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Recently published

The Quick Audit Tool (QAT), 1st edition
This booklet aims to raise awareness of a speedy way for any library/archive to see how their collection security policies and procedures compare against a baseline set by CERL institutions, both big and small, represented in CERL's Security Network Working Group. It provides guidelines and useful tips. The booklet is available in two formats:
as a booklet or on screen.



Signa Vides - Researching and recording printers' devices (Michaela Scheibe and Anja Wolkenhauer, eds.). Papers presented on 17-18 March 2015 at the CERL Workshop hosted by the National Library of Austria, Vienna.
London, Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2016.
ISBN 978-0-9569996-1-0. [Eight papers in English.]
Details and ordering information


La stampa romana nella città dei papi e in Europa/The Roman press in the city of the popes and Europe (Cristina Dondi, Andreina Rita, Adalbert Roth and Marina Venier, eds.). Papers presented on 11 November 2011 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Città del Vaticano.
Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2016.
ISBN 978-88-210-0970-9. [Nine papers in Italian, six in English and one in French.]
Details and ordering information


CERL Papers XI

Virtual visits to lost libraries: reconstruction of and access to dispersed collections (Ivan Boserup and David J. Shaw, eds.). Papers presented on 5 November 2010 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Royal Library of Denmark, Copenhagen.
London, Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2011.
ISBN 978-0-9569996-0-3. [Eleven papers in English.]
CERL Papers XI is now out of print, but is available to download here.


CERL Papers X

Urban Networks and the Printing Trade in Early Modern Europe (15th-18th century) (Renaud Adam, Ann Kelders, Claude Sorgeloos and David J. Shaw eds.). Papers presented on 6 November 2009 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels.
London, Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2010.
ISBN 978-0-9541535-9-5. [Four papers in English and three in French.]
CERL Papers X is now out of print, but is available to download here.

Implementing Persistent Identifiers

Hans-Werner Hilse and Jochen Kothe, Implementing Persistent Identifiers: Overview of concepts, guidelines and recommendations.
London / Amsterdam: Consortium of European Libraries and European Commission on Preservation and Access, 2006.
ISBN 90-6984-508-3.
This publication can be downloaded as a PDF file: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:7-isbn-90-6984-508-3-8 (this is a persistent identifier).

John Michael Smethurst, Bibliography & Essays

John Michael Smethurst, Bibliography & Essays with Postscript (Ann Matheson, ed).
Compiled by Michael John Crump.
Essays by Franz Georg Kaltwasser & John Winthrop Haeger. Postscript by Henry Leonard Snyder.
CERL Occassional Publications I.
London, Consortium of European Research Libraries / Online Computer Library Centre., Inc., 2006. ISBN 0-9541535-4-5.
Details and ordering information

Publications by and about CERL

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