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CERL Annual Seminar 2019

Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen
Wednesday 9 October 2019

Collections and Networks

Reconstructing the Historical Context of Texts, Publications and Objects with digital methods

8:30 Registration
9:15 Welcome, Kristian Jensen, CERL Chairman and Wolfram Horstmann, SUB Göttingen

Moderator: tbc
9:45 Uwe Sikora, SUB Göttingen, on the IDIOM-Projekt
10:15 Susanne Al-Eryani, SUB Göttingen, 'From the shelf into the world: Baron von Asch and the Göttingen University collections'

  • Short Bio: Susanne Al-Eryani studied Social and Cultural Anthropology and Arabic and Enlgish language and literature in Göttingen. Her research focused on Islamic cultures, and she carried out her field research in Yemen on wedding ceremonies and marriage strategies. Since 2016 she has worked as subject librarian for Oriental studies (with focus on the Middle Eastern and North African regions) and Non-European Archaeology at the Göttingen University library. From 2014-2018 she has been involved in the ASCH-ProjektObject from the Asch collection that aimed at the development of a metadata model for the contextualisation of different types of digitised resources. Since 2019 she is team member of the Research and documentation centre for political and religious extremism in Lower Saxony.

Moderator: Marian Lefferts, CERL
11:30 Andreas Walker, on preparing HPB Linked Open Data and an appropriate user interface
12:00 Mikko Tollonen, University of Helsinki, Finland, on analysing large data sets with bibliographical records, such as the Fennica, ESTC and HPB files

Moderator: tbc
13:45 Howard Hotson, Cultures of Knowledge / Early Modern Letters Online
14:15 Mathias Göbel, SUB Göttingen, on the Theodor Fontane Notizbücher project

Moderator: tbc
15:30 Bettina Gierke, Herzog August Bibliothek, on the project 'Specialised Information Service: Book Studies, library and information science'
16:00 Gertjan Filarski; Director Digital Infrastructure at the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW) on how the initiatives arising from the COST Action relate to KNAW's ambitious infrastructural plans
16:30 Mia Ridge, British Library, on the Living with Machines project

17:15 Guided Tour of the Library

Registration: Attendance is free, but please register with secretariat@cerl.org.
Directions: Historisches Gebäude

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