EROMM's mission is the coordination of digitizing or microfilming activities and easy access to existing service copies of surrogate media help libraries to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort. EROMM, the European Register of Microform and Digital Masters, aims to bring together all information on printed and hand-written items reformatted to surrogate media – digital or microform – in libraries throughout Europe and worldwide. For this purpose EROMM created the database EROMM Classic and more recently the EROMM Search service, which are both freely available to anyone. With it, EROMM is also supporting researchers and students, who want to identify the location of any item in surrogate form..
EROMM also hosts the Cellulose Acetate Microfilm Database (CAMD): The ever more pressing problem of Cellulose Acetate as a film base has prompted EROMM to build a new tool, the Cellulose Acetate Microfilm Database or CAMD. It aims to help libraries and archives assess the danger presented by acetate in their microform holdings and to offer mutual support by sharing information.
For more information about EROMM, go to the EROMM web site.