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Citations about CERL


Robin B. Barnes, Astrology and Reformation, (Oxford : Oxford University Press, August 2015), p. XI:
“In turn, these and other major collections are now covered by the bibliographic databases of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL: www.cerl.org), which include records of both printed and manuscript materials from major European as well as North American Institutions; I have benefitted above all from access to the Heritage of the Printed Book (HPB) Database (…)”.

Chiara Consonni, Paul Gabriele Weston,'Finding a needle in a haystack: The BEIC Digital Library in search of its space on the Web: a case study', 11th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries - IRCDL 2015 Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 29-30 January, 2015 On MEI, CERL Thesaurus http://ircdl2015.unibz.it/papers/paper-06.pdf

Tania Demetriou, Rowan Tomlinson, The Culture of Translation in Early Modern England and France, 1500-1660 (Basingstoke, GB: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). On Heritage of the Printed Book Database (HPB) http://tinyurl.com/q4fvu7t

Jeremiah Dittmar, 'New Media, Competition and Growth: European Cities After Gutenberg', CEP Discussion Paper No 1365, (August 2015), pp. 9-10.

Akhtar Hussain , 'Adoption of Web 2.0 in library associations in the presence of social media', Program: electronic library and information systems, 49(2015)2, pp. 151 - 169 http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/PROG-02-2013-0007

Sarah Knight and Stefan Tilg, The Oxford Handbook of Neo-Latin (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015), p. 8. CERL Thesaurus as 'helpful tool' for 'making editorial decisions' on the spelling of personal names. http://tinyurl.com/ndm2y3e

Francesca Nepori and Beppe Pavoletti, La catalogazione “orientate all'esemplare”. Il trattamento in SBN e UNIMARC di dati di grande interesse per la ricostruzione delle collezioni, in Biblioteche oggi, gennaio-febbraio 2015, pp. 23-35, at 26 on MEI and CERL.

Joanna Pietrzak-Thébault, Transmission of Texts and New Technologies: Memory or Transformation? in: Załącznik Kulturoznawczy (2,2015), pp. 212-240, at p. 217 on CERL's Heritage of the Printed Book Database. Matthias Reinert, Maximilian Schrott, Bernhard Ebneth (2015), From Biographies to Data Curation – the Making of www.deutsche-biographie.de, p.15
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1399/paper3.pdf Sharon V. Thach, Serhiy Gvozdiov, Galen Hull, 'Entrepreneurial behavior in the academic environment : a case study of the Lviv Institute of Management, in John R McIntyre, Ilan Alon,
'Business and Management Education in Transitioning and Developing Countries : a handbook', (Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2015), pp. 155, 419 on CERL membership http://tinyurl.com/q4ytqea Thanasis Velios, 'The Language of Bindings Thesaurus', News in Conservation, (2015)49, p. 5
https://www.iiconservation.org/system/files/publications/journal/2015/b2015_4.pdf.pdf Ingeborg Versprille, Eliza Papaki, Marian Lefferts,
Europeana Cloud Deliverable 1.4 Content priorities for Humanities and Social Sciences research communities (The Hague: CERL, 2015). http://tinyurl.com/oqrjp3z
====2014==== Giliola Barbero, Francesca Trasselli, 'Manus OnLine and the Text Encoding Initiative Schema',
Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 8(2014-2015), n.p. http://jtei.revues.org/1054 Brent Nelson, 'From Index to Interoperability : The Desideratum of Authority Files in Large-Scale Digital Projects', Scholarly and Research Communication, 5(2014)4, n.p. http://src-online.ca/src/index.php/src/article/view/192/385#Nelson-11: … Nonetheless, it is in the library context that the first notable steps toward data linking are being taken. In Europe, one finds the CERL (Consortium of European Research Libraries) Thesaurus which, in fact, does the sort of thing proposed here. It ingests authority files from participating institutions to create a central, unionized resource, along the lines of the union catalogue. … Carlo Bianchinia, Mirna Willer (2014): ISBD Resource and Its Description in the Context of the Semantic Web, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2014.946167 Dunsire, Gordon and Mirna Willer. “The local in the global: universal bibliographic control from the bottom up.” In IFLA Library: 086-dunsire-en.pdf Nyström, Eva. “Codicological Crossover: The Merging of Manuscript and Print.” Studia Neophilologica ahead-of-print (2014): 1-22. CILIP LIHG (@CILIP_LIHG) heeft getweet op 1:03 PM on za, jul. 12, 2014: #lihg14 Provenance databases need to be international in scope like @CERL_org Material Evidence in Incunabula. More funding needed. (https://twitter.com/CILIP_LIHG/status/487915079774793728) Guildhall Library (London) blogs about being the first library to join MEI: 'Incunabula Project', April 2014 https://guildhalllibrarynewsletter.wordpress.com/2014/04/10/incunabula-project/ La Biblioteca europea di Milano (Beic). Vicende e traguardi di un progetto, ed. Antonio Padoa-Schioppa, Milan, Skira, 2014, pp. 95, 121. ====2013==== Ogrin, Matija, Jan Jona Javoršek, and Tomaž Erjavec. “A Register of Early Modern Slovenian Manuscripts.” Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative 4 (2013). http://hnk.ffzg.hr/bibl/SDH-2011/submissions/sdh2011_submission_49.pdf ====2012==== McCarthy, Elizabeth, Anne Welsh, and Sarah Wheale. “Early modern Oxford bindings in twenty-first century markup.” Library Review 61.8/9 (2012): 561-576. Sebastiani, Mario. “Il “documento digitale”: analisi di un concetto in evoluzione.” DigItalia 1 (2012): 9-31. ====2011==== Barbero, Giliola. “Cataloghi elettronici di manoscritti moderni.” italian studies 66.2 (2011): 286-295. Burrows, Toby. Applying Semantic Web technologies to medieval manuscript research. Vol. 3. Books on Demand (BoD), 2011. Czapnik, Marianna, and Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie. “” Virtual visits to lost libraries: reconstruction and access to dispersed collections“: konferencja i zebranie sprawozdawczo-wyborcze Europejskiego Konsorcjum Bibliotek Naukowych (CERL), Kopenhaga, Kongelige Biblioteket, 5-6 listopada 2010 r.” Biuletyn EBIB 4 (2011): 1-6. http://www.ebib.pl/images/stories/numery/122/122_czapnik.pdf Wynholds, Laura. “Linking to scientific data: Identity problems of unruly and poorly bounded digital objects.” International Journal of Digital Curation 6.1 (2011): 214-225. ====2010==== Astals, Isabel, Marina Ruiz, and Neus Verger. “La base de dades Antics posseïdors de la Biblioteca de Reserva de la Universitat de Barcelona.” BiD (2010). Summary: http://bd.ub.edu/bid/24/astals2.htm Chambers, Sally, and Wouter Schallier. “Bringing research libraries into Europeana: establishing a library-domain aggregator.” Liber Quarterly 20.1 (2010): 105-118. Shaw, David. “Bibliographical Note AN ENGLISH BOOKSELLER’S DEVICE USED IN PARIS IN c. 1512.” The Library 11.4 (2010): 468-473. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/the_library_the_transactions_of_the_bibliographical_society/v011/11.4.shaw.html Svoljšak, Sonja. “A Review of “Summer School in the Study of Old Books: Zadar, Croatia, 28th September to 2nd October 2009: Proceedings” edited by Mirna Willer and Marijana Tomić. Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru, 2010. 210 p. ISBN 978-953-7273-64-6. 150.00 Croatian Kuna (HRK).” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 50.1 (2012): 64-66. Uhlíř, Zdeněk. “Evropský projekt ENRICH a jeho význam pro vybudování virtuáního badatelského prostředí.” Knihovna 21.1 (2010). http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=3096f60f-6e46-41cf-9aba-d40b5b67328f%40sessionmgr115&vid=1&hid=114 ====2009==== Ball, Alex. “Preservation and curation in institutional repositories.” (2009). Dalbello, Marija. “Cultural Dimensions of Digital Library Development, Part II: The Cultures of Innovation in Five European National Libraries (Narratives of Development) 1.” The Library 79.1 (2009). Martin, Megan. “Collecting against the tide: building a new collection of rare books in the digital age.” The Australian Library Journal 58.2 (2009): 147-159. Reed, Marcia. “Provenance of Rare Books.” Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Third Edition. 2009. 4333-4339. Rueda-Ramírez, Pedro, and Marina Ruiz. “Towards a provenance database in the historic collection of the Library of the University of Barcelona.” (2009). Stephens, Matthew. “Heritage book collections in Australian libraries: what are they, where are they and why should we care?.” The Australian Library Journal 58.2 (2009): 173-189. http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=5571e8b0-9d17-412b-8c0c-908c4876feab%40sessionmgr110&vid=1&hid=114 Stigter, Fleur. “Virtual communities in Europe: the European Library approach.” Program: electronic library and information systems 43.3 (2009): 299-310. ====2007==== Velagić, Zoran. “HPB as the Source for Early Modern Book History.” The European Manuscript & Hand Press Book Heritage: The role of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (2007). Weber, Jutta, and André Bouwman. “‘Communicating Manuscripts’: Third Conference of LIBER's Manuscript Librarians Group, Berlin, 28-30 November 2007.” LIBER Quarterly 18.1 (2008): 59-62. https://liber.library.uu.nl/index.php/lq/article/view/URN%3ANBN%3ANL%3AUI%3A10-1-113509/8140 ====2005==== McGrath, Mike. “Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature‐53.” Interlending & document supply 33.4 (2005): 214-220. ====2004==== Baldacchini, Lorenzo. “Authority control of printers, publishers, and booksellers.” Cataloging & classification quarterly 38.3-4 (2004): 269-280. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Fabian, Claudia. “The CERL Thesaurus File.” Cataloging & classification quarterly 39.1-2 (2004): 413-420. ====2003==== Leerintveld, Ad, and Matthijs van Otegem. “The changing role of the manuscript librarian.” LIBER Quarterly 13.2 (2003). Fabian, Claudia. “CERL Thesaurus file [English and Italian versions presented at the International Conference].” (2003). http://eprints.rclis.org/4161/1/fabian_eng.pdf Nicholson, Dennis, and George Macgregor. “Developing the Scottish cooperative infrastructure: the what, who, where, when and why of SPEIR.” Widwisawn 1.2 (2003). ====2002==== Green, Andrew. “Digital library, open library: developments in the National Library of Wales.” ALEXANDRIA-ALDERSHOT- 14.3 (2002): 161-170. ====2001==== Andresoo, Janne. The national bibliography concept in a changing information environment. ERIC Clearinghouse, 2001. Attar, K. E. “Rare book librarianship and historical bibliography.” British Librarianship and Information Work 2005 (2001): 149-172. Ede, Stuart. “Cataloguing in the digital age.” LIBER quarterly 11.4 (2001): 360-371. ====2000==== MacDonald, Bertrum H., and Fiona A. Black. “Using GIS for Spatial and Temporal Analyses in Print Culture Studies: Some Opportunities and Challenges.” Social Science History 24.3 (2000): 505-536. ====1999==== Dimec, Zlata, and Maja Žumer. Merging past and future: transferring old catalogue records into automated systems (Slovenian example). 1999. Russon, David. “Can research shape the future of the British Library?.” Information Services and Use 19.2 (1999): 135-137. ====1997==== Curwen, Anthony G. “UNIMARC and international record exchange: an overview of recent projects and developments.” Program: electronic library and information systems 31.3 (1997): 227-238. Henderson, Bob. “The Hand Press Book File in RLIN: the development of a European unified database.” Program: electronic library and information systems 31.3 (1997): 269-280. Tedd, Lucy A. “An overview of some libraries and their computer systems in the Czech Republic and Slovenia: a visitor’s impressions.” Program: electronic library and information systems 31.4 (1997): 329-346. ====1995==== Library Association. Library History Group, Chartered Institute of Library, and Information Professionals (Great Britain). Library & Information History Group. Library history. Vol. 11. Library History Group of the Library Association, 1995. ====1994==== Campbell, Tony. “Possibilities for the international sharing of retroconverted map files.” INSPEL 28 (1994): 182-182. ====1993==== Ede, Stuart. “Strategic planning for the Millennium: a national library perspective.” Information Services and Use 13.1 (1993): 25-34.

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