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CERL Strategic Plan, 2016-2019

Mission Statement The prime goal of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) is to facilitate, enhance, and improve the use and impact of printed and manuscript cultural heritage material. CERL raises the awareness of cultural heritage collections and their content among scholars and interested parties in a wide community. CERL is service and partnership oriented by offering its members and the library, archival, and scholarly world at large high quality digital resources and tools using modern technology, by arranging seminars and workshops, and by providing cooperation within its membership and with other library and cultural heritage organisations. CERL concentrates its efforts on all aspects of printed material from the hand-press period and manuscripts and of their digital surrogates.

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CERL Strategic Plan, 2010–2015

Executive Summary

CERL’s original aim was to improve access to the scattered early printed heritage of Europe, by collecting widely distributed, highly specialized and often hidden bibliographical information in one joint database and providing tools to facilitate use of bibliographical resources.

With the evolving information landscape came the realisation that in addition to the role of data provider, CERL has to adopt the role of service provider. In this new position, a database such as the HPB comes to function as a node in an information network from which data on printed and written heritage materials can be filtered and aggregated. The CERL Portal for Manuscripts and Early Printed Materials was set up with this development in mind.

The mission of CERL can now be summarized as: - supporting the study of the book heritage of Europe by developing services that support integrated access to high-quality data; - developing and maintaining a suite of sophisticated tools appropriate for the study of printed and written heritage materials of Europe by pooling resources and expertise; - contributing to joint initiatives for the development of the digital infrastructure for the humanities, including the development and implementation of standards, especially those that facilitate interoperability

By 2015, CERL will offer sophisticated tools and authoritative services for use in modern research infrastructures employed by researchers, and will function as a point of focus for all librarians, researchers and data providers working with the European book heritage (until c. 1850). This Planning strategy shows the ways to reach these goals.

Download Strategic Plan 2010-2015

The CERL Strategic Plan, 2002–2007

CERL’s aims were defined in its five-year Strategic Plan, which was revised each year by CERL’s Executive Committee:

  1. To develop and expand the Hand Press Book Database and the CERL Thesaurus as a unique online resource, and provide appropriate user support.
  2. To provide users with integrated access to other related tools.
  3. To develop associated tools with the object of enhancing access and assisting in the interpretation of European cultural heritage as brought down to the present in the form of books written or printed before the middle of the 19th century.
  4. To develop services to assist CERL members and non-members in the study and interpretation of written culture produced before the middle of the 19th century and related cultural materials.
  5. To promote the Consortium's databases, services, and other associated activities.
  6. To develop and consolidate the Consortium's position in the European and international information landscape.

Download Strategic Plan 2002-2007

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