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Programme of Summer Schools

The Security Network organises summer schools on Security issues. Curators and security officers from libraries and archives are invited to spend a few days at a course where we aim to share knowledge on topics like collection security, reading the behaviour of your readers, legal aspects, national and international collaboration, what to do after a theft, embedding security in the wider organisation, and digital security.

The summer school is always organised in a different part of Europe. The first summer school, in 2017, was held at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the National Library of the Netherlands, the 2018 and 2019 summerschools in Rome and Tartu, respectively. The 2020 edition was transformed into a series of online events.

Hosts of each summer school address the issues above, but will tailor the programme to the situation in their own region, and will select the most suitable speakers to address the topics on the programme. The hope is that the summer schools will create a network of security officers and curators who work together on best practices, who alert each other to potential thieves or stolen books on the market, and who generally support each other in security matters.

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 collaboration/security/summerschools.1615199545.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/08 11:32 by lefferts



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