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CERL Blog In 2019/2020, CERL launched the CERL Blog. The blog editors are Vera Andriopoulou (Laskaridis Foundaton and CERL Promotion Working Group) and Marian Lefferts (CERL).

We added a blog facility to our existing portfolio of methods for connecting with you via social media

  • Because it allows us to present slightly longer stories about the services that CERL develops,
  • Because the blog posts can be more visual than the news circulated via the CERL mailing list, or even the CERL Newsletter, and
  • Because here we can give a better platform for news from our member libraries.

In addition to CERL news, we hope to present you with news from the manuscript and rare books community on library policies and practices, seminars and conferences, exhibitions and publications.

We invite both CERL members and scholars to contribute. If you have a suitable topic (or perhaps you have already written some text) and an accompanying image or two, then please contact Marian Lefferts, who can work with you to add your contribution to the blog.

Blog posts:

2021, 24 June
Bente Granrud, Handwritten Text Recognition at the National Library of Norway

2021, 28 May
Irini Solmonidi, Thesauros Tetraglosso, a new acquisition, a provenance history

2021, 20 May
Marieke van Delft, Acquiring Early Modern Books for KB, the National Library of the Netherlands

2021, 13 May
Cristina Dondi, Printing Revolution Exhibition Online: a new website

2021, 22 April
Martyna Osuch, My CERL Internship at the Metropolitan Seminary Library in Warsaw

2021, 16 April
Kristian Jensen, Cultural Property

2021, 8 April
Per Cullhed, Searching for Heritage Collection Information on the Internet - some tips

2021, 26 March
Elizabeth Savage, Early Colour Printing: German Renaissance Woodcuts at the British Museum

2021, 17 February
Irina Solomonidi, New Acquistion of Two 17th-century Greek Editions: a Small Story about Circulation of Books

2021, 8 February
Andreas Walker, The Value of visualisation in Improving Data Quality: Mapping MEI

2021, 14 January
Angeliki Papadopoulou, Kleopatra Kyrtata, Dr Vera Andriopoulou, Bringing Knowledge to the public: a 19th century forger and a 21th century digital library

2020, 17 December
Anette Hagan and Sarah Ames, Old meets new: Chapbooks as digital scholarship resources

2020, 10 December
Angela Dellebeke and Marian Lefferts, We are back in business! (Or are we?)

2020, 12 November
Anna Scala, Incunabula in Malta

2020, 5 November
Karen Attar, 500 Years On: Christopher Plantin's legacy today

2020, 22 October
Kathleen Walker-Meikle, Dogs in Early Printed Books

2020, 8 October
Irini Solomonidi, The Gennadius Library acquires an exceedingly rare 17th-century Greek book

2020, 24 September
Fabiano Cataldo de Azevedo, Provenances from Brazil

2020, 3 September
Vera Andriopoulou, New Publcation: One Book, Six Centuries of History

2020, 27 August
David Pearson, Book Owners Online: a new online resource

2020, 13 August
Sarah Ames, Special Collections as Data: the National Library of Scotland's Data Foundry

2020, 6 August
Andreas Walker, Linked Open Data for Early Modern Prints. CERL’s history and future in Linked Open Data

2020, 30 July
Andreas Walker, Linked Open Data for Early Modern Prints. What is LOD?

2020, 2 July
Marian Lefferts, CERL Newsletter (June 2020)

2020, 19 June
Vera Andriopoulou, New Blog: Incunabula in Greek Libraries, which in turn points to this first blogpost in a series prepared by colleagues at the Laskaridis Foundation.

2020, 11 June
Mirna Willer - Festschrift

2020, 5 June
Wijnand van der Sanden, In de footsteps of Johan Picardt (1600-1670)

2020, 29 May
Cristina Dondi, CERL Internship Grants 2019/20

2020, 7 May
Marieke van Delft, Pieter vander Meersche: an eighteenth-century user of incunabula

2020, 30 April
Elena Fogolin, News from CERL Grantees

2020, 24 April
The digitisation of incunabula in monastic libraries

2020, 9 April
Kirstin Williams, Cataloguing early Japanese books

2020, 2 April
Nele Gabriëls, We are OPEN! Share and reuse our public domain collections (and read about how we got there)

2020, 23 March
Sabrina Minuzzi, A new Project in cooperation with CERL: MAT-MED in Transit

2019, 30 December
Jacqueline Lambert, Out now! CERL Quick Audit Tool (2nd edition - November 2019)

2019, 19 September
Marian Lefferts, CERL Seminar 2019

2019, 19 September
Marian Lefferts, Why this new blog?

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 publications/cerl_blog.1624516497.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/24 08:34 by lefferts



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