (1749) T309.
Harrington family T309.
Harriott, E. V118, V120.
Harris, Daniel (1715) W307.
Harris, George A188.
Harris, Henry (bookplate) S841.
Harris, John M.S. R435.
Harris, Joseph (1727) N89.
Harris, Robert, Benedictine (18th century) C865.
Harris, Robert M325.
Harris, W. (1700) P562.
Harrison (1697) C192. (1808) G413. (1824) T191.
Harrison, Arthur H253.
Harrison, Benjamin E644.
Harrison, Benjamin, Archdeacon of Maidstone (d.1887).
Harrison, Dorothea S445, S471, S919, S1189. (1771) B790.
Harrison, Elizabeth B1380. (1761) L565.
Harrison, Frances Mary H177.
Harrison, George (bookplate) A56, B484, S189. (1830) K24.
Harrison, H. H612, O225, P501.
Harrison, Henry B1049, S795.
Harrison, J. K24 (1760) M60.
Harrison, J. (bookseller's label) D37.
Harrison, John (bookplate) B372, B1026, H315, H595, M483, T436, T438, W339.
Harrison, Joseph G224.
Harrison, Mary (1799) B609.
Harrison, Matthew (bookplate) A83, B55, B57, B153, B886, B1008, B1678, C11, C529, C753, C956, C962, C963, C1064, C1068, C1128, C1129, C1190, D64, D121, D178, D391, D394, D395, D478, E44, E529, E548-50, F61, F108, F125, G71, G131, G295, H72, H116, H172-5, H778, H780, H782-8, J51, J150, J181, J247, K57, L20, L228, L254, L256, M118, M486, M497, M514, O144, P440, P489, P490, P491, R6, R218, R293, R294, R353, R436, R437, S181, S445, S659, S660, S703, S723, S812, S902, S903, S910, T122, T169, T219, V169, V201, V203, V211, W497, Y19. (1735) B521. (1799) B508.
Harrison, Richard (1738) H178.
Harrison, Sir Thomas H226.
Harrison, T. M56.
Harrison, Thomas P245, P503, S1189.
Harrison, W. (1741) L331. (1752) B1386.
Harrison, William (bookplate) B643, S1119.
Harrison, Susanna B241.
Harte, W. (1741) M10.
Harting, Thomas B135.
Hartwell, Catherine C492.
Harvey, Sir Charles (donor) B457.
Harvey, Sir Elias (donor, 1668) B535.
Harvey, J. F181.
Harwood, J. (1738) S242.
Hasaeus, Theodore H127.
Hastings, E. (bookplate) H846.
Hatcher, Mrs M. W384.
Haunolt, Nicolaus (binding) W503, W504.
Haviland, Thomas B853.
Hawes, John (1632) B480.
Hawkesworth, John H226, H428.
Hawksheade, Richard (1644) C926.
Hawutt, John (1783) P28.
Hay, Ph. L252.
Hayes, B.N. (1836) C1012.
Hayes, E.R.J.H. (bookplate) S700.
Hayler, John (b.1765) B556.
Hayton, T. (1725) T62.
Hayward, John (?) (binding) H59.
Haywood, Dr (1722) L252.
Hazard's Circulating Library, Bath A240.
Head, George Head (bookplate) L30.
Heald, William M. E496.
Healde, Thomas D148.
Heane, Henricus H598.
Hearding, Richard B1149.
Hearne, Mrs B499.
Hearne, John (1847) B499.
Hearne, Richard Knowber de : See: Knowler, Richard.
Heath, (?) (1817) C183.
Heath, John W23.
Hebard, Jacob C535, C536, O162, S749.
Heber, Richard (Bibliotheca Heberiana stamp) A140, H312.
Heblethwayte, William F264.
Hecius, Johannes, Sügenheim (1555) D261.
Hedgcock, James A. M388.
Heeley, John C1139.
Heidelberg, Jesuit College (1763) B163.
Heighington, R. V73.
Heiss, F. Wilibaldus B855.
Helmichius, Werner J96.
Helmstadt, `Bibliotheca Academia Julia' (stamp) L689, L692.
Henderson, Alexander (bookplate) M16.
Hendley, William S1108.
Henning, Ioachimus J226.
Henning, Robert B1346.
Henry, Matthew (1732) H278.
Herbert, William A90. (1766) C313. (1773) B931. (1779) B486. (1781) B1538. (1782) B1135.
Herbert V45.
Hercy (?) (arms, stamp) B470.
Hergraves W321.
Heron, Margaret C1049.
Heron, Robert (bookplate) B850.
Herring, Sarah H404.
Hertengreiff, Joannes (1592) D540.
Hervey, Eliza F107.
Hervey, Hellen F107.
Hewes, Gawine L703.
Hewet, Mr(?) S472.
Hickes, George H413.
Hickling, Robert Morris (1749) P657.
Hicks, H.G.F. (donor, 1938) S877, T300, T302.
Hierome, Brother (1647) T178.
Higginson, Joseph R250.
Higgs, John B382.
Hill, Barrow (bookplate) D63.
Hill, Richard C311.
Hillmane, Robert (1709) C271.
Hills, Michael Robert (stamp, 1755) G457.
Hilyer, W. B105.
Hindley, J.H. A29, A521, G98.
Hippisley, Sir John Cox (bookplate) C1152, J92.
Hires, Henry C311.
Hirsnet, Mrs F399.
Hobday, Stephen Reginald (bookplate) K69.
Hobson, Benjamin (1744) B64.
Hobson, George B486.
Hobson, Richard (1728) C1046.
Hodges, E. (donor, 1966) C532.
Hodges, James B477.
Hodgson, Jonathan S817.
Hoels, Sary C964.
Hoffman, Benjamin S297.
Hofmeister, R. W199.
Hogben, Thomas (1730) L439, N98, W76.
Hogben family (16831692) B519.
Hoges, B. Jon. C311.
Hogg, Thomas C298.
Holbrook, Frederick P479.
Holbrook, G. P479.
Holden, John (1711) W241, W242.
Holden, Mary B786.
Holden, Robert B786.
Holford, George M155.
Holland, Mrs (donor, 1930) B447, B482, B510, B517, B850, B855, B888, C449, C453, C459, C475, C483, C511, C865, E233, F25, F319, L520, O28, S1025, V11.
Holland, Edward L520. (1870) B1226. (1893) L704.
Holland, Edward L. C449, F25. (1904) E233. (1905) B855. (1908) B888. (1914) B510.
Holland, Mrs Edward L. (bookplate, 1942) K136, L104, P484.
Holland, Francis James, Canon of Canterbury 1882-1907 E618, O27, V177. (1872) B499. (1890) E520. (1895)B1091, B1092, H263, L709, M29, M553, M603, N197-9, O135, P515, P516, Q9, R378, S155.
Holland, H.L. B850.
Holland, Henry B850.
Holland, John B486, I12.
Holland, Lancelot (bookplate) P484.
Holland, P.(?) Edward (book label) B1226.
Holland, Philemon A322, C59.
Holland, Vere(?) R24.
Holland, William B888.
Hollier, John L718.
Holmes, H. (bookplate) H342.
Holmes, Mary C464.
Holmes, Thomas T74.
Holywel, George B883.
Homes, T. W532.
Hone, W. B1225.
Hood, William D329.
Hoogh, Liedus B639.
Hooke, R. (1693/4) C865.
Hookins, Philip (1877) M460.
Hooper, Geo. (1633) V76.
Hooper, Nicholas W87.
Hopkyns, D.D. (book plate) B527.
Hopwell Hall (bookplate) W120.
Horn, Carolus F422.
Hornby, Hugh B920, R326.
Hornby, James John (bookplate) G483.
Horne, George, Dean of Canterury (d.1790) H697, H698, H699, J141.
Horne, Thomas (1616) T13.
Horner, John B482.
Horsley, Mrs (donor, 1888) W300.
Horsley, John William (donor) (1795) F247. (1846) F247.
Horsley, Samuel B362, O10, O46. (1793) D209.
Horsley, William (1738) F247.
Hospiniani, C. (1695) S735.
Hotham, H.G. R130, S751.
Houlet, Robert S708.
Hovenden, Robert (bookplate) R270.
Howard, John H762.
Howard, William (bookplate) A470, K30.
Howe, Mary A187.
Howley, William, Abp (d.1848).
Howord, Radclyth D254.
Howse, John (1750) C501.
Hoyben, Thomas L259.
Huck, John B493.
Huck, Richard (1696?) B493, H328.
Huck, Sarah B493, C455.
Huck, Susanna B493, B702.
Huet, D. (arms, bdg) A16.
Huet, Thomas C1135.
Hughes, John P196.
Hughes, Morgan P196.
Hughes, Phyllyppe B449.
Hughes, T. H292, M583.
Hugonin, Frank (bookplate) L287.
Hull, G. C1227.
Hull, J. (1819) H509.
Hulme, M. G496.
Hulme, W. (1790) S203. (1792) B815.
Hume, Johan. (bookplate) R60.
Hume, Patrick, Lord Marchmont (bookplate) F319.
Humphreys, C. O161, W289.
Hungerford (book plate) P681.
Hunt, A. B560.
Hunt, Philip, Canon of Canterbury (d.1838) B530.
Hunt, R.S. F3.
Hunt, Ro. (1598) M55.
Hunt, Stephen (donor, 1714) A93, A223, A229, A299, A321, A359, A411, A420, A434, A519, B52, B53, B130, B190, B201, B283, B292, B299, B301, B324, B400, B401, B402, B405, B413, B440, B649, B652, B666, B837, B915, B943, B944, B947, B954, B1051, B1062, B1085, B1103, B1152, B1153, B1160, B1161, B1222, B1326, B1333, B1344, B1491, B1647, B1656, B1675, B1684, C9, C10, C129, C136, C156, C201, C248, C259, C290, C292, C293, C298, C759, C792, C794, C795, C799, C838, C888, C1056, C1083, C1119, C1178, C1226, C1230, D13, D173, D196, D197, D433, D437, D529, D546, D554, E64, E570, E586, E589, E590, F15, F18, F20, F339, F423, G4, G7, G19, G42, G75, G96, G137, G201, G251, G329, G330, G357, G494, G502, G553, G559, H200, H216, H261, H271, H319, H340, H503, H507, H603, H676, H678, H747, H816, H825, H842, H894, I8, J138, J168, J226, J236, K5, K105, L5, L54, L55, L57, L78, L93, L97, L168, L226, L227, L235, L240, L266, L267, L307, L316, L321, L322, L323, L371, L485, L493, L512, L513, L516, L578, L639, L667, M8, M9, M37, M47, M59, M63, M80, M130, M193, M198, M199, M203, M232, M270, M286, M329, M331, M375, M493, M513, M525, M574, M575, N15, N17, N52, N92, N95, N96, N219, O158, P168, P237, P265, P267, P301, P311, P314, P324, P327, P328, P329, P330, P334, P335, P342, P408, P528, P538, P581, P583, P668, P745, P748, P755, R43, R73, R125, R211, R226, R499, S53, S88, S114, S133, S134, S135, S147, S171, S177, S180, S224, S292, S331, S332, S519, S542, S543, S553, S653, S737, S1035, S1045, S1094, S1095, S1108, S1127, S1166, S1168, T6, T34, T36, T39, T115, T143, T151, T207, T213, T215, T247, T325, T407, U26, V15, V24, V31, V71, V125, V155, V243, W110, W118, W119, W487, X7, Z2.
Hunt, Theodore C771.
Hunt, Thomas C430.
Hunt, W. A249, B541, B560, B975, B1028, B1458, C12, C291, C708, C769, C778, C784, C1055, C1314, D156, D176, D179, D417, F235, G333, J242, K25, K151, M89, M91, M165, M195, M405, N46, O172, O176, P340, P536, P662, S51, S569, S793, S1108, T4, T119, T225, T409, V45, V88, V206, Y10. (1769) C524.
Hunt, William A355, B108, B724, B844, B1216, B1464, D193, D317, F102, H253, H553, H860, L283, L325, O171, Q12, R161, R162, S751, V202, V205, W138, W190, X14, Y34. (1762) R291.
Hunt family (17511829) B592.
Hunter, John (1728) D522.
Huntingdon, Selina, Dowager Countess of (bookplate) B1149.
Hurdon, J.N.W. G509.
Hussey P514.
Hussey, Arthur (1906) D424.
Hussey, Chr. C781.
Hussey, Fra. L722.
Hussey, Richard Charles (donor, 1877) A96, A438, B101, B103, B798, B1467, B1562, B1610, C162, C728, D3, D55, D99, D283, D533, E232, F48, F49, G77, G115, G152, J84, J211, L608, L722, M188, M648, N90, O126, P82, P105, P523, P524, R300, R333, S3, S120, S725, S785, T187, T226, V189, W272.
Hussey, W.L. (1831) L696.
Hussey, William (1776) J84. (1782) L696, L722, T226.
Hutchins, Giles S278.
Hutchinson, William (donor) A117.
Huttam, Stephanus (1611) C204.
Hutton, H. C401.
Hutton, James S731.
Huxley, Thomas Scott (1882) J28.