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292 Book owned by the described person / corporate entity (O;R)

Field Definition and Scope

This field contains the short title of a work of which a copy was owned by the described person or corporate body.

Application of Content Designators


Indicator 1: none

Indicator 2: Specifies the type of input:

  • 0 Field has been input or corrected by cataloguer and cannot be overwritten in automated updating processes
  • 1 Field has been input by automated addition; review by cataloguer may be necessary


$1 Sort indicator (O;NR)
A two-digit numeral indicating the order of repeated fields.

$6 Source file reference (NR)
This subfield is added in an automated updating process only and shall be removed after manual amendment of the record.
Do not edit this subfield manually!

$8 Language code (A;R)
Mandatory to immediately precede each $n subfield. A three letter language code from the Marc Code List for Languages. See also the description of numerical subfields

$a Short title of work (M;R)

$h Holding information (A;R)
Library which currently holds the mentioned copy.
Mandatory to preced each $l subfield.

$l Shelf location (A;R)
Shelfmark of the described copy.

$n Note (O;R)
Any further information concerning the work mentioned in $a.

$s Source of bibliographical data (A;NR)
Subfield created by system.
Do not edit this subfield manually!\\

$9 Temporary data See the description of numerical subfields.

Input Conventions

Give a short title of the book owned by the described person or corporate entity. Any further information on the copy can be given in a specific note (subfield $n). This field should be used only in records describing persons or corporate bodies.




  1. 292 #0$aImitatio Christi (Cologne: Retro Minores, 1501)$hMortimer Rare Book Room, Smith College Library, Northampton, Massachusetts, U.S.A.$8eng$nInscription on title page of first item in a Sammelband

Internal Representation

{"data": {"booksOwned": [{
    "title": "short titel ($a)",
    "note": [{
        "lang": "language of note ($8)",
        "text": "text of note ($n)"
    "location": "holding information ($h)",
    "shelfmark": "shelf location ($l)",
    "prtc": 1|0

Change History

  • 14.07.2017: Subfield $1 will no longer be supported, once the CT migrates into its new environment.
  • 14.07.2017: Subfield $6 will no longer be supported, once the CT migrates into its new environment.
  • 14.07.2017: Subfield $s will no longer be supported, once the CT migrates into its new environment.
  • 14.07.2017: Subfield $9 added to the format description.
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 resources/cerl_thesaurus/editing/format/292.1500048506.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/14 18:08 by jahnke



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