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356 Geographical Note

Mandatory: no
Repeatable: yes

Field Definition and Scope

This field contains information about the region or country where a person, printer, corporation or place was located or active. It may also be used to record the movement of a person, printer or corporate body from one place to another or may hold any other geographic note on the described entity.

Application of Content Designators


Indicator 1: Specifies the type of content

  • # the field is a free-text note
  • 7 this field uses controlled vocabulary from the list specified in $2

Indicator 2: Specifies the type of input:

  • 0 Field has been input or corrected by cataloguer and cannot be overwritten in automated updating processes
  • 1 Field has been input by automated addition; review by cataloguer may be necessary


$1 Sort Indicator (O;R)
see the description of numerical subfields

$2 Source of controlled vocabulary (O;NR) This subfield indicates the source, the controlled vocabulary used in $a has been taken from. This subfield is mandatory if indicator 1 holds the indicator value 7; it must not be used if indicator 1 holds a blank. Currently the use of the following values is supported for field 356:

iso3166ISO 3166 2-letter country codes
nutsNomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques

$6 Source File Reference (O;NR)
see the description of numerical subfields.

$8 Language Code (M;NR)
see the description of numerical subfields.

$a Place or Region name or code (M;NR)
This subfields holds the (free) text of the geographic note or a controlled geographic term or code form the code list or list of terms specified in subfield $2

$z Chronological Note (O;NR)
Used in conjunction with $a, to indicate that the information given there applies only to a certain time period.
Preferrred form of entry: yyyy-yyyy or yyyy- or -yyyy

Input Conventions

In the CERL Thesaurus all place name records should hold an ISO 3166 country code, indicating the country the described place is located in nowadays.

Further, a place name record should hold the name of the country and the respective subordinate administrative units in the main language of the country in question or in English. This shall support the correct identification of the described place.


When creating an RDF description, the following mapping is applied

$agn:countryCodeif indicator 1 holds 7 and $2 holds iso3166
$act:geographicNoteif indicator 1 is blank, the content of the preceeding $8 will be mapped to xml:lang (code translation necessary)

Mapping Example

<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://thesaurus.cerl.org/cnl00016172">
   <ct:geographicNote xml:lang="hr">Francuska</ct:geographicNote>
   <ct:geographicNote xml:lang="en">France, Île-de-France, Paris</ct:geographicNote>


215 #1$aParis$cAT$5AtBPA$cDE$5GYMG$cSE$5SwSKB$cHR$5CiZaNSK
356 #1$8fre$aFrance, Île-de-France, Paris
356 70$8und$aFR$2iso3166
356 71$8und$aFR101$2nuts

215 #1$aApatin$cHU$5HUBpOSK
356 #0$8srp$aСрбија, Војводина, Западно-бачки
356 70$8und$aRS$2iso3166

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 resources/cerl_thesaurus/editing/format/356.1396883070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/07 17:04 by hentschke



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