====== Manuscripts ======
[[http://www.manuscripts.org.uk/provenance/|Marks in manuscripts]]
> This page, created by Peter Kidd, provides access to images of t... of some important book dealers and collectors of manuscripts, and is intended as an aid to identifying the pro
s prepared online lists of former owners of their manuscripts and early printed books: [[http://www.ubs.sbg.ac.... d database of its blind-stamped bindings found on manuscripts and printed books from the 12th to the 18th centu... Germany, was one of the largest of its kind. The manuscripts now reside in over fifty libraries across Europe ... some 1,000 arms of owners and dedicatees found in manuscripts and incunabula in the Casanatense library. The da
psaliensis//, 41 (2007).\\ Vol. 1, Introduction ; Manuscripts ; Incunabula (ISBN 978-91-554-6367-0)\\ Vol. 2, T... by the Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (ACRL/ALA) Chicago: Association of Colleg