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help:incunabula:main [2012/11/09 11:15] – [Copy-specific information] baldwinhelp:incunabula:main [2016/03/04 17:26] hart
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 ====== Material Evidence in Incunabula ====== ====== Material Evidence in Incunabula ======
-===== Searching ===== 
-==== Truncation ==== 
-You may use right truncation for searches in the local database by adding a question mark to your search term (e.g. ''aristot?''). Please note that this does not work for searches in the ISTC database. 
-==== Special Searches ==== 
-In order to search special aspects of the database you may use the following search codes: 
-^Code ^Searching for... ^Example  ^Values | 
-|acqm |Method of acquisition |acqm=a |a   purchase \\ b   donation \\ c   bequest \\ d   exchange \\ e institutional transfer| 
-|area |Area code| area=e-fr | | 
-|bcov |Binding material (cover) |bcov=b |b   Leather \\ a   Parchment/Vellum \\ g   Paper \\ d   Bookcloth \\ i   exotic Textile \\ j   Alum Tawed Skin \\ k   mixed \\ z   other | 
-|bdat |Binding date (century) |bdat=t |s   15th \\ t   16th \\ u   17th \\ v   18th \\ w   19th \\ x   20th \\ y   21st | 
-|bedg |Edges (Binding) |bedg=a |a   gilt \\ b   coloured \\ c   marbeled \\ d   uncoloured | 
-|bfur |Furniture (Binding) |bfur=0 |0   no \\ 1   yes | 
-|bgau |Gauffered (binding) |bgau=a |a   yes \\ d   no | 
-|bmat |Board material (Binding)|bmat=d |c   Wood \\ g   Paper \\ z   other| 
-|btit |Titling (binding) |btit=b |a   Manuscript \\ b   Tooled \\ c   Print Label | 
-|btol |Tooling (binding) |btol=c |a   blind \\ b   gold \\ c   blind and gold \\ d   none | 
-|btyp |Binding type |btype=a |a   Limp \\ b   Sewn textblock (unbound) \\ c   Boards | 
-|bsta |Binding status |bsta=e |a   Untouched (Original Binding) \\ e   Repaired \\ b   Rebound | 
-|bwoe |Writing on edges (binding) |bwoe=a |a   along \\ b   across \\ d   none | 
-|cent |Time period code (century and decade) |cent=s7s4 |//century code see bdat// | 
-|char |Characterisation of former owner |char=b |a   no characterisation \\ b   religious \\ c   aristocratic \\ d   royal \\ u unknown | 
-|coll |Collection | | | 
-|curr |Currency | | | 
-|deco |Decoration Elements |deco=r |b   Illuminations \\ c   Ornamental Letter \\ n   Coat of Arms \\ r   Rubrication \\ i   Pen initials | 
-|gend |Gender of former owner |gend=a|a   female \\ b   male \\ u   unknown \\ x not applicable | 
-|hold |Country of holding institution |hold=it | | 
-|hsfm |Hist. shelfmark | | | 
-|libr |Holding institution | | | 
-|matb |Support material of the book |matb=a |a   paper \\ b   hand-made paper \\ c   rice paper \\ d   wood-pulp paper \\ e   parchment/vellum \\ z   other | 
-|matp |Support material of plates |matp=a | //see matb// | 
-|mtyp| Type of Mss Notes |mtyp=k |a   corrections \\ b   completions \\ c   supplements \\ d   extraction of key words \\ e   collation \\ f   translation \\ g   structuring the text \\ h   comments \\ i   censorship \\ k   reading marks (underlining and pointing hands) \\ l drawings | 
-|pplc |Place of provenance |pplc="Chiari Brescia" |//Place name from the evidence description and variant name forms from the CERL Thesaurus if linked// | 
-|pdat |Publishing Date |pdat="17 apr 1488" | //Use exact phrase or right truncation// | 
-|pric |Price | | | 
-|prof |Profession of former owner / Type of Institution |prof=b |**Persons** \\ c   physician \\ d   lawyer \\ e   politician \\ f   clergy \\ g   school teacher \\ h   business \\ i   scholar \\ k   university lecturer \\ l   student \\ m   civil servant \\ o   bookseller \\ u   unknown \\ **Corporate Bodies** \\ a   religious institution \\ b   university \\ h   business \\ n   academy \\ o   book trade \\ p    school \\ q   municipality \\ r   national library \\ u   unknown | 
-|psrc |Source of provenance |psrc=h |a   Book in Hand \\ b   Bibliography \\ c   Library Catalogue \\ e   Auction/Sales Catalogue \\ f   Hist. Library Catalogue / Accession Journal \\ x   unknown/other | 
-|role |Specific role of former owner |role=390 |020   annotator \\ 160   bookseller \\ 320   donor \\ 390   former owner \\ 399   present owner \\ 570   role not specified | 
-|rown |Record owner|rown=_tst |//Codes are assigned individually to participating libraries/projects//| 
-|segm |Database segment |segm=ven | | 
-|sfmk |Current shelfmark | | | 
-|stamp |Stamp |stamp=1 |1   has stamp| 
-|titp |Title proper|titp="mariale?" |//Use the exact phrase or use right truncation// | 
-|type |Type of provenance |type=a |a   Inscription \\ b   Coat of Arms \\ c   Genealogical Tables \\ d   Supralibros \\ e   Exlibris \\ f   Mottos \\ g   Emblems \\ h   Stamps \\ i   Firestamp \\ k   Binding \\ l   Decoration \\ m   Manuscript Notes \\ * Bibliographic evidence \\ * Shelfmark \\ u   unknown | 
-|wtmk |Indicator if paper has a watermark |wtmk=1 |0   no \\ 1   yes | 
-|auth |Author | | | 
-|prnt |Printer |  | | 
-|popr |Printing Place |  | | 
-|form |Bibliogr. format |  | | 
 ===== Editing ===== ===== Editing =====
 +=== New MEI Editing Guidelines ===
- +The new guidelines can be found on the 15cBooktrade Project website [[http://15cbooktrade.ox.ac.uk/distribution-use/new-mei-editing-guidelines/|here]].
-==== General ==== +
-  * To edit in the MEI database, you need to obtain a login from the CERL Secretariat. Please contact Dr. Dondi on this matter ([[c.dondi@cerl.org]]). +
-  * The MEI database allows for editing records on the copy level only. I.e. you may enter a description of a copy and/or several clues to provenance evidence found in the book in question. It is not possible to edit bibliographical data extracted from ISTC. +
-  * You are encouraged, whenever possible, to link any name of place or former owner to the [[::resources:cerl_thesaurus:main|CERL Thesaurus]]. If a certain name is not available from the CERL Thesaurus, please send a short note to the CERL Secretariat or the Data Conversion Group ([[convert@gbv.de]]). +
-  * To edit an existing copy record, click on //Edit// in the Copy record's headline (i.e. next to the name of the holding Institution). If you want to discard your editing without saving the record, click //Cancel Editing// to leave the editor. +
-  * To add a new copy that has not yet been described in MEI, click on //Add another copy...// in the Editor's Menu on the left. **Please note** if you decide to discard your editing without saving the new copy, leave the editor by clicking //Delete Copy// instead of //Cancel Editing//+
-  * Please note that you cannot edit a copy while someone else is working on it. If you leave your browser window without saving the record or without unlocking it by clicking //Cancel Editing// and thus cannot reenter the editor, please contact the Data Conversion Group. +
- +
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-==== Copy-specific information ==== +
-The first tab in your editor relates to the 'copy in general'. When changing the order of the blocks of provenance information (which should be a chronological order), make sure the 'copy in general' form remains always the first editor tab. +
- +
-<box round orange 75%> +
-This table and the set of 'Full Descriptions' is still under construction +
-</box> +
- +
-^Data Element ^Brief Description ^Full Description | +
-|Copy Id|automatically generated number to identify a specific copy. Cannot be changed manually|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Type|Code that indicates the type of record edited. Cannot be changed manually and must always be ''c''|[[::help:incunabula:009|Full Description]]| +
-|Record owner| | | +
-|Segment|Insert here the name of a Cluster, to which this copy belongs. For example: Regione Lombardia. It is compulsory to use a code from the code list given in the full description of this field|[[::help:incunabula:091|Full Description]]| +
-|Host Item|ISTC number. This number is automatically generated and should not be changed unless the copy record should be transferred to another bibliographical record|[[::help:incunabula:004|Full Description]]| +
-|Holding Institution|Name of Library that currently holds the described copy. Insert in brackets the name as it appears in ISTC.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Collection|Name of collection or sub-group the copy belongs to within the library, for example Sloane Collection.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Shelfmark|Current shelfmark of the described copy.|[[::help:incunabula:252|Full Description]]| +
-|Note on Shelfmark / Holding|Insert here information relating to the availability or accessibility of copy, e.g. access restriction.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Add another work bound with this copy|Add here info on other editions bound within the same volume. If it is an incunable, add MEI number. This entry can be repeated.|[[::help:incunabula:482|Full Description]]| +
-|General Note| Any information pertaining to the described copy that do not fit in any other place. This entry can be repeated.|[[::help:incunabula:316|Full Description]]| +
-|Note on Copy History| Any information that relates to the history of the described copy and that is not given in any of the provenance evidence fields. This entry can be repeated.|[[::help:incunabula:373|Full Description]]| +
-|Time period to which the above note apply|This field relates to a //Note on Copy History// field and give the time period where the described event occurred.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Note on physical description|Give any particularities regarding the format or the extent of the described item. Give an indication of missing or misbound leaves here. |[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Size of paper|Give the size of the printed leaves in mm|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Material|Free text note pertaining to the physical material of the described copy|[[::help:incunabula:372|Full Description]]| +
-|Material (book)|Material of printed leaves|[[::help:incunabula:372|Full Description]]| +
-|Material (Plates)|Material of illustration etc.|[[::help:incunabula:372|Full Description]]| +
-|Watermark|Indicate if the paper the described copy is printed on has a watermark. If possible give details on the watermark in the //Material// field|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Add an electronic reproduction|Give the URL of a digital facsimile of the described copy, if available, or simply a URL to link to an external resource with a picture of some aspect of the copy described.|[[::help:incunabula:256|Full Description]]| +
-|Other identifier|Record Identifiers of this copy used in other databases/catalogues. At the moment identifiers from GW, HPB, IGI and BSB-Ink can be recorded. This entry can be repeated.|[[::help:incunabula:039|Full Description]]| +
-|Cataloguer's note|Working notes, are not displayed publicly. This entry can be repeated.|[[::help:incunabula:830|Full Description]]| +
-|Source|Add here more bibliographical references, such as studies and publications involving the copy, that have been consulted in the creation of this record.|[[::help:incunabula:819|Full Description]]| +
-|Recording of this copy's provenance is|Use //incomplete// if including info from published catalogues which do not offer a full description. Use //complete// if cataloguer believes no more info can be obtained, or the fields have all been covered.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Editing History|Automatically generated. It records all interventions to the specific record.|[[::help:incunabula:999|Full Description]]| +
- +
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- +
-==== Provenance evidence ==== +
-  * Each change in ownership is recorded by the evidence found in the book or elsewhere. +
-  * If more than one type of evidence relates to an ownership, please record them in the same evidence form (or block of provenance). For example, 16th century German ownership and 16th century German binding. +
-  * To add a new block of provenance click //New evidence//+
-  * If possible provide the evidence in chronological order. To change the order of the evidence forms, move the mouse over the dotted area in the evidence tab and drag the tab slowly into the appropriate position. **Please note:** No evidence tab must be placed before the tab that contains the copy-specific information. +
-  * To delete a whole evidence description, do the following: +
-    * Empty all fields and delete the entries from the Editing history. +
-    * Move the tab to the rightmost position. +
-    * Save the record. +
- +
-<box round orange 75%> +
-This table and the set of 'Full Descriptions' is still under construction +
-</box> +
- +
-^Data Element ^Brief Description ^Full Description | +
-|Evidence Seq.|Automatically generated number to group together the information of an evidence description. Should not be edited manually.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Set the editing status for this provenance evidence|Please note whether the information provided is certain or uncertain (for example if transferring data from a printed catalogue which may offer a dubious transcription of an ownership note). The editing status should be set when a new evidence is created or when substantial changes are made to an evidence description. Clicking here will set a new status, which is displayed publicly in the record's full display. Therefore check from the Editing history (at the bottom of the form) if a change is really necessary.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Editing Status - Source|Give the type of source your evidence description is based on. Multiple sources can be ticked. Binding, decoration, and marginalia constitute //book in hand//. //Notes inside the book// refer to notes written by later owners, booksellers, or librarians referring to previous ownership information otherwise not verifiable.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Edition Status - Certainty|Indicate the reliability of your evidence description. Use //uncertain// if you are making an educated guess|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Place - Place Name|If possible, give the place where the ownership described in this evidence can be located.|[[::help:incunabula:621|Full Description]]| +
-|Place - CERL Thesaurus Id|Give the Identifier for the CERL Thesaurus record for the place, if available. If no CT record for that place is available notify the Dr. Dondi or the Data Conversion Group|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Place - Note|If necessary, add clarifications or specification on the place here|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Geogr. Area - Area Code|Give the [[http://www.loc.gov/marc/geoareas/gacshome.html|MARC Area Code]] to indicate the broader geographic area associated with the ownership described in this provenance section. You may use the lookup-wizard by clicking the //Select// button.|[[::help:incunabula:660|Full Description]]| +
-|Geogr. Area Note|If necessary, give any remarks or clarifications on the geographic area here.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Time Period|Give the start and end of the time period associated with the described ownership. If you don't know the century or decade, please select //unknown// from the drop-down menu. If the time period is not terminated yet, do not select //unknown// as end date, but leave the drop-down in the //Please choose...// position. If necessary, give any clarifications in the //Note// field.|[[::help:incunabula:661|Full Description]]| +
-|Time Period Note|If necessary, give any remarks or clarifications on time period here.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Add an Owner (Person)|Add here details of known owner.|[[::help:incunabula:702|Full Description]]| +
-|Owner (Person): Name|In the sequence name + surname.|[[::help:incunabula:702|Full Description]]| +
-|Owner (Person): 'Erased inscription'|when in the book can be found an ownership inscription later erased and not legible. This block of evidence can be geographically located and chronologically date, if possible.|[[::help:incunabula:702|Full Description]]| +
-|Owner (Person): 'Deleted inscription'|when in the book can be found an ownership inscription later crossed out and not legible. This block of evidence can be geographically located and chronologically date, if possible.|[[::help:incunabula:702|Full Description]]| +
-|Owner (Person): 'Unread inscription'|when in the book can be found an ownership inscription which the cataloguer is not able to read. This block of evidence can be geographically located and chronologically date, if possible.|[[::help:incunabula:702|Full Description]]| +
-|Owner (Person): 'Anonymous'|when the geographical and/or chronological evidence is offered by manuscript notes / binding / decoration / stamps / historic shelfmark / price, without indication of ownership. For example: Italy, 15th century, anonymous, mss notes (from palaeographical evidence).|[[::help:incunabula:702|Full Description]]| +
-|Biographical Dates|In the sequence 1234-5678.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Gender|Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Characterization| Indicate whether a religious person, or of aristocratic or royal status. Choose no characterization for lay person.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Profession|Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Other Information|Indicate here specific aristocratic title such as Count of..., Duke of..., or specific religious order such as OFM, OSB, or period of reign, etc.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]+
-|Cerl Thesaurus Id:| Insert here the number of the record in the CERL Thesaurus corresponding to this personPlease click on Look up the Cerl Thesaurus to identify the record number.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Role|Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Owner (Corporate): Name|Add here the name of the institution.|[[::help:incunabula:712|Full Description]]| +
-|Dates of existence|In the sequence 1234-5678, or 1234- if still active.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Characterization|Indicate whether a religious institution, or of municipal or royal status. Choose no characterization for lay institution.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Type of Institution|Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Other Information|Add here further defining information.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Cerl Thesaurus Id:| Insert here the number of the record in the CERL Thesaurus corresponding to this institution. Please click on Look up the Cerl Thesaurus to identify the record number.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Role|Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Type of provenance|Indicate here the nature of the provenance information, whether it is an inscription, a binding, a decoration, a stamp, etc.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Provenance Note|Free text to transcribe an ownership inscription, or to provide further provenance information which is not expressed in the book itself such as Cicogna bequeathed his collection to the city of Venice, etc.|[[::help:incunabula:317|Full Description]]| +
-|Method of acquisition|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Binding Note|Free text to describe a binding. Use: 'Binder's name: ***' to provide the name of the binder.|[[::help:incunabula:310|Full Description]]| +
-|Binding Date|Controlled language. Please Choose century.|[[::help:incunabula:310|Full Description]]| +
-|Binding Type|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:310|Full Description]]| +
-|Board Material|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Cover Material|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Furniture|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Binding Status|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:310|Full Description]]| +
-|Titling|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Tooling|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Edges|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Writing on edges|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:392|Full Description]]| +
-|Gauffered|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Decoration Note|Free text to describe decoration.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Decoration Elements|Controlled language. Tick as many as needed.|[[::help:incunabula:391|Full Description]]| +
-|Rubrication Note|Free text to transcribe the note.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Date of Rubrication|Insert the year in the form 1234.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Manuscript Notes|Free text to describe the notes.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Frequency|Controlled language. Please choose.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Type|Controlled language. Tick as many as needed.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Add a note on stamps|Free text to describe a stamp.|[[::help:incunabula:394|Full Description]]| +
-|Add a note on historic shelfmark|Click on Patterns of Hist. Shelfmarks to select a number corresponding to the pattern of the described stamp. Please notify the Editor of new patterns that need adding to the controlled list.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Hist. Shelfmark - Note| Free text to describe the hist. shelfmark.|[[::help:incunabula:395|Full Description]]| +
-|Price|Insert numbers here such as 345 or 6.6.0.|[[::help:incunabula:393|Full Description]]| +
-|Currency| Specify currency here such as French Francs, this will soon become a controlled list of currencies, like for the patterns of hist. shelfmarks.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
-|Note on price|Free text to comment on the price.|[[::help:incunabula:001|Full Description]]| +
- +
- +
 help/incunabula/main.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/16 19:08 by hart



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