Hacket, Johannes, fl. 17th cent.?
Hadik, Andras, 1710-1790
Hale, L.
Hall, Peter
Hallwoods, James, fl. 1718
Hammel, B. F.
Hamon, Jean Jacques
Hamper, William
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of
Hare-Naylor, Francis, 1753-1815
Hargreaves, Richard
Harris, J.
Harris, William, fl. 1741
Harris, William, fl. 1842
Harris, William, fl. 1864
Harris, William, Revd. Dr, of Honiton, widow of
Harrison, Hern, fellow of Wadham College, Oxford
Harrison, J.
Harrold, E.
Hart, G., fl. 1737
Hart, George
Hart, George Bartlett
Hart, George Bartlett, fl. 1812
Hart, George Bartlett, fl. 1849
Hart, George, fl. 1833
Hart, George, fl. 1836
Harte, W.
Hartshorne, Richard Corbett
Hawkins, John, fl. c.1788
Haydon, B. R., fl. 1841
Haynes, W. E. S. P.
Hebenpreitt, Johann Bapt, fl. 1580
Heber, Richard, 1773-1833
Heberlin, Dr, of Helmstedt, fl. 1788
Hechler, Johann Eberhart, fl. 1705
Heerd, Robertus ab, fl. 16th cent.
Helmlin, Ludwig
Hepburn, James
Herbert, J.
Herbert, William, 1718-1795
Hermann, Johann Jacob, fl. 1690
Heurck, L. J. van
Hexman, R.
Heyer, Adolph Frid.
Heylin, Jeremy
Heywood, B. A.
Higgins, Robert
Hilberts sale. 1829
Hill, John
Hillier, John, fl. 1747
Hilt, John
Hinde, Charles, fl. 1758
Hindly, J. H.
Hippisley. Sir, John Cox, 1748-1825
Hirons, Thomas, fl. 1757
Hobart, T.
Hodding & Everett. solicitors : Salisbury, 1834
Hodding, Townsend, Everett & Lee. solicitors : Salisbury
Hodgetts, Joseph W.
Hodgetts, Richard, fl. 1785
Hodgson, C.
Hodson, L., fl. late 16th or early 17th cent.
Hoffmeyer, C. L.
Holden, Thomas
Holey, John, doctor
Holland, A.
Holme, Mr
Holme, B.
Holme, W.
Holmes, John
Hone, N.
Hone, W.
Hooper, George
Hopkins, Richard
Hore, James
Horne, Thomas Hartwell
Horsfall, Jo:, fl. 1694
Howe, J.
Huchius, Guillermus, fl. 16th cent.
Huerta, Sebastian de
Hulme, S.
Hunt, Richard, Vicar of Acton
Hunter, A. G.
Hurrion, J.
Hutcheon, George, fl. 1684
Hutchinson, Samuel
Hutton, Matthew, fl. 18th cent.
Huyssen, Joh.