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Contact CERL

The Consortium of European Research Libraries is a company limited by guarantee, Company No. 2942632
Registered Office: 40 Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell, London EC1R 0NE

Membership Information

For information about membership to the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) please contact:

The Secretariat
Consortium of European Research Libraries
40 Bowling Green Lane
London EC1R 0NE
E-mail: secretariat@cerl.org
Tel: +44 - (0)20 - 7415 7134
Fax: +44 - (0)20 - 7970 5643

Follow CERL on Twitter

General Information

For general information about any aspect of CERL’s activities or a trial password to the HPB Database contact the CERL Executive Manager:

Drs. Marian Lefferts
Consortium of European Research Libraries
Room 0105
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
2595 BE Den Haag
Postal address:
Postbox 90407
2509 LK Den Haag
E-mail: Marian.Lefferts@cerl.org
Tel: +31 - (0)70 - 314 0135
Fax: +31 - (0)70 - 314 0633
Follow Marian on Twitter

Contact CERL's Secretary

CERL’s Company Secretary can be contacted at the address below:

Dr Cristina Dondi
Consortium of European Research Libraries
40 Bowling Green Lane
London EC1R 0NE
E-mail: c.dondi@cerl.org
Tel: +44 - (0)20 - 7415 7134
Fax: +44 - (0)20 - 7970 5643

Project Officer

Thomas Baldwin
E-mail: thomas.baldwin@cerl.org
Tel: +31 - (0)70 - 314 0196
Fax: +31 - (0)70 - 314 0633
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 contact.1381239486.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/08 15:38 by lefferts



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