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CERL Archived Pages

CERL's Greetings Cards

Honors & Awards

CERL receives Marie-Curie Award
In February 2015 Dott. Laura Carnelos (University of Venice Ca’ Foscari) was awarded a 2-year Marie Curie Individual Fellowship to research at CERL, London office, under the supervision of Cristina Dondi, “PATRIMONiT. From Cheap Print to Rare ephemera: 16th-Century Italian ‘Popular’ Books at the British Library”. Partner organisations are the British Library, London (Dr Stephen Parkin) and ICCU, Rome (Dott. Sara Servello). Read more...

Praise for dissertation CERL's Project Officer Stijn van Rossem
Stijn van Rossem received on 12 November 2015 the Menno Hertzberger incentive (book history) prize for his dissertation titled: 'The fight with the books: the publishing strategy of the family Verdussen'. This family was active in the Antwerp book and printing industry for five generations, from 1589 to 1689.


CENDARI Expert Seminar
'Large-scale digital infrastructures and their users', The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 6 October 2015

First Conference of the CERL Security Network
The conference on Library Security: Practices and Strategies will be hosted by the Vatican Library in Rome on Friday 8 May 2015. The programme is available here.

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