onsisted of some 900, often lavishly illuminated, manuscripts, of which a third is now preserved at KBR (Royal ... us implies that a priori temporary exhibitions of manuscripts, books and prints, should be integrated into a pe... been working as a scientific collaborator in the Manuscripts Department of KBR (Royal Library of Belgium). Sin... in motion : around 150 masterpieces – rare books, manuscripts and works on paper – are displayed chronologicall
became Keeper of Special Collections and Western Manuscripts, followed by Associate Director, and latterly (fr... y, he has been head curator of the Rare Books and Manuscripts department of the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève i... kett’s Library (with Mark Nixon, 2013) and Modern Manuscripts: The Extended Mind and Creative Undoing (2014).\\... h century to survive in unusual completeness. His manuscripts and the largest part of his printed books are pre
tatement our focus is on early printed books and manuscripts, and supporting researchers in their study of the... ing side by side, with little crossover. Medieval manuscripts, early printed books, artist’s books, rare bindin... n interactive exhibition archeological artefacts, manuscripts, early prints and different sorts of other object... nded university departments whereas the books and manuscripts together with Asch’s letters to the library direc
opriate strategy in order to preserve the digital manuscripts and all other kinds of documents related to the a... t” now also be in charge of managing the “digital manuscripts”, or should a new service be formed specifically ... the catalogues the same for analogue and digital manuscripts and archives? Are specific bibliographical format
the middle of 19th century (early-printed books, manuscripts). Together we develop services that increase the ... ty with Special Collections, early printed books, manuscripts, book history
* Demonstrable communication, mar
k History: Combined Methodological Approaches for Manuscripts and Printed Books"(text and images; material evid... is the integration of their collections of books, manuscripts and printed materials. {{:services:seminars:rome_
mages of provenance}}\\
Peter Kidd, [[http://www.manuscripts.org.uk/|Manuscripts.org.uk]], London\\
{{:services:seminars:peter_kidd.pdf|Price-Codes and Provenance}}\\
===== Manuscrits: innovation et coopération / Manuscripts: innovation and collaboration (Paris, 20 October ... :ccfr_cp.ppt |Updating and modernizing the French Manuscripts Union Catalogue: a collaborative project for enri
aris \\ //Manuscrits: innovation et coopération / Manuscripts: innovation and collaboration//.\\ {{ :services:s... rlds of script and print : Catalogues of European manuscripts and early printed books//.\\ Published as [[:publ
Academy: To See or Not to See: Making RIA Library Manuscripts Available on Irish Script on Screen
* **Jenny Doyle**, Library of Trinity College Dublin: Manuscripts for Medieval Studies: A Virtual Trinity Library C
rlds of script and print : catalogues of European manuscripts and early printed books**
The Seminar is a publi... ue**
**10 h. - 12 h. 30 : séance du matin : Of manuscripts and their catalogues**
> //présidence de la séa
ferts\\ 4. CERL Services III: the CERL Portal for Manuscripts and Early Printed Material\\ \\ David Shaw\\ 5. C... onia//
14.30–15.00 Mrs. Malle Ermel (Head of the Manuscripts and Rare Books Department, University of Tartu Li