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Transcribing Medieval Manuscripts and Archival Material @resources:links_to_other_resources
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==== Transcribing Medieval Manuscripts and Archival Material ==== //Kathleen Walker-Meikle// for the CENDARI ... alaeography, codicology, digitisation of medieval manuscripts, and medieval book history. Similarly, if the dig... ibrary]] (also see site for a lexicon and annoted manuscripts for training) * [[http://www.medievalhistories.... rse/course/ms-intro.htm|Medieval and Early Modern manuscripts]] (University of Alberta) * The National Archiv
News 2007 @news
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Records accessed through the CERL Portal are for manuscripts from the following curatorial areas at the Beinec... ricana, German Literature, Early modern books and manuscripts (1600-1800) and Modern books and manuscripts (1800-present). The library's collection of medieval and renaissance manuscripts is currently accessed through the University's Fi
Catalogues of manuscripts from individual collections (by country) @resources:cerl_portal
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====== Catalogues of manuscripts from individual collections (by country) ====== ===== AUSTRIA ===== ^OESTE... BANK; scanned images of catalogues with Mediaeval manuscripts, linked to digital images of samples of script an... 01 with adding and integrating UNIMARC records of manuscripts to its general catalogue. About 800 records exist at present of medieval manuscripts, selecting those microfilmed and photographed by
Manuscript Librarians Working Group - Dates @collaboration:manuscriptexperts
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lanned [[https://www.cerl.org/resources/cerl_and_manuscripts|overview]] of electronic resources, and discussed... == Sixth conference == **Digital and Traditional Manuscripts: Challenges of a Great Migration**\\ Royal Libra... |Conference programme]]\\ Read the [[http://liber-manuscripts.kb.nl/sites/liber-manuscripts/files/Promoting_access_to_manuscript_content_Bericht.doc|conference report]] by
Catalogues of manuscripts belonging to more than one collection (by country) @resources:cerl_portal
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====== Catalogues of manuscripts belonging to more than one collection (by country) ====== ===== AUSTRIA ==... ription|Scanned images of catalogues of mediaeval manuscripts and fragments from the period of 9th to the 16th ... inventory and access to all medieval illuminated manuscripts in public and semi-public collections in Flanders... e illumination during the 15th century: corpus of manuscripts; 3. Research to inventory the Southern Netherland
Manuscripts Librarians Working Group @collaboration:manuscriptexperts
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====== Manuscripts Librarians Working Group ====== ===== History ===== In September 2000, manuscript librarian... ians community and those researchers working with manuscripts in their scholarly carreers. The WG members compi... nsformed into an [[https://www.cerl.org/resources/manuscripts_and_archives|overview]] of manuscripts catalogues and electronic resources for the study of manuscripts availa
Bibliographical data @resources:links_to_other_resources
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graphical data#Digitising Early Printed Books and Manuscripts| - Digitising Early Printed Books and Manuscripts]]\\ [[:resources:links_to_other_resources:bibliographical da... ica]]\\ [[https://www.cerl.org/resources/cerl_and_manuscripts|- Manuscripts - Online resources]]\\ [[:resources:links_to_other_resources:bibliographical data#Microforms| -
Manuscripts @resources:provenance
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====== Manuscripts ====== [[http://www.manuscripts.org.uk/provenance/|Marks in manuscripts]] > This page, created by Peter Kidd, provides access to images of t... of some important book dealers and collectors of manuscripts, and is intended as an aid to identifying the pro
Online provenance resources @resources:provenance
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s prepared online lists of former owners of their manuscripts and early printed books: [[http://www.ubs.sbg.ac.... d database of its blind-stamped bindings found on manuscripts and printed books from the 12th to the 18th centu... Germany, was one of the largest of its kind. The manuscripts now reside in over fifty libraries across Europe ... some 1,000 arms of owners and dedicatees found in manuscripts and incunabula in the Casanatense library. The da
Catalogues of manuscripts covering specific subjects (by subject) @resources:cerl_portal
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====== Catalogues of manuscripts covering specific subjects (by subject) ====== ===== LITERARY MANUSCRIPTS ===== ^PALME - REPERTOIRE DES MANUSCRITS LITTERA... onal project with the aim to include all literary manuscripts, as well as personal papers and correspondence of... rd.cohen@culture.gouv.fr]]| ---- ===== MEDICAL MANUSCRIPTS ===== ^BIBLIOTHEHQUE INTERUNIVERSITAIRE DE MEDEC
CERL Grant 2015 @collaboration:internship
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tronic version of the card indexes of Renaissance manuscripts, scribes and illuminators, prepared by Prof Albin... roject focused on the card indexes of Renaissance manuscripts, scribes and illuminators, in order to make them ... Rare Collections and Tolkien Curator of Medieval Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library in Oxford), followed by D... ination, sometimes with cross-references to other manuscripts. The description of coats of arms (if present) we
Online Manuscripts Databases and Projects @resources
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====== Online Manuscripts Databases and Projects ====== While the exploration of the technology for cross-file... ion of the technology for cross-file searching of manuscripts databases, CERL has compiled a list of Web-based databases and projects involving manuscripts. Awareness of the many projects that are under de... - [[:resources:cerl_portal:morecoll|Catalogues of manuscripts belonging to more than one collection]] - [[:re
Web Resources for manuscripts and archives @resources
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====== Web Resources for manuscripts and archives ====== The CERL Portal closed in the Spring of 2020. However... www.cerl.org/collaboration/manuscriptexperts/main|Manuscripts Librarians Working Group]] and the wider community to explore how we can best support manuscripts librarians and library users working with manuscripts and private archives. There are numerous online resourc
CERL Internship and Placement Grant @collaboration
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brary and Dublin DIAS to Catalogue pre-1600 Irish manuscripts. 2. To catalogue incunabula at the **Huntington ... the Universitat de València working on Aragonese manuscripts, an Erasmus at the Univ. Complutense of Madrid. ... **, to Isabel Hernandez Gomez de Caso, curator of manuscripts and incunabula, National Library of Spain, Madrid... ibliographer and researcher at the Rare Books and Manuscripts collection, National Library of Latvia, Riga. We
Catalogues of secondary literature about manuscripts @resources:cerl_portal
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====== Catalogues of secondary literature about manuscripts ====== ^BIBLIOTHECA NEERLANDICA MANUSCRIPTA ^^ ^De... atabase giving access to c. 8,600 descriptions of manuscripts from the medieval Low Countries. See the HUMBUL c... e existing documentation system on Dutch Medieval manuscripts.| ^Length of project|Update of software launched ... scription|Bibliography of secondary literature on manuscripts written in the Latin alphabet and held by Italian
Reference Works used in ISTC @help:istc:editing
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CERL Seminar 2023 @services:seminars
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Abstracts and biographical notes @services:seminars
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News 2006 @news
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CERL Strategic Plan, 2020-2023 @about
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CERL Resources @resources
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CERL Seminar 2017 @services:seminars
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AGM Papers 2005 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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Book Binding Working Group @collaboration:work:binding
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News 2010 @news
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Public access to the HPB @resources:hpb
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Europeana Libraries @collaboration:projects
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National Backgrounds @collaboration:manuscriptexperts
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Leaflets @publications
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Biblioteca Palatina @resources:links_to_other_resources
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Citations about CERL @about
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CERL Seminar 2022 @services:seminars
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Previous CERL Annual Seminars @services:seminars
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Publications @resources:provenance
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Conferences, Seminars & Workshops @services:seminars
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Presentations @services:seminars
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CERL Seminar 2016 @services:seminars
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News 2013 @news
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AGM Papers 2004 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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Séminaire général annuel du CERL @services:seminars
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AGM Papers 2016 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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Tallinn Seminar @services:seminars
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sidebar @resources
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News 2008 @news
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Lambeth Palace Library, London @resources:hpb:content
2 Hits, Last modified:
AGM Papers 2019 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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AGM Papers 2017 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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CERL Portal Working Group @collaboration:work:portal
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CERL Papers IX @publications:cerl_papers
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MEI Training and Dissemination @resources:mei:about
1 Hits, Last modified:
CERL Junior Fellows @services:seminars
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AGM Papers 2018 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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AGM Papers 2020 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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AGM Papers 2010 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
1 Hits, Last modified:
AGM Papers 2011 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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AGM Papers 2009 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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AGM Papers 2003 @intern:meetings:agmpapers
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CERL Annual Seminar 2019 @services:seminars
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Libraries in MEI: 417 @resources:mei:about
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Wroclaw University Library @resources:hpb:content
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Dubrovnik May 2007 @services:seminars
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News 2005 @news
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CERL Grant 2016/17 @collaboration:internship
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cerl_and_manuscripts @resources
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Publications about CERL @publications
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Publications @publications
1 Hits, Last modified:
News 2014 @news
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News 2009 @news
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News 2003 @news
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Special arrangements for membership @membership
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Benefits of Membership @membership
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Databases Hosted at CERL @hosting
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Working Groups @collaboration
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CERL's Collaboration Network @collaboration
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About CERL @about
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CERL’s Aims @about
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Job Advertisement - PROJECT OFFICER
1 Hits, Last modified:
Incunables @resources:provenance
1 Hits, Last modified:
Digitisation projects @resources:cerl_portal
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Can you help? @resources:provenance
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Bibliotheca Parchensis @resources:provenance
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Files in the CERL Thesaurus @resources:cerl_thesaurus
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Other relevant projects @resources:cerl_portal
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CERL Portal closed down @resources:cerl_portal
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The cataloguing of manuscripts @resources:cerl_portal
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sidebar @collaboration:manuscriptexperts
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Archival projects @resources:cerl_portal
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CERL Papers @publications:cerl_papers
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Patterns of Historic Shelfmarks @help:incunabula
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Conference report @collaboration:projects
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