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956 Remote access to external systems (O;R)

Field Definition and Scope

This field holds the essential data that are necessary to trigger a retrieval operation in an external database system. The aim is to provide further information related to the described entity, which is out of scope of the CERL Thesaurus such as sample bibliographic records or provenance information.

Application of Content Designators


Indicator 1: undefined (blank)

Indicator 2: Specifies the type of information retrieved in the external system:

  • 0 sample bibliographic record
  • 1 provenance information
  • 2 information about the described entity
  • 3 depiction
  • 8 other record for the same entity (owl:sameAs) 1)
  • 9 other 2)


$0 Type of Resource (M;NR)
A four character code indicating the type of the external dataset this field links to. Currently, the following values are supported:

Code Meaning 2nd Indicator position
bibl bibliographic record 0
prov provenance information 1
info general information 2
dpct depiction 3
same describes the same entity 8
orig source record 9

$c Rights statement (O;NR)
A statement on the copyrights, licenses etc. Particularly in regard to portraits etc. It consists of the name of the right holder, the License / Copyright status and and URL (to the page where the item and its license is described (e.g. Wikimedia Commons), each separated by two dashes, preceded and followed by a blank (). If the rights holder requests any specific text to idicate the license, use this instead of their name. If this prescribed text refers to either or both the license by its official name or acronym and the URL of a resource describing item and license, one or both of the other parts of this statement can be omitted (see below for an example)

$n System Code (M;NR)
A four character alphanumeric code identifying the target system. Currently the following codes are supported:

ABEU 'The University of Aberdeen, Provenance' 'https://www.abdn.ac.uk/special-collections/provenance/owner/{searchTerms}'
BARA Antics posseïdors (UB Barcelona) 'http://www.bib.ub.edu/cgi-bin/awecgi?db=pos&o1=query&x1=POS&k1={searchTerms}'
BARI Marques d'impressors (UB Barcelona) 'http://www.bib.ub.edu/cgi-bin/awecgi?db=imp&o1=query&x1=IMP&k1={searchTerms}'
BARP Online Catalogue (UB Barcelona) 'http://cataleg.ub.edu/search*cat/?searchscope=3&searchtype=a&searcharg={searchTerms}+(propietari+anterior)'
BASP Universitätsbibliothek Basel 'http://aleph.unibas.ch/F?func=find-c&ccl_term=WRD%3D{searchTerms}'
BASU Universitätsbibliothek Basel 'http://aleph.unibas.ch/F?func=find-c&ccl_term=ABE%3D{searchTerms}'
BERS Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin 'http://stabikat.sbb.spk-berlin.de/DB=1/LNG=EN/REL?PPN={searchTerms}&RELTYPE=TT'
BNFR Bibliothèque nationale de France '{searchTerms}'
CANK 'Canterbury Cathedral Library: Mendham Collection' 'http://opac.kent.ac.uk/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?SAB1={searchTerms}&BOOL1=all+of+these&FLD1=Author+Name+%28NKEY%29&GRP1=AND+with+next+set&SAB2=mendham&BOOL2=all+of+these&FLD2=Keyword+Anywhere+%28GKEY%29&GRP2=AND+with+next+set&SAB3=fmo&BOOL3=all+of+these&FLD3=Keyword+Anywhere+%28GKEY%29&CNT=50&HIST=1'
CERC 'Can You Help - identifying provenance names (CERL)' 'http://provenance.cerl.org/cgi-bin/canyouhelp/search.pl?type=text&query={searchTerms}'
CERE 'CERL: Early Bookowners in Britain.' 'http://data.cerl.org/ebob/_search?query=data.holdings.former_owners.ct:{searchTerms}'
CERM 'CERL: Material Evidence in Incunabula.' 'https://data.cerl.org/mei/_search?type=local&query=TRUE&query={searchTerms}'
DBIO German Biography Portal 'http://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd{searchTerms}.html?anchor=index'
DBPD DBPedia '{searchTerms}'
DENM 'Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag)' 'http://www.mmdc.nl/static/site/search/?searchMode=advanced&maximumRecords=15&recordDisplayLevel=1&startRecord=1&showMap=1&place={searchTerms}'
DNBI Deutsche Nationalbibliothek '{searchTerms}'
ECAT Enciclopèdia Catalana 'http://www.enciclopedia.cat/enciclopèdies/gran-enciclopèdia-catalana/EC-GEC-{searchTerms}.xml'
FRAH HeBIS Verbund 'https://www.cerl.org/cgi-bin/ctaux/show_hebisprov.pl?id={searchTerms}'
GEON Geonames '{searchTerms}'
GETY Getty Research Institute '{searchTerms}'
GGSO Germania Sacra Online 'http://personendatenbank.germania-sacra.de/index/gsn/{searchTerms}'
GGSP Germania Sacra Online (Index) 'https://www.cerl.org/cgi-bin/ctaux/show_germaniasacra.pl?id={searchTerms}'
GLAU University of Glasgow Library 'https://www.cerl.org/cgi-bin/ctaux/show_glasgowprov.pl?id={searchTerms}'
GOEH Staats und Univ.-Bibliothek Göttingen 'http://hans.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/hans/hans.pl?t_tunnel=idn&idn=hans:{searchTerms}'
GOES Staats und Univ.-Bibliothek Göttingen 'http://opac.sub.uni-goettingen.de/DB=1/LNG=EN/REL?PPN={searchTerms}&RELTYPE=TT'
HALF Bibliothek der Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle 'http://haweb1.bibliothek.uni-halle.de:8080/DB=5/LNG=EN/REL?PPN={searchTerms}&RELTYPE=TT'
HAMS 'Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg' 'http://lhpica2.rrz.uni-hamburg.de:8080/DB=1/LNG=EN/REL?PPN={searchTerms}&RELTYPE=TT'
HANN 'Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Bibliothek, Nds. Landesbibliothek' 'http://opc4.tib.uni-hannover.de:8080/DB=3/LNG=EN/REL?PPN={searchTerms}&RELTYPE=TT'
HANS Staats und Univ.-Bibliothek Göttingen 'http://hans.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/hans/hans.pl?t_tunnel=idn&idn=hans:{searchTerms}'
ISNI ISNI '{searchTerms}'
LINK External Resource '{searchTerms}'
LOCO Library of Congress / NACO '{searchTerms}'
LONM 'Middle Temple Library, London' 'http://www.middletemplelibrary.org.uk/uhtbin/cgisirsi/0/SIRSI/0/5?searchdata1={searchTerms}'
LYOP 'Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon: Provenances des livres anciennes' 'http://numelyo.bm-lyon.fr/f_view/{searchTerms}'
MADD Data portal of the Biblioteca Nacional de España '{searchTerms}'
MADO Online catalogue (Biblioteca Nacional de España) http://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id={searchTerms}&lang=en
MADU 'Biblioteca Complutense, Madrid' 'http://cisne.sim.ucm.es/search*spi/?searchtype=a&searcharg={searchTerms}&searchscope=1&SORT=D&SUBMIT=Buscar'
MEKB Exlibris kirchlicher Bibliotheken (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) 'http://www.bayerische-landesbibliothek-online.de/exlibris-kloster#{searchTerms}'
MINK Inkunabelkatalog der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek (BSB-Ink online) 'https://www.cerl.org/cgi-bin/ctaux/show_bsbink.pl?id={searchTerms}'
NDLI National Diet Library (Japan) '{searchTerms}'
NLSW National Library of Sweden '{searchTerms}'
NSLI National Széchényi Library (Hungary) '{searchTerms}'
PARB 'Bibliothèque nationale de France: Catalogue général' '{searchTerms}'
PRAP Provenio Knihovna Národního muzea 'http://opac.nm.cz:8080/hledani/simple/vysledek?query=(P700 OR P710 OR P600 OR P610):(fmo AND {searchTerms})'
ROMB Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma 'http://bve.opac.almavivaitalia.it/BVE/result.php?dove=breve&useq=1&nf=va&vf={searchTerms}&startp=avanzata'
ROMC Biblioteca Casanatense (Roma) 'https://www.cerl.org/cgi-bin/ctaux/show_casanatense.pl?id={searchTerms}'
ROSU Universitätsbibliothek Rostock 'http://katalog.ub.uni-rostock.de/DB=1/LNG=EN/REL?PPN={searchTerms}&RELTYPE=TT'
SALU Biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca 'http://brumario.usal.es/search*spi~S3/h?SEARCH={searchTerms}'
SANN National Library of Russia (Saint Petersburg) 'https://www.cerl.org/cgi-bin/ctaux/show_nlrus.pl?id={searchTerms}'
STCV Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek 'http://anet.ua.ac.be/record/stcv/stcvopac/{searchTerms}:1'
SUDO SUDOC (France) '{searchTerms}'
THIS No target system
TUEI Inkunabelkatalog INKA 'http://www.inka.uni-tuebingen.de/cgi-bin/inkunabel?sbibliothek=alle&form=voll&stkz=jede&sprovenienz={searchTerms}'
VIAF Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) '{searchTerms}'
VOOA arkyves.org 'http://arkyves.org/view/{searchTerms}'
WARK 'Warszawa (Poland): Biblioteka Universytecka w Warszawie – Please consult Katalog druków XV i XVI wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie / oprac. Teresa Komender. – Warszawa : Wydawn. Uniw. Warszawskiego, 1994- for books owned by the described person/corporate body.'
WDAT Wikidata '{searchTerms}'
WEIH 'Herzogin Anna Amalia-Bibliothek, Weimar' 'http://opac.ub.uni-weimar.de/DB=2/LNG=EN/REL?PPN={searchTerms}&RELTYPE=TT'
WIKI Wikipedia '{searchTerms}'
WOLH Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel 'http://opac.lbs-braunschweig.gbv.de/DB=2/LNG=EN/REL?PPN={searchTerms}&RELTYPE=TT'
WOLL 'Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel: Katalog der Wolfenbütteler Lutherdrucke' 'http://dbs.hab.de/luther/search.php?m1=provenienz&st1={searchTerms}'
WROU Uniwersytet Wrocław 'http://www.bu.uni.wroc.pl/katalog/prow.php?prow={searchTerms}'

$y Search term (M;NR)
A search term used to retrieve the wanted records in the remote system

$8 Language Code (O;R)
Must precede any subfield $z. See the description of numerical subfields.

$z Public note (O;R)
Text to be displayed as a link in the CT web front-end.

Input Conventions

The technique used to access the remote system is a JavaScript-based creation of a HTTP-Get request or an automated submitting of an HTML form (HTTP-Post). Each system code given in $n corresponds to a particular request algorithm within the CT web interface. Therefore codes other than on the List of System Query Codes must not be used without prior consultation with the Data Conversion Group.

Indicator position 2 can be left blank when this field is entered manually.


  1. 956  1$0prov$nGOES$zProvenance Information$u365984574
  2. 956  3$0dpct$nLINK$yhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/PhilippMelanchthon.jpg
           $cPublic Domain -- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PhilippMelanchthon.jpg$8eng
           $zLucas Cranach the Elder, Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon, 1543
  3. 956  3$0dpct$nLINK$yhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f6/Hannover_Skyline.jpg$8ger
           $zSkyline von Hannover$cThis Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons image is from the user Chris 73 and is 
           freely available at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hannover_Skyline.jpg under the creative 
           commons cc-by-sa 3.0 license.
  4. 956  8$0same$nWDAT$yhttp://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q55848552$8eng$zWikidata description set

Internal Representation

{"data": {"extDataset": [{
    "typeOfResource": "Type of Resource ($0)",
    "code": "System query code ($n)",
    "searchTerm": "Search Term ($y)",
    "rights": "License statement ($c)",
    "note": [{
        "text": "Public note ($z)",
        "lang": "Language code ($8)"

Change History

  • 17.07.2017: First indicator position becomes obsolete once the CT has been migrated into its new environment
  • 17.07.2017: Subfields $6 and $u will no longer be supported, once the CT has been migrated into its new environment. Any subfield $u will be mapped to $y during ingest.
  • 17.07.2017: Added new subfield $8.
  • 17.07.2017: Removed experimental subfield $0 from format description
  • 17.07.2017: Added new subfield $0 to format description.
  • 09.08.2017: Added new subfield $c
  • 23.01.2019: Added list of codes used in subfield $n.
Use only if the server returns RDF from this URI
Once the CT has been migrated into its new environment, this indicator position becomes obsolete and is kept only for backwards compatibility. Any information in subfield $0 will take precedence over the information coded here
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 resources/cerl_thesaurus/editing/format/956.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/04 13:55 by liventsova



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