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Categories of Membership

CERL has several categories of membership and also provisions for participation by non-members and commercial customers.

Single members

Each Single member
- Is invited to participate in annual meetings and has one vote in Consortium decisions put to the meeting.
- Is eligible for representation on the Board of Directors and on the Consortium’s committees.
- Can nominate members of staff to participate in CERL Working Groups. - Can nominate up to 15 smaller libraries as Cluster Libraries.
- Can nominate one designated member of staff to join the Security Network mailing list.
- Data contributions to the CERL databases have priority and data will be processed at no further costs.
- Can enter into a data hosting agreement with CERL (hosting at cost).
- Can contribute to the Newsletter, or ask for information to be posted on the website, on conference programmes.
- Receives a substantial discount on any registration fee CERL may charge.

Cluster members

Cluster Libraries’ representation in CERL is through the Single Member,
- Cluster Libraries can nominate one designated member of staff to join the Security Network mailing list,
- Cluster Libraries can contribute data to the CERL databases.
- Cluster libraries can contribute to the Newsletter, or ask for information to be posted on the website, on conference programmes.
- Cluster libraries can enter into a data hosting agreement with CERL (hosting at cost).

Group members

Up to sixteen organisations may together form a Group.
- Each Group Member is invited to participate in annual meetings and the group as a whole has one vote in Consortium decisions put to the meeting.
- The Group as a whole may nominate one representative to sit on the Board of Directors and on the Consortium’s committees.
- Each Group Member can nominate members of staff to participate in CERL Working Groups.
- Each Group Member can nominate one designated member of staff to join the Security Network mailing list.
- Data contributions to the CERL databases have priority and data will be processed at no further costs.
- Each Group Member can enter into a data hosting agreement with CERL (hosting at cost).
- Each Group Member can contribute to the Newsletter, or ask for information to be posted on the website, on conference programmes.
- Each Group Member receives a substantial discount on any registration fee CERL may charge.

Special members

Special members are typically specialist rare-books libraries which may be too small to be Single members, and institutions not normally funded by public funding which have relevant collecitons. Special members sign the Funding Agreement and pay a reduced annual fee. Special members are accepted at the discretion of the Director’s.

Each Special Member
- Is invited to be present at annual meetings.
- May nominate members of staff to participate in CERL Working Groups.
- May nominate one designated member of staff to join the Security Network mailing list.
- May contribute data to the CERL databases, most often at no further costs.
- May enter into a data hosting agreement with CERL (data processing at cost, plus a hosting fee).
- Can contribute to the Newsletter, or ask for information to be posted on the website, on conference programmes.
- Receives a discount on any registration fee CERL may charge.

Commercial partners / non-members

- If the CERL file loading schedule allows, non-members can contribute data to the CERL databases. Costs for preparing the data will be charged.
- Can enter into a data hosting agreement with CERL (data processing at cost, plus a hosting fee).
- Can advertise in the Newsletter, on the website, on conference programmes, for a fee.
- Can attend CERL events (full registration fee will be charged).

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 membership/categories_of_membership.1530097239.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/27 13:00 by lefferts



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