This field is used for any kind of note meant to be read by the general user of the thesaurus.
Indicator 1: none
Indicator 2: Specifies the type of input:
$8 Language code (M;NR)
see the description of numerical subfields.
$a Information note (M;NR)
Any note pertaining to the described entity.
$s Source subfield note (O;R)
Source consulted by cataloguer for the contents of the note
$9 Temporary data (O;NR)
see the description of numerical subfields.
Any biographic information of a person or printer should rather be given in fields 340 Biographical Dates / Dates of Existence (O;R) and 350 Activity note (O;R). Any geographic information should rather go to field 356 Geographical Note (O;R).
When creating an RDF description, the following mapping is applied
$a | skos:note | the content of the preceeding $8 will be mapped to xml:lang (code translation necessary) |
Mapping Example
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <skos:note xml:lang="de">Verlagsort von Reprints</skos:note> <rdaGr3:nameOfThePlace>Umeå</rdaGr3:nameOfThePlace> </rdf:Description>
{"data": {"generalNote": [{ "lang": "language code ($8)", "text": "note ($a)", "source": ["source ($s)"], "tmp": "temporary data ($9)", "prc": 1|0 }]}}