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512 Related Corporate Body Name

Field Definition and Scope

This field contains one of the standard forms from another corporate body record relating to the present record. It is repeatable to link to more than one related record. The CERL Thesaurus number in $3 links to the other corporate body record. This field may be used in records of any type, it is not restricted to corporate name records.

Application of Content Designators


Indicator 1: Type of Name Form
The first indicator specifies, whether the name form given in this field is fictional or non-fictional:

  • 0 Name (default)
  • 1 Fictional name

Indicator 2: Type of Input
The second indicator specifies, whether this field has been input manually or by automated addition. The value of this indicator has an impact on the behaviour of this field in automated update processes:

  • 0 Form of name has been input or corrected by cataloguer; this form of name cannot be overwritten in automated updating processes
  • 1 Form of name has been input by automated addition; review by cataloguer may be necessary


$1 Sort indicator (O;R)
A two-digit numeral indicating the order of repeated fields.

$3 CERL Thesaurus record number (M;NR)
Record ID of the record to which the link points

$5 Tracing control (M;NR)
A two letter code:
Code Position 1:

  • a = earlier heading
  • b = later heading
  • g = superior hierarchical level
  • h = subordinated hierarchical level
  • z = related heading

Code Position 2:

  • 0 Name in $a etc. is indexed and displayed.
  • 1 Name in $a etc. is not indexed but displayed.
  • 2 Name in $a etc. is indexed but not displayed.
  • 3 Name in $a etc. is neither indexed nor displayed.

$6 Source file reference (NR)
This subfield is added in an automated updating process only and shall be removed after manual amendment of the record. Do not edit this subfield manually!

$8 Language code (A;R)
Mandatory to precede the $n subfield. A three letter language code from the Marc Code List for Languages.

$a Entry Element (M;NR)
Subfield $a contains the part of the name used as the entry element in a heading.

$b Subdivision (A;R)

$e Non-sorting Part of Name (O;NR)
Any part of the entry element, which should be skipped if entry elements are sorted alphabetically.

$n Cataloguer's note (O;R)
Forming a pair with the preceding $8 subfield. Any cataloguer's comment on this category

$r Addition other than names to entry element (O;R)
Insert any additions to the name, that are found in the book

$s Source subfield note (O;R)
Source consulted by cataloguer for this specific information. Use of tag $s in this case shall be restricted to information specifically explaning the relation to the related name. All other source information will be carried by the related record.

Input Conventions


  1. 512 00$5b1$aBiblioteca dell'Archiginnasio$8eng$nNot verified whether main part of the library has been donated
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 resources/cerl_thesaurus/editing/format/512.1346399852.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/10/05 11:49 (external edit)



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