Collection Security Summer School light
- 8 December 2020 - Collection Security Summer School light
Since 2017, the CERL Security Network has organised an annual summer school on security issues. This year we were not able to organise the event in Vienna has we had originally planned. We therefore asked members of the Security Network to record presentations that they gave at previous editions of the summer school, or record a new presentation. The session on 8 December was intended as a first attempt to organise an online information session about security issues. We hope that in years to come, when we plan to go back to organising real life summer schools somewhere in Europe, these physical events can be combined with online events such as this. Additionally, Mme Lambert talk with participants on how to use the Quick Audit Tool that was developed in the Network. The Quick Audit Tool (QAT) (the 3rd edition will come out in December 2020) aims to raise awareness of a speedy way for any library/archive to see how their collection security policies and procedures compare against a baseline set by CERL institutions, both big and small, represented in the Security Working Group.
- The play list for these recordings is available here. The programme for 8 December is:
- Nina Korbu, National Library of Norway - In-house Collection Security
- Jarle Rui Aadna, Royal Library in Copenhagen - Two independent cultural institutions in one reading room
- Adrian Edwards, British Library - Missing item processes at the British Library
- Per Cullhed, Uppsala University Library - Security in the stacks - monitoring and risk assessment
- Jacqueline Lambert, Royal Library in Brussels - Working with the Quick Audit Tool.
- Security Network Panel on the impact of COVID-19 on libraries/special collections (the recording made on 1 December 2020 is available here).
- On the panel were Jacqueline Lambert (Royal Library, Brussels and Chairman of the CERL Security Network), Foekje Boersma (Royal Library, The Hague), Angela Dellebeke (National Archives, The Hague), Frédéric Lemmers (Royal Library, Brussels) and Andrea Cappa (Biblioteca Nacionale Centrale, Rome), and they talked about
• Lockdown : what actually happens when such an announcement is made?
What do you do? Who do you contact, what can be arranged/what can’t?
• Crisismanagement: Who are involved, who makes what type of decisions, what topics are being decided on, surprises?
• Remote work: how is that arranged and what are alternatives if your work is at the location you can’t get to?
• Communication: with staff, stakeholders, visitors, network partners, other institutions you’ve lent material to or you have their material, i.e. outstanding loans.
• Social component: contact with staff, issues staff have with coping with the situation as a whole, with working from home etc?
• Planning for re-opening: what is needed, what is mandatory?
• How do you implement Corona measures when working with collections? Some positives to share!!
• Looking ahead : how are we moving forward… with a 1,5 meter society, are we changing the way we work? Embracing technologies, going back to the way we were?
- Online presentation about the REALM project: Supporting the reopening of libraries, archives, and museums
- Organised with OCLC Research Library Partnership
- The recording (24 November 2020), slides, and links are posted on the OCLC event page