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Patterns of Historic Shelfmarks

Id Sample Pattern Remark Used in Provenance MEI Record Id
1MM1[Capital Roman letter][capital Roman letter][Arabic number] Padova, Seminario Copy Id. 02000349
prima del 1912Padova, Biblioteca Universitaria Copy Id. 02004473
220.2.C.15[Arabic number].[Arabic number].[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number]a matita sul risguardo anterioreRoma, BNC Copy Id. 02000597
3Sal. 1a Est. 10o Cax. 4o [Sala] [Arabic number] [Estante] [Arabic number] [Caxon] [Arabic number] Madrid, Real Biblioteca Copy Id. 02001269
43 Ch, 3.Ci [Arabic numeral] [Capital letter][Small letter], [Arabic number].[Capital letter][Small letter] Padova, Bibl. Universitaria Copy Id. 02000351
5Banco C+G+D++ [Banco] [Capital letter]+[Capital letter]+[Capital letter]++ Padova, Bibl. Universitaria Copy Id. 02000351
6D4 [Capital letter][Arabic number] Padova, Bibl. Universitaria Copy Id. 02000350
7IV.12.F.10[Roman number].[Arabic number].[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number]a matitaRoma, BNC Copy Id. 02001312
8IV.15.a[Roman number].[Arabic number].[Lower-case letter]a penna Roma, BNC Biblioteca del Collegio Romano Copy Id. 02001335
9AA III 21[Capital letter].[Roman number].[Arabic number]a penna Roma, BNC Biblioteca del Collegio di San Pantaleo Copy Id. 02001434
A VII 19 in light brown ink, crossed out, 16th-century, right-hand lower marginLondon, BLRoma, S. Silvestro al Quirinale?Copy Id. 02011671
10C.2 S.F O.7 N.19[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number].[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number].[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number].[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number]a pennaRoma, BNC Biblioteca del Collegio di San Bonaventura ai XII ApostoliCopy Id. 02001810
1157.6.17[Arabic number].[Arabic number].[Arabic number]a pennaRoma, BNC Copy Id. 02001817
12T.6[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number]a pennaRoma, BNC Biblioteca di Luigi Valenti GonzagaCopy Id. 02001721
sec. XX, c.[1]rPistoia, Archivio Capitolare Copy Id. 02005288
13IV.n.6.t.2[Roman number].[Lower-case letter].[Arabic number].[Lower-case letter].[Arabic number]a pennelloRoma, BNCBiblioteca del Convento di Santa Maria sopra MinervaCopy Id. 02002122
14AA II 7[Capital letter].[Roman number].[Arabic number]a matita Roma, BNC Biblioteca del Convento di San Francesco a RipaCopy Id. 02002778
1515/3/25[Arabic number]/[Arabic number]/[Arabic number] in vertical arrangementbrown inkVenezia Biblioteca del Museo CorrerTeodoro CorrerCopy Id. 02003819
16391[Arabic number]brown ink on the coversVenezia Biblioteca del Museo CorrerMonastero di San Mattia, Biblioteca Murano?Copy Id.02003819
cartellino sul dorso, sec. XVIII Pistoia, Archivio Capitolare Copy Id. 02005288
17a 2[lower-case letter][arabic number]a penna sul verso del foglio di guardiaPerugia, Università degli Studi Copy Id.02003813
18B-73[Capital letter]-[Arabic numeral]a pluma en el extremo superior izquierdo del plano anteriorBarcelona UB, ReservaBarcelona UB c.1850 Copy Id. 02003988
19A-7-342[Capital letter]-[arabic number]-[arabic number]targhetta manoscritta sul dorsoMilano, Carmelitani scalziCarmelitani scalzi di Concesa di Trezzo d'Adda (Milano)Copy Id. 02003515
etichetta con segnatura S-3-28 della Bibl. di Cultura Francescana della Prov. Lombarda sulla controguardia anterioreMilano, Chiesa di Sant'Angelo (OFM) Milano, Chiesa di Sant'Angelo (OFM)Copy Id. 02007165
20E-II 8[stamped capital letter]-[stamped Roman number] [arabic number in pencil]Milano, Carmelitani scalziCarmelitani scalzi di Concesa di Trezzo d'Adda (Milano)Copy Id. 02003515
21CC-5o-128[double capital letter]-[Arabic ordinal number]-[Arabic number][in pencil on the title-page]Milano, Carmelitani scalziBiblioteca dei Carmelitani Scalzi di LombardiaCopy Id. 02003516
22B. 7 n. 3[Capital letter]. [Arabic numeral] n. [Arabic numeral]manuscript on c. a2rFirenze, Biblioteca Provinciale dei Frati MinoriLucca, San Cerbone OFMCopy Id. 02005628
23G V 26[Printed capital letter] [Printed capital letter] [manuscript Arabic numeral]targhetta sul dorsoMonza, Biblioteca Carrobiolo idemCopy Id. 02005317
24L.VII.17[Capital letter].[Roman numeral].[Arabic numeral]in manuscript, brown inkLondon, BLPiacenza, CappucciniCopy Id. 02006113
25N III. [left blank for number][Capital letter][Roman number].[left blank for number]Rectangular printed blue/grey labelLondon, BLPiacenza, CappucciniCopy Id. 02006113
26Z III 16[Capital letter] [Roman numeral] [Arabic numeral]Printed octagonal paper label with foliate decorationLondon, BLUnidentified 18/19 sec. Italian?Copy Id. 02006113
27V-3-D-7[Capital letter]-[Arabic numeral]-[Capital letter]-[Arabic numeral]in manuscriptLodi, SeminarioUnidentified Italian, 20th c.?Copy Id. 02005758
28Y-VI-11[Capital letter]-[Roman numeral]-[Arabic numeral]segnatura in inchiostro nero sulla carta *1v accanto alla tabula. La segnatura, preceduta da una croce e dalla scritta 'Frati Minori Rezzato', è disposta anch'essa verticalmente su tre livelli separati da barreMilano, Chiesa di Sant'Angelo (OFM)Milano, Chiesa di Sant'Angelo (OFM) Copy Id. 02007165
29H VIII[Capital letter].[Roman number].a penna Monza, Biblioteca Capitolare del Duomo Monza, Biblioteca Capitolare dei Duomo Copy Id. 02005804
30B 9 [Capital letter] [Arabic number] a penna nel bianco di testa della prima carta del libro Pisa, Biblioteca del convento di San Torpé Copy Id. 02007342
31C N VIII[Capital Roman letter][Capital Roman letter][Roman number] a penna sul dorso del volume, la prima lettera in testa al dorso, seguita da autore e titolo dell'opera, e quindi dagli ultimi due elementiPisa, Biblioteca del convento di San Torpé Copy Id. 02007342
32Inc Typ No 74Inc Typ No [Arabic number]in black ink on a front leaf; may have full stops after “Inc” or “Typ” (often faint); “No” (sometimes “Nro”) with the “o” (or “ro”) superscript with two lines under it; written by Johann Baptist Bernhard between ca. 1810 and ca. 1820; may be accompanied by the word “Duplum” on the same or an adjacent leafHoughton Library, Harvard University Königliche Hof- und Staatsbibliothek, München (later Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)Copy Id. 02005013
33N 199[Capital letter][Arabic number]in black or red ink, written large, at the foot of the spine of the bindingHoughton Library, Harvard University Reichskartause Buxheim Copy Id. 02007912
In black on the margins (upper and lower) of the first printed leafAngers, Augustinians Convent LibraryLondon, British LibraryCopy Id. 00201140
34XVI/647[Manuscript capital letter] [manuscript Arabic numeral]a matita Monza, Biblioteca Carrobiolo Milano, Biblioteca dell'Istituto ZaccariaCopy Id. 02005321
35 FM II 491[Manuscript capital letter] [manuscript roman numeral] [manuscript Arabic numeral]in pennarello rosso all'interno di etichetta prestampata con nome della biblioteca: Biblioteca Istituto Zaccaria Milano Monza, Biblioteca Carrobiolo Milano, Biblioteca dell'Istituto ZaccariaCopy Id. 02005201
36A 10 [manuscript capital letter][manuscipt arabic number] a matita nella parte alta esterna del frontespizio Gorla Minore, Biblioteca 'Lina Airoldi' del Collegio Rotondi Gorla Minore, Biblioteca 'Lina Airoldi' del Collegio Rotondi Copy Id. 02007500
37C IX 29 [manuscript capital letter][manuscript roman numeral] [manuscript arabic number] a matita rossa e blu Gorla Minore, Biblioteca 'Lina Airoldi' del Collegio Rotondi Gorla Minore, Biblioteca 'Lina Airoldi' del Collegio Rotondi Copy Id. 02007500
38K.4.31[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number].[Arabic number] Barcelona, Convent de Sant Agustí (OSA) Copy Id. 02008654
39Inc 14 34Inc [Arabic numeral, in manuscript] [Arabic numeral, in print]Al contropiatto anteriore, manoscritto in inchiostro marrone dentro un timbro; oppure, sul verso della carta di guardia anteriore e sul dorso; oppure su etichetta bordata di viola, in parte manoscritto in parte stampatoAlessandria, Biblioteca Storica del Seminario VescovileIdemCopy Id. 02009700
402. G. 9.[Arabic number]. [Capital letter]. [Arabic number].in brown inkLambeth Palace LibraryBooks returning from CambridgeCopy Id. 02010048
41C 4 7[Capital letter] [Arabic number] [Arabic number] Firenze, Biblioteca Moreniana Copy Id. 02008919
42 X L 18 [Roman number][Capital letter] [Arabic number]in black inkLambeth Palace LibraryBooks returning from CambridgeCopy Id.02010070
43I. l. 36. [Capital Roman letter]. [Greek letter]. [Arabic number].in black ink Lambeth Palace Library Books in Cambridge between 1648/9 and 1664Copy Id.02010038
44no. 743 [no]. [Arabic number]in black ink Lambeth Palace Library Books of the Royal Library of Henry VIIICopy Id.02010079
4549 C 12[Arabic number] [Capital letter] [Arabic number]etichetta prestampata col nome della biblioteca che corre su tre lati, i primi due elementi a stampa il terzo manoscrittoMonza, Biblioteca CivicaMonza, Biblioteca ComunaleCopy Id. 02005160
4664 C 23[Arabic number] [Capital letter] [Arabic number]manoscritto al dorso del volume in inchiostro neroMonza, Biblioteca CivicaGaetano ZucchiCopy Id. 02005151
47C:27.1.[Capital Roman letter]:[Arabic number].[Arabic number].brown ink on titlepageOxford, Lincoln College Copy Id.02010357
48179 14[Arabic number] [Arabic number] Firenze, Biblioteca Moreniana Copy Id. 02010291
49Ξ. γ. 10[Greek capital letter]. [Greek lower case letter]. [Arabic number] Dark brown ink on the upper corner of the back flyleaf London, The British Library Found in a volume that belonged to C.M. Cracherode (1730-1799) Copy Id. 02010839
502.D.f[Arabic number][Capital letter][Lower case letter] Brown ink on the upper corner of the first printed page London, The British Library This pressmark reflects the first and second placing system of the BM Library in the Montagu House (number = room, capital Letter = press in the room, lower case letter = shelf in the press; in room 2 there was the library bequeathed by C.M. Cracherode (1730-99) Copy Id. 02010839
51673.i[Arabic number][Lower case letter] Pencil on the verso of the front flyleaf London, The British Library Copy Id. 02010839
52C.19.d.12[Capital letter].[Arabic number].[Lower case letter].[Arabic number] Pencil on the verso of the front flyleaf London, The British Library This shelfmark was applied by A. Panizzi to books picked out from the Old Library and put in closed casesCopy Id. 02010839
53CXCVII.3[Roman number].[Arabic number] Brown ink on the verso of the front pastedownVenice, Marciana National Library The shelfmark was presumably applied during the stay of the library at Palazzo Ducale (1812-1904) Copy id. 02010920
54A a 7 [Roman capital letter] [Lower case letter] [Arabic number] Pencil London, Lambeth Palace Library Found in a book that belonged to Michael Tomkinson (1841-1921) Copy id. 02010062
55Misc. Var. T. 23[Shortened word].[Shortened word].[Tome].[Arabic number] Brown ink Venice, Marciana National Library Apostolo Zeno's (1668-1750) shelfmark for his miscellanies, cfr. Catalogo autografo della biblioteca Zeno, BNM, Mss.It.XI 288-293(=7273-7278) Copy id. 02010975
56f a/2[Lower case letter].[Lower case letter].[Arabic number].[Fraction]Black inkOxford, Taylor Istitution LibraryFound in a book which was part of the Libri CollectionCopy id. 02010970
5717 B/BK/[Arabic number].[Capital letter].[Capital letters]PencilOxford, Taylor Institution LibraryFound in a book which was part of the Libri CollectionCopy id. 02010970
58X L XIII[Roman number] [Roman capital letter] [Roman number]in black inkLondon, Lambeth Palace LibraryBooks returning from CambridgeCopy Id. 02010562
59Q XXX[Roman capital letter] [Roman number]on a label mounted on the front cover; the roman number is in characters less than half the height of the letterHoughton Library, Harvard UniversityErfurter PetersklosterCopy Id. 02009905
60 E 305[Roman capital letter] [Arabic number] brown ink, manuscript on the top of the book spine Venice, Marciana National Library shelfmark from Girolamo Contarini's (1770-1843) library Copy Id. 02011238
brown ink, manuscript on the top of the book spine Venice, Biblioteca del Museo Correr, Fondo Bernardi Monselice, Biblioteca del Convento di San Giacomo Copy Id. 02012467
brown ink, manuscript on the top of the book spine Venice, Marciana National Library Convento di San Michele di Murano, Venice Copy Id. 02012509
61 V.5.10.[Roman number]. [ Arabic number]. [Arabic number] in black inkLondon, Lambeth Palace LibraryShelfmark found in a 17th c. catalogue of Lambeth Palace Library printed booksCopy Id.02010694
621170.f.22[Arabic number].[Lower case letter].[Arabic number]in pencilLondon, The British Library Copy Id. 02011687
63In f. n. 94[Book format] n. [Progressive Arabic number] Brown ink on the spineVenice, Marciana National Library Venice, Convento domenicano dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo, cf. J. Morelli, 'Nota dei più rari libri stampati della libreria si Ss. Giovanni e Paolo [1789], in BNM, Cod. Marc. Ris. 93, fasc. I, pp. 19-22 e fasc. II Copy id. 02011852
64 M.VII.2893 [Capital letter].[Roman numeral].[Arabic numeral] Venice, Marciana National Library Venice, Girolamo Ascanio Molin bequest, cf. Fondi Antichi registers, nr 41209 Copy id. 02000119
65Kf13[Roman capital letter][Roman lowercase letter][Arabic number]Red ink, in the upper right corner of the front pastedown; or, if not possible (e.g. because of marbled paper or doublures), on the first free endpaperDepartment of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library / Grenville Kane Collection Pembroke library (Thomas Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, 1656-1733). See Seymour de Ricci, English collectors of books and manuscripts, 1530-1930, and their marks of ownership (1930 and reprinted), p. 40-41.Copy id. 02012157
66Gg 11[Roman capital letter][Roman lowercase letter] [Arabic number]Small label, printed in black, at the bottom of the spine, the letters and number on two separate lines.Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library / Grenville Kane Collection Pembroke library (Thomas Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, 1656-1733).Copy id. 02012157
67CXXVI.a.I[Roman numeral].[Lower case letter].[Arabic numeral] black ink on the upper central part of the front pastedownIowa City Univ. LibraryUnidentified Copy Id. 02011775
68Y:3 12[Roman capital letter]:[Arabic number] [new line, Arabic number] Brown ink Venice, Marciana National Library Convento dei Cappuccini (Giudecca, Venezia) Copy id. 02012496
69XXVII.A.4[Roman number].[Capital letter].[Arabic number]Dark brown ink on the front flyleafLondon, The British LibraryFound in a book once owned by Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode (1730-99)Copy id. 02011666
70Gal 10 HH bGal[ery] [arabic number] [capital letter][lower case letter]In pencil on the title-pageLondon, BLFound in book previouly owned by Charles Burney (1757-1817)Copy id. 02011614
71ff a 14[double lower case letter][lower case letter][arabic number]In pencil on the recto of the front flyleafLondon, BLFound in a book bound possibly in Italy in the 16th centuryCopy id. 02011444
728C3[Arabic number][Capital letter][Arabic number]In pencil on the verso of a flyleafLondon, BLKing George III Library (possibly arrangement in Kensington Palace)Copy id. 02012667
73E.III.2.15[Roman capital letter].[Roman number].[Arabic number].[Arabic number]In brown ink on the top right corner of the recto of a flyleafLondon, Wellcome LibraryPossibly belonging to a library of the Venetian area (a ms note refers to another copy of the incunabulum held in the Camaldolesian library in Murano)Copy id. 02012707
74J.10.9.27[Roman capital letter].[Arabic number].[Arabic number].[Arabic number]In brown ink on the top of the front pastedownLondon, Wellcome LibraryFrom an Italian area (next to the shelfmark an Italian ms note by the same hand, 19th c.)Copy id. 02012707
75R.b.8[Roman capital letter].[Roman lowercase letter].[Arabic number]In brown ink on the top of the titlepage London, Wellcome LibraryShelmark written next to the stamp of the Medical Society of LondonCopy id. 02012842
76C.C.d.12[Roman capital letter].[Roman capital letter].[Roman lowercase letter].[Arabic number]In brown ink on the front pastedown (18th-19th century)London, Wellcome LibraryCopy previously belonging to the Library of the London Medical SocietyCopy id. 02012842
77VI.R.c.22[Roman number].[Roman capital letter].[Roman lowercase letter].[Arabic number]In ink in oval cartouche of armorial bookplatePrinceton University, Scheide LibraryAugustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843)Copy id. 02012912
78RBR 185.19 BURRBR [Arabic number].[Arabic number] BURon the recto of second front endpaper, in pencilOxford, St Hilda's College former shelfmark of the CollegeCopy id. 02013128
79A 31.3.3[Roman capital or lower letter] [new line: Arabic number].[Arabic number].[Arabic number]Brown ink on the top spine Venice, Marciana National Libraryshelfmark of the Somascans' Library from the Convento di Santa Maria della Salute (Venice)Copy id. 02013353
80Q * 6[Roman capital letter] [asterisk] [Arabic number]Historical catalogue, BNM, Ms. It. X, 271(6904)Venice, Marciana National LibraryConvento di San Francesco della Vigna (Venice)Copy id. 02013444
81F*: 3: 36[Roman capital letter] [asterisk] [Arabic number] [Arabic number]Brown ink on the middle of the front pastedownVenice, Marciana National LibraryConvento dei carmelitani scalzi di Santa Maria di Nazareth (Venice)Copy id. 02013490
82G di sop: Sc: IV[Roman capital letter with position expressed] [new line: (shelfmark) Roman number] Light brown ink on the top of a front flyleafVenice, Marciana National LibraryFrom an antiquarian booksellerCopy id. 02013498
83B Scanzia VI Numero 19[Roman capital letter] [new line: (shelfmark) Roman number] [new line: (number) Arabic number]Brown ink in the middle of a front flyleafVenice, Marciana National LibraryFrom an antiquarian booksellerCopy id. 00200347
84n° 1070[Abbreviation for number] [Arabic number]Light brown ink on the first and on the last leaf, within the inscriptionVenice, Marciana National LibraryVenezia, Benedettini, Monastero di S. Giorgio MaggioreCopy id. 00200283
Dark brown ink on the first leaf, near the inscriptionVenice, Marciana National LibraryReggio Emilia, SS. Petrus et Prosperus, OSBCopy id. 00200913
Dark brown ink on the first leaf, following the inscriptionVenice, Marciana National LibraryBologna, Canonici Regolari Lateranensi, Monastero di San SalvatoreCopy id. 00200557
85 'ZZ.5 φ.2' [Double Roman letter].[Arabic number][Greek letter].[Arabic number] Light brown ink on a front flyleafVenice, Marciana National Library The shelfmark was applied to the copy before the stay of the library at Palazzo Ducale (1812-1904) Copy id. 00202385
86CCVIII.5[Roman number].[Arabic number] Dark brown ink on the lower part of the front pastedownTreviso, Biblioteca CapitolareCould it be a previous shelfmark of the same Library?Copy id. 00200499
87Rac. Cic. Inc. 29[Collection Cicogna Incunable; sometimes just Incunable] [Arabic number]Brown ink on the front pastedownVenezia, Biblioteca del Museo Corrershelfmark assigned and written by Emmanuele Antonio CicognaCopy Id.00200451
88B. 2[Capital Roman letter].[Arabic number] Brown ink on the first leaf of textVenice, Marciana National Library Conegliano (Treviso), Conventual Franciscans, S. Maria Gratiarum, OFM Conv.Copy id. 00200849
89S.a T 1[Room or Shelf] [Roman capital letter] [Arabic number] Brown ink on the front pastedownVenice, Marciana National Library The shelfmark was applied to the copy in the 19. century, during the stay of the library at Palazzo Ducale (1812-1904) Copy id. 00200949
90Inc.5.a.222Inc [Arabic number] [Lower-case letter] [Arabic number]Al contropiatto anteriore, manoscritto in grafite; oppure, sul recto della prima carta di testoMonaco, Bibliotheca Regia MonacensisVenezia, Biblioteca del Museo CorrerCopy Id. 00201249
91C4:63[Capital letter][Arabic number]:[Arabic number]Dark ink, on the verso of the flyleaf, upper left-hand side cornerLondon, BL Sunderland LibraryCopy Id. 00202387
92E 5[Capital letter] [Arabic number]In pencil on front pastedown or front free endleaf versoPrinceton University, Scheide LibraryRobert Stayner Holford (1808-1892)Copy id. 02012912
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