P., H.F. (binding) B432.
P., Philipp Caspar (bookplate) H14.
P., R. H316. (binding stamp) L95.
P., T. (binding) R315.
Padbury, H.C. (donor, 1966) T84.
Padua, `Domus Santon de' (stamp) E656.
`Paganou, Ilermou tou' (in Greek) I68.
Page, H.(?) G568.
Page, John, Elham B1423.
Page, W. L501.
Paine, Cornelius (bookplate, 1860) F25.
Painton, F. B688.
Palgrave, Francis (1841) C278, G459.
Palmer, C.S. (stamp) P197.
Palmer, H. B461.
Palmer, J. E565.
Palmer, R[ichard?], ?Canon of Canterbury 1769-81 (bookplate) A487, B1311, T382.
Paol (?) H779.
Paparoni, Caterina R322.
Papillon, I. M192.
Papuck, Dr H139.
Paqueroni, Aloysius R342.
Paren, Nathaniel, Canterbury (1795) N111.
Paris(?), `Bibliotheca Bellorepariensis' J115.
Paris, Collège de Navarre H476.
Paris, `Conventus fratrum Recollectorum' (1669) A168.
Paris, Jacobins, Rue S. Honoré (1654) G550, J115.
Paris, Jesuit College A16, F395, F397, O108.
Park, J.R. (bookplate) B901.
Parker, Edmund (bookplate) B22, B179, C767, F146, L668, L688, M162, S738, T376, W229.
Parker, Francis B475.
Parker, Henry (1718) A469.
Parker, John (1894) P92.
Parker, Robert D456.
Parker Society (bookplate) H352.
Parr, Dr (1792) M657, Y35.
Parr, Samuel (bookplate) B149, H656, H674, R432.
Parry, Edward, Bp (bookplate) D61.
Parry, W. Neane (1813) H643, H645.
Parsons, Dr (1769) L72.
Parsons, Philip (Wye) P105, S132.
Partridge, H. (1783) B464.
Partridge, Nathaniel (1654) A127.
Partridge, Robert C1316.
Pascoe, D. A467.
Passau, `Pro Bibliotecha Ff. Min. Stri Observ. Recoll. Conv.' (?) D37.
Passmur, Katherine M304.
Paterson, Mr (1768) V194.
Patersone, John R280.
Patteson, M. B93.
Pattison, Mark (stamp) C265, C955, C1013, D530, E559, G16, H34, H334, J195, K40, R66, R258.
Pattle, Mrs L589.
Paul, Michael (Benedictine, 18th century) C865.
Pausford, Robert C711.
Pauwens, Franciscus (Augustinian Monastery, Brussels) R308.
Payne, David Bruce (donor, 1904) M675.
Payne, Henry Thomas D457.
Payne, R.M. B622.
Payne, Robert T357.
Payne, William (1759) P619.
Payton, James (1766) F311.
Peachey, John (1778) M320.
Peake S341.
Pearce, T. B688.
Pearson, G. O161.
Pearson, George Charles (1836) L709.
Pearson, Henry S817.
Pearson, J.H. (1672) T87.
Pearson, Nicholas (bookplate, 1717) H666, H668
Peck, Mr S293.
Peck, Edward (1719) L302.
Peckett, John (1806) C953.
Peebles, J.M. (1933) F238.
Peel, Thomas B1270.
Pelisson, Daniel C1221.
Pell, Richard, Waterwilloughby (1644) B516.
Pelly, M. (1796) E595.
Pendle, James B486.
Pendlebury, James (1725) B498.
Pendlebury family B498.
Pennack, Henry C988, C990, C992.
Pennington, S.S.H.S. (1889) B955.
Penrose, Anne (1812) M18.
Penshurst Parish, Kent (1808) C534.
Penshurst Rectory J114, J116, J117, P544.
Penwar, Thomas R57.
Percival, John, Baron of Burton (bookplate, 1715) M322.
Percival, W. D316.
Percivale, Sir John (bookplate, 1702) L597, S170.
Percivall, Dorothy W59.
Percivall, Thomas W59.
Perkins, Sarah S375.
Perkins, Winny (1807) C306.
Perry, Robert E58.
Petit, James A501.
Petre, Robert Edward (bookplate) E31.
Petrus, Senonensis (1713) A457.
Pevner, G.J. S1108.
Peyton, H. (1736/7) J137.
Phesant, Margaret A260.
Philadelphia (friend of J.C. Robertson, donor, 1882) C1188.
Philipot, Thomas P348.
Philips, Nathaniel C252.
Phillips, C.J. (bookplate, 1904) L528.
Phillips, Teresia Constantia A327.
Phillips, Thomas (bookplate) B451.
Piacenza, Capuchin Library (stamp and label) H446.
Pickering, George (1639) F265.
Picket, William A38.
Pie, Arthur C69.
Pierce, Thomas Canon of Canterbury (d.1691) E566, P387, P388, P390, P403, P544, R260.
Piers, Thomas D58.
Pigeon, Edmunde H312.
Pigeon, Elizabeth J157.
Pinnells, Phil. M568.
Pinto, Binjamin de (?) M81.
Pisa, `Bibl. S. Francisci de Graccherino' (stamp) B82.
Pite, I.B. (donor) R62.
Plant, John A188.
Platus, Poram (donor) G206.
Player, Lucy A205.
Playfoot, M.L. (donor, 1935) B396.
Plumptre, Charles J. (donor, 1882) B1048, C264, F151, G288, G296, G358, G541, L327, P462, R209, R210.
Plumptre, E.H. (donor, 1882) B105.
Plumptre, John (bookplate) B1048, C264, F151, G288, G358, G432, G541, J81, L86, L327, P462, R209, R210.
Pocock, Robert T137.
Poley, Henry (1703: bookplate) C61.
Polketh, Thomas (1707) C759.
Pollard, John B477.
Pollard, William (1760) G451.
Pollock, James E516.
Polwarth, Alexander, Lord (bookplate, 1721) F319.
Pond, J. (1758) S158.
Pond, William B521.
PontàMousson, Collège St Antoine (1740) I63.
Poole (bookseller?) C278.
Poole, C. H201.
Pooley, John J163, P107.
Poore, John O186.
Pope, Elizabeth B470.
Pope, Michael P562.
Porita(?), James O101.
Porter, Richard T186.
Postern, William B58.
Posterum, John U30.
Pott, Archdeacon S413.
Potter, John, Abp (d.1747) P593.
Potts, J.W. C101, C1141.
Potts, R.U. (1934) S830.
Poulton, Elizabeth B470.
Powell (bookplate) S702.
Powell, C. (1682) B1584.
Powell, Thomas & Rebecca (1718) C512.
Power, Eustace B. H644.
Power, Philip B. (1843) H644.
Powys, Thomas, Dean of Canterbury (d.1809) C261.
Poynder, Henry F51.
Poynton, Mr C709.
Poyntry, Dr K15.
Pozlier, M. de N. F49.
Prat, Sx.(1750) C783.
Preacher, Irene O101.
Prescott, John J121.
Preston, B. (1812) T289.
Preston, Mary Ann (1847) T84.
Preston family T84.
Preston next Wingham Parochial Library, Kent (bookplate) A178, A179, B408, B411, B415, B1294, B1295, C413, C442, E613, G237, G366, K50, K51, L82, L277, M551, P141, P142, P143, P144, P147, P148, P149, P150, P151, P195, R109, S807, T260, T267-78, W310, W558.
Prett, William S462.
Preuschen, A.L. de O47.
Preuschen, G.E.L. (1758) O47.
Price, Elizabeth D539.
Price, Henry B1099.
Price, J. (1760) M221.
Price, Richard U13.
Price, Thomas Ombin S1070.
Prichard, William (1696) G42.
Prideaux, John P655.
Primatt, Humphrey L477.
Prince, John (1775) T73.
Prince, John (1800) H670.
Prinkeson, John B475.
Prior, Rev. Dr, Trinity College, Dublin (1843) H644.
Procter, W. J242.
Prole, Henry T374.
Puckle, Charlotte (1822) S132.
Pugh, Mr B474.
Pugin, Augustus de (bookplate) B247.
Pulham, J.S. J197.
Pulleyn, Thomas (bookplate) R494.
Purleigh (?) B513.
Purs family B490.
Purvis, J.F. B501.
Pusey, E.B. (1823) S689.
Pye, J. (1658) L618.
Pye, Sir Robert, Bart, Clifton Campville, Staffs (bookplate) C1077, E123, H309.
Pyndar, Reginald H638.
Pyttman, Wylliam (1522) B1538.