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Collection Security Summer School 2019

University Library, Tartu, Estonia, 4-6 September 2019

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Detector lock with key (1675-1700)

Curators and security officers from libraries and archives are invited to spend a few days at a course where we aim to share knowledge on topics related to collection security.

Our annual summer school aims to create a network of security officers and curators who work together on best practice, who alert each other to potential areas of threat on the market, and who generally support each other in security matters (also through sharing policies, best practices and tools).

This year’s summer school follows the pattern of the summer schools held in The Hague in 2017 and Rome in 2018.

The Tartu programme is being developed around 3 main themes:

  • Theft itself: detecting, reporting, necessary tools to be able to ensure follow up…
  • Basic prevention through access control and relevant rules for “ordinary / usual activities”
  • Prevention related to activities that may involve particular staff or volunteers and/or that are more exceptional / unusual

Each theme is addressed through 3 types of activities:

  • Presentations delivered by speakers from the CERL network, such as the National Library of Italy, British Library, National Library of France, National Library of Norway and Royal Library of Belgium,
  • Presentations from other related organisations, such as the National Archives Netherlands, the police’s department for the protection Cultural Heritage , auction houses and antiquarian booksellers, and
  • Visits focused on the themes which we explore.

The presentations and discussions will be in English.

In due course, the final programme for the 2019 Collection Security Summer School will be made available here.

The Summer School will start at 13:00 on Wednesday 4 September 2019 and will end at 16:00 on Friday 6 September 2019.

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 collaboration/security/2019tartusummerschool.1553081903.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/20 12:38 by lefferts



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