Introduction: About CERL Marian Lefferts and Cristina Dondi (CERL)
Paper 1: The Impact Centre of Competence: tools for text digitisation and transcription – Tomasz Parkoła (Digital Libraries Team, Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poznan)
Paper 2: From manuscript to epub – Bente Lavold and Ellen Nessheim Wiger (National Library of Norway, Oslo)
Paper 3: Graphical analysis and graphematics for the BVH corpus (Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes) – Marie-Luce Demonet and Frédéric Rayar (University of Tours)
Paper 4: Metadata and other data in TEI – Martin de la Iglesia (Metadata and Data Conversion Group, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen)
Paper 5: OCR-ing at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: projects and experiences – Claudia Fabian (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich)
Paper 6: When not to OCR – the experience of EEBO-TCP – Michael Popham (Digital Collections and Preservation Services, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
Paper 7: How to generate society’s interest in digitized books and periodicals? – Zane Vitonlina (Colibrum, Riga)
Paper 8: The birth of a massive search engine for historical and multi-cultural handwritten collections – Lambert Schomaker (Groningen University)
Paper 9: Incremental and Offline Handwriting Recognition for the Venice Time Machine – Andrea Mazzei and Fouad Slimane (Digital Humanities Lab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne)