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515 Place of Activity (O;R)
Field Definition and Scope
This field contains the name of the place where a printer or publisher has been working, a corporate body has been active or a person has been born, died or lived.
Application of Content Designators
Indicator 1: undefined (blank) Specifies the type of name:
* 0 Name (default)
* 1 Fictional name
Indicator 2: Specifies the type of input:
- 0 Field has been input or corrected by cataloguer and cannot be overwritten in automated updating processes
- 1 Field has been input by automated addition; review by cataloguer may be necessary
$1 Sort Indicator (O;R)
see the description of numerical subfields
$3 CERL Thesaurus record number (M;NR)
Record ID of the record to which the link points
$6 Source File Reference (O;NR)
see the description of numerical subfields.
$8 Language Code (O;R)
preceeding each subfield $n. see the description of numerical subfields.
$a Entry Element (M;NR)
Subfield $a contains the part of the name used as the entry element in a heading.
$d Address (O;NR)
Address as printed in the book.
$e Printer device used in conection with address (O;R)
Any graphical sign which is related to a printer's address given in $d.
Any device, which a printer used throughout different places or different addresses is filed in field 516.
$n Cataloguer's note (O;R)
Forming a pair with the preceding $8 subfield. Any cataloguer's comment on this category
$r Part of name other than entry element (O;R)
Remainder of the name, if given in a separate subfield in the source record.
$z Chronological subdivision (O;NR)
Used in conjunction with $a
Preferrred form of entry: yyyy-yyyy or yyyy- or -yyyy
$9 Temporary Data (O;NR)
see the description of numerical subfields.
$0 Type of Place (M;NR)
An indication of the type of the relationship between the entity described in the record and the place mentioned in this field. The following values are currently supported:
brth | place of birth |
deat | place of death |
trad | place of trade |
stud | place of study (university) |
schl | place of school |
teac | place of teaching (for university teachers, lecturers, professors etc) |
resd | place of residence |
dioc | see of a diocese/parish (for bishops, priests, ministers etc) |
vist | place visited |
actv | place of activity (other) |
Input Conventions
When creating an RDF description, the following mapping is applied
$a,$3 | rdaGr2:placeOfBirth | if the record describes a person |
$a,$3 | rdaGr2:placeOfDeath | if the record describes a person |
$a,$3 | rdaGr2:placeOfResidence | if the record describes a person |
- rdaGr2 represents the namespace “”
- Whenever a link to a place name record is available, the RDF triple will point to it as a resource.
- The RDA ontologies are registerd with the open metadata registry (
- 515 01$aLondon$z1650
- 515 01$aHaarlem$dBouwery Steghe (de)$z1631
515 01$aHaarlem$dNoorder School-steegh (de)$z1637-1648 - 515 01$aGroningen$101$z1654-1670
515 01$aGroningen$102$dHeere-straet (de)$eGroote orangien-croone (in de)$z1655
Internal Representation
{"data": {"place": [{ "tmp": "Temporary data ($9)", "part": [ {"name": "Entry element ($a)"}, {"address": "Address ($d)"}, {"sign": "Sign ($e)"}, {"addition": "Addition to the name ($r)"} ], "typeOfPlace": "Type of place ($0)", "source": ["source of information ($s)"], "start": year ($z), "end": year ($z), "note": [{ "lang": "Language code ($8)", "text": "Text of note ($n)" }], "id": "Record identifier of related record ($3)", "prc": 1 }]}}
Change history
- 17.07.2017: The first indicator will become obsolete, once the CT has been migrated into its new environment
- 17.07.2017: Subfield $1 will no longer be supported, once the CT has been migrated to its new environment.
- 17.07.2017: Subfield $6 will no longer be supported, once the CT has been migrated into its new environment
- 17.07.2017: Added new subfield $0 to the format description