W., A. (bookplate) B1545.
W., G. G310.
W., H. D329.
W., I. (binding stamp) B462.
W., I.B. (bookplate) C257, E30, H167, H752, K112, R78, R276, S290.
W., J. R330, T374. (1766) J106.
W., J.B. (bookplate) M214.
W., R. H326, P442. (bookplate) C252, G269, S708.
W., T. (binding stamp) F65, F395, G294, L249, W63.
Wachendorft, Joannes Carolus J238.
Wacsberghe, Van(?) L347.
Wadham, Roberta (donor) L707.
Wake (?) G85.
Wake, Edward, senior, Canon of Canterbury (d.1732) C814.
Wake, J. C1283.
Wakefield, Gilbert (1794) R492. (1797) E585, M659.
Wakefield, Thomas W35.
Walcot, Anthony E402.
Walcott, Elizabeth C1223.
Walk, John (1785) B603.
Walker, Colin S., Canterbury (1955) D61.
Walker, J. H5.
Walker, James (1666) B478.
Walker, Samuel W59.
Walker, Thomas (bookplate) B663, S460.
Wall, M. (bookplate) A538, P508.
Wallbank (?) C946.
Wallbank, Gideon S500. (1733) K143. (1742) B674.
Walley, John B729.
Wallis, Ralph W87.
Walmer Castle, Kent (bookplate) G315, K69, P348, S706.
Walrond, M. B540.
Walter, G. H156.
Walter, Stephen B478.
Walton, J. (1719) G369, G371.
Walton, Thomas (1706) M37.
Warburton, W H642, H645.
Ward, H., Stationer, Canterbury (label) D60.
Ward, Philip B877, N160.
Wardell, H.J. (in memoriam, 1898) O111.
Ware, Henry P71.
Ware, Samuel R365.
Warly, Clare (d.1745) A260, B913, P158, S118.
Warly, John, Rector of Charlton, Kent (d.1679) L259. (1660) N210. (1669) P519. (1673) R56. (1674) B1303, T199. (1676) E617.
Warly, Dr John (d.1732) B95, B157, B186, B187, B202, L259, B449, B625, B1141, B1644, B1674, C312, C711, C1042, C1126, C1139, C1260, D57, D320, D381, E521, E584, F24, G6, H195, H388, H525, H598, H778, J1, J203, K95, K144, L230, L231, L502, N27, P519, P742, R10, R98, R237, R239, R403, R439, R441, S65, S66, S67, S70, S71, S72, S73, S75, S76, S336, S626, S932, S1167, T196, T197, T419, V115, W164, W437, W441, W475, Y17, Y37. (1689) H199. (1696) C236, S68. (1707) B1142. (1712) D215, P74, S214. (1718) P468. (1722) A107. (1723) R215. (1728) A416, P606. (1729) B1226. (1732) B49, L293.
Warly, Jonas, Archdeacon of Colchester (d.1722) B407.
Warly, Katharina S318.
Warly, Katherine D381.
Warly, Lee (d.1807)
Warly, Mary (née Lee d.1769) B1654, C1264, L275, L293, O173, S429, S616, T419, W164. (1742) S722. (1743) A203. (1746) B233. (1755) B1332. (1760?) B794. (1763) A524. (1766) T130.
Warly family C711, L275.
Warne, John G218.
Warner, Sam D175.
Warren, Sir Charles (donor, 1919) H463, J134, S700.
Warton, Car. C961.
Warton, Thomas W167.
Warwick, Daniel B1584, C1043.
Warwick, John T39.
Wasburne, Ed. B937.
Wasfenaar, Fredericus Henricus van S547.
Washington, M. H223.
Wasteneys, Catharine G563.
Waterman, Hugo A200.
Watkin, John B489.
Watkins, H.W. (donor, 1878) B247.
Watmer, Willelmus T202.
Watson, J.J. B610.
Watson, Nicholas H447.
Watson, Robert L262.
Watson, Samuel (1712) S912.
Watts, Jacobus E619.
Watts, William (1631) C21. (1637) M296. (1638) J45.
Wavell, William R174.
Way, B. (1763) M437.
Way, Gregory Lewis (bookplate) B79, B691, C1122, D142, H551, L670, R340.
Wayland, J. T213.
Weal(?), John B58.
Webb, H.M. P134.
Webb, Phillip Carteret (bookplate) B1008.
Webb, Robert L32.
Webber, Francis P135.
Welby, H. (donor, 1893) C394.
Welby, William (donor, 1882) S706.
Welfitt, William, Canon of Canterbury (d.1833) B650.
Weller, S. S1118.
Wells, Francis B. (1839) P279.
Wells, George P279.
Wendeborn, G.G.A. (1766) J205.
Wenman, Lord (bookplate) A447.
Wennerberg, J.W. (bookplate) H491.
West (?) M14.
Westbeer, W. L254, L256.
Westcott, Peter Thomas (1821) S1029.
Westdean Library (label, 1813) C969, M320.
Westminster, St James' Foreign Lending Library, 1854 B626.
Westminster Abbey C499.
Weston, Thomas (1783) C7.
Wetherell, Alexander (donor) O42. (1820) R398. (1879) R340. (1882) P588.
Wharton, G. B473.
Wheatley, J. C778.
Wheeler (?) H39.
Wheeler, Mr D183.
Wheeler, Hannah (1806) B566.
Wheeler, John H431.
Wheeler, Jon. B1071, C975, M629.
Wheeler, Man. V194.
Wheeler family B753.
Whetcombe, James J228.
Whinett, Elisebeth (1660) B507.
Whinett, Thomas (1660) B507.
Whitcombe, C. S111.
Whitcombe, G. C7.
White, B. (1799) D191.
White, Edward (1707) W115.
White, H. (1799) L704.
White, Henry (1805) C1184.
White, J. C719.
White, John (1698) W115.
White, John L302.
White, Joseph B852.
White, R. G37.
White, Robert Thomas C719.
White, Thomas (1653) S187. (1685) C1139.
White—, E—, (Lichfield, 1712) G567.
Whitehead, G.D. E496.
White Newton, J. (1755) K106.
Whitgift, John, Abp (d.1604) (armorial binding) A517, B359, B360, B453, C116, C128, C240, C882, F380, H740, P24, R116, R169, R194, S683, U28.
Whitlock, Jo. B1534, H772, O206.
Whitmarsh, J.W. B598.
Whittaker, John William (bookplate) D7.
Whityng, Willmus L33.
Wichalse, J. O199.
Widdrington, R. L716.
Widdrington, Sir Thomas H315.
Wigan, B.J. (1977) W15, W30.
Wiggin, John (1685) D539.
Wilberforce, Hannah H42.
Wilberforce, William (bookplate) A333, C350, H236, H725, M205, O3, P207, R80, W54.
Wilde, Edward D490.
Wilkes, John B500.
Wilkie, C.H. (donor) B113.
Wilkie, Kenyon Wood (donor, 1882) S378.
Wilkins, David, Canon of Canterbury (d.1745) B664, B678, B867, E142.
Wilkinson, D. (1909) J134.
Wilkinson, John (1587) M663.
Wilkinson, William (1678) K110.
Willemson, Joan B491.
William, Rachel O134.
William and Mary, King and Queen of England (binding) B561.
Williams, D. Thomas (1731) P92.
Williams, Edward Pickering (bookplate) H685.
Williams, Hannah (1726) C485.
Williams, Henry C987, D457.
Williams, J. B662.
Williams, J.B. (1826) B561.
Williams, Jo. L640.
Williams, John (1832) J179. (1876) B1013.
Williams, Moses (1723) R242.
Williams, Peter (1729) S433.
Williams, Richard C507.
Williams, William (bookplate) C912, L186.
Williamson, James (1653) R280.
Willis, William (bookplate) C821.
Willoughby, Anthony B566.
Willoughby, Walter B889.
Willoughby, Thomas, Canon of Canterbury (d.1581) S8.
Wills, Mrs E. C1274.
Willtorbe, William T150.
Wilson, Mr, Upper Gower Street J184, M67, W338, Y21.
Wilson, Daniel J197.
Wilson, E. B1509.
Wilson, James (bookplate) B348.
Wilson, John B532. (1776) P716.
Wilson, Mathew (bookplate) K69.
Wilson, William (1784) D175.
Wiltshier, John (donor) C1294.
Wiltshier, John E. (donor, 1887) C1296, F365, F366, F367, F368, F369, P122.
Windesor, Thomas (1622) T338.
Windheim, Chr. Ern. (bookplate) H748.
Windler, Karl Gottl. T2.
Windsor Castle C1154.
Winslowe, G. H253.
Winstanley, H. (1809) S546.
Winterbotham, H.S.P. (bookplate) J243.
Wise, Thomas (donor, 1726) C1285.
Witham, Robert (bookplate, 1714) T190.
Withers, J. A508.
Wittenbach, D. (1771) R39.
Witts, Jane (1730) B1131.
Witts, Richard Parish (1782) B1131.
Woburn Abbey (label) N197.
Wodehouse, Revd Thomas (donor, 1900) C1036, S921, S930.
Wodehouse, Thomas (1838) A392.
Wodsworth, William B366, W490. (1806) D296.
Wolfe family B470.
Wollaston, Francis (bookplate) J83.
Wollaston, W. (bookplate) N14.
Wolseley, Sir Charles E149.
Wolverhampton Public Libraries (cancelled label) J135.
Wood, Frederick (1822) H285.
Wood, Henry (bookplate and binding) H217.
Wood, James Y7.
Wood, John B1137, N98. (1709) S418.
Wood, Sara A206.
Wood, Thomas, Canon of Canterbury (d.1560) A89, T327.
Woodhouse, Frederick Charles (donor, 1904) B513, B1545, S375.
Woodhouse, George Edward (1850) B513.
Woodruff, C.E. (d.1948) B287, L416.
Woolcot(?), J. (1764) O79.
Woollett, Daniel (1662) L259.
Wooton, I. B1617.
Wordsworth, John (stamp) J207.
Worme, Samuel (1670) B826.
Worms, Anthony (1843) C1274.
Worms, George (1843) C1274.
Worr[all], Samuel G37.
Worrall, John G37.
Worsley, S. (1791) B820.
Worsop, R. S52.
Wragg, Christopher (1707) B540.
Wright, M. and A. J214.
Würzburg, Jesuit College (1595) D540.
Wyatt, Haut M190.
Wyatt, J. L699.
Wyld, Dudlai W380.
Wylde, John A91, B1345, C1147, H671.
Wylde, Robert C1147.
Wylliams (?) B1072.
Wynants, Delde(?) D531, T204.
Wynter, W. B473.
Wyttenbach, Daniel (1771) K54. (1774) G445. (1790) C887, C889. (1799) D12, D13, S1086. (1808) B1461.