Baba, Francesco
Baier, Mihäel, Canon of Herrieden, fl. 1581
Baillie, Alexander, fl. 1767
Baines, Peter Augustine, 1786-1843
Baius, Michael, 1513-1589
Baker, G.
Baker, George
Baker, Thomas, 1656-1740
Ball, James, fl. 1722
Baltasar, Johannes, fl. 1692
Baluzius, Etienne, 1630-1718
Bamford, Thomas
Banks, J. C., fl. 1803-1808
Barker, E. H.
Barnaud, V.
Barnes, Mary
Barnes, W.
Barrett, J. B.
Barrow, J. N.
Barth, Erhardus, Chaliomontanus, fl. 1598
Barton, Philip, fl. 1691
Basil, William
Bates, Jonas
Baum, Bernardinus
Baumburg Monastery
Baumgarten, Johann Michael, fl. 1668
Baumgarth, Heinrich
Baviere, C. van
Baxter, R.
Baynes, R., fl. 1824
Baynton, H.
Beamish, Henry, fl. 1840
Beattie, Alexander, fl. 1762
Beauclerk, Duke of St Albans
Beazer, Anne
Bedford, John Russell, 4th Duke of, 1710-1771
Beeckmans, Benedict
Beham, Andreas, the Elder, fl. 1595
Bell, John
Bell, Thomas, fl. 1797
Benedictine abbey. Lambspring
Benedictine monastery. Afflighem
Benedictines, English Congregation of St Edmund
Benion, Samuel
Benskyn, Thomas, fl. 1666
Benson, M.
Bentham, Jeremy, 1748-1832
Bentham, Samuel
Bentley, R.
Beresford, Thomas, fl. 17th cent.
Bergaingne, Bernardinus, fl. 1590
Berkiley, Thomas
Bernard, Charles
Bernhold, Johann Michael, 1736-1797
Bertie, C. M., fl. 1724
Besegnes, M. de
Bickerstaff, Eli, fl. 1669
Biddulph, of Rome, fl. early 19th cent.
Birch, John
Bird, Charles
Bird, John
Blackman, Richard, fl. 1663
Blair, H. J., fl. 1812
Blair, W., fl. 1814
Blauren, Joh. Jac., of Amsterdam, fl. 1665
Bliss, A., fl. 17th or 18th cent.
Blount, Charles
Bochart, N., fl. mid or late 17th cent.
Bochart, W., fl. mid or late 17th cent.
Bogue, David, Jun., fl. 1828
Boldery, John
Bolton, Samuel, of Patteshule, fl. late 17th or early 18th cent.
Bond, K., fl. before 1770
Bonelli, Michele, Cardinal
Bonsall, Mr., of Dublin
Booth, R.
Bornheim convent
Borset, A., fl. early 17th cent.
Boswell, Margaret
Bourke, Edmund F
Bourne, George, of New York, fl. 1838
Bowman, Walter
Bowring, Mr
Bradby, J.
Brand, J., fl. 1774
Brasier, John
Brasier, John, fl. 1677
Breniken, Henricus
Brett, Thomas
Bret[ ], William
Bridges, John
Briggs, Henry
British Museum. 1787
British Museum. 1804
British Museum. 1818
British Museum. 1831
Brittain, Charles
Brittulo, F.
Broadley, John
Brooke, John, fl. 1668
Brooksland, Joseph S., fl. 1814
Brossaye Du Perray, fl. 1776
Brown, L.
Browne, Thomas
Browning, Isaac
Bruce, Ann
Bruning, Fr., fl. 1741
Bruynincx, François-Antoine-Etienne, 1719-1791
Buchanan, David
Buchanan, Gilbert
Buckland, W.
Bullock-Webster, Cameron, fl. 19th c.
Burcartus, Joannes
Burdin, G.
Burn, A. E., fl.1909
Burnet, Lee
Burney, Charles
Burrell, Peter Charles, fl. 1872
Burroughs, Samuel
Burton, Edward
Burton, J., D.D.
Busseveau, Michel, fl. 1572
Butler, Mr
Butler, Mr, of Lincoln's Inn
Butler, Charles, fl. 1824
Button, Miss
Bünau, Graf von